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A6 - A few bugs


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Sorry to increase "stupidity" here, but should one really report any glitch one suspects to be a bug to Jeff at once?


Like I found one which, I strongly suspect, made me win one fight easily, which I otherwise might have found a bit hard…

Can't remember where, 'cause I passed it without a lot of effort. (And maybe that's good, so I can't spoil anything here… wink ) It was in some vanathai-ruin or crypt, – really awesome. My party stepped into the crypt and there were all these ghouls coming after them from the back. But they were coming one after another, almost as if cueing up for a beating, so my party just finished them off, one after the other. Later on I met the main foe in the crypt. Some stronger type with whom my party would have had a lot more trouble if the ghouls had been coming then and as a group. I defeated him as well, and didn't suspect any glitch, till – WHEN I LEFT the site - the main sign with the story-line came up, that there were some ghosts/shades/ghouls to come… who never came - quite understandibly, because I had already finished them off.


Harr, Harr! Tchedchee

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This is by no means about stupidity. If you have a question about un-/expected system behaviour, this should definitely be posted for discussion here. A bug is sth. else in that it needs to be reproducible (preferably), or at least be pinned down to a certain location or behaviour.


What Tcheedchee describes could be a bug in that you passed the trigger for a dialogue without actually triggering it. If you have more precise whereabouts and perhaps try it again to see what happens, then this should go to Jeff.

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Originally Posted By: Tcheedchee
My party stepped into the crypt and there were all these ghouls coming after them from the back. But they were coming one after another, almost as if cueing up for a beating, so my party just finished them off, one after the other.

It's actually a reality portal -- for a moment you are transported from Swords & Sorcery Avernum to B-Grade Martial Arts Movie Avernum.
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Not sure if this is a bug or feature, but control foe makes monsters behave in weird ways. If you charm a spellcaster, her summons will attack her. If you charm a previously hostile monster, it can't get charmed back by the other side - very helpful, e.g., when fighting the Aranea Queen.

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