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A6 - Ending text [THE BIGGEST SPOILER]


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I have jpegs of the ending text you get when you kill everyone Random listed above except Melanchion. I'd like to see the other ending texts too, but haven't played through those variations yet. Too bad they're hard-coded. No way to see them but play through. Someone could take pictures of other endgame variation texts though.



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Originally Posted By: Memory and Debts
—Alorael, who doesn't believe that the internet believes in closed formats anymore. This is the era of jailbreaking everything.
I don't think it ever did. Nearly two thirds of all the searches I've ever done has yielded at least one result that contains either a program or an article for hacking a file or website.
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I don't mean hacking, although the internet does that too. I mean making formats accessible. No matter what you have, someone will have at least tried to come up with some other way of opening it.


—Alorael, whose favorite is the .lit to HTML conversion for Mac. Microsoft makes things unhelpful, and the internet fixes it. It's a ritual.

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Originally Posted By: Memory and Debts
I don't mean hacking, although the internet does that too. I mean making formats accessible.
Thanks for the clarification. I also found that too, but more often the hacks.

Originally Posted By: Memory and Debts
Microsoft makes things unhelpful, and the internet fixes it. It's a ritual.
Case in point: my recent switch from IE to Firefox.
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  • 5 weeks later...
I'd like to see the other ending texts too

Well, this is almost the anti-completionist ending; I tried to make whatever decisions I thought would make for the strongest Avernum. So, scourge and loyalists dead, melanchion alive, spire mayor dead but farrar alive:

I'd be interested to see a racist ending (if it's slith, nephil, dragon, vahanati, or otherwise unhuman, squash it), but I don't think I have the stomach to actually play that game. I'll probably play a completionist game myself, if only for the pleasure of killing gladwell and the challenge of killing melanchion, but I wouldn't mind seeing those screenshots if anyone has them.

I do also wonder if anyone managed an ending which is even better for avernum, or if I succeeded in that task?
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So, I finally have all the ending text now. The main divergences are Melachion (# of enemies killed) & helping Gladwell.


Destroying Melachion and not helping Gladwell basically sets Avernum back to the way it was, but reduced in power.


Destroying Melachion and helping Gladwell has Gladwell ruling over Avernum.


Not destroying Melachion but helping to defeat all his foes and not helping Gladwell is the worst ending with Meachion ruling over all.


Not destroying Melachion but helping to defeat all his foes and helping Gladwell has Gladwell keeping Avernum free and on par with Melachion.


Not destroying Melachion but helping to defeat the minimum # of his foes and not helping Gladwell is the basic ending with Avernum on par with Melachion.


Not destroying Melachion but helping to defeat the minimum # of his foes and helping Gladwell has Gladwell ruling over Avernum and the land is chaos as it was way back in A1.


Minor variations include the Abyss v. Giants, Abyss in Melachion's domain.



Blight is incurable, Vahnatai stick around, Avernum remains.


There are other variations (much more minor) that you can read if you PM me for the text.

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Originally Posted By: Dahak
Yes, but if you do Gladwell's killing of Spire mayor, Melachion's killing of Farrar, and then kill Melachion then the giants retake the Abyss.

Huh? Not when I tried it. I killed all three of them, and Spire and Bargha still ended up setting aside their differences and bringing peace to the Abyss. Did you kill the giant chief?
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