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Author: Terror's Martyr

Difficulty: 1-5

Version: 1.0.0



Composite Score: 3.0/5.0


Best: 0.00% (0/16)

Good: 18.75% (3/16)

Average: 62.50% (10/16)

Substandard: 18.75% (3/16)

Poor: 0.00% (0/16)





Keywords: 24-Hour Scenario, Beginner, Easy, Humor, Linear, Short

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Settlers is basically the definition of average. It's a useful resource for prospective designers, proof that you too can make something substantial in 24 hours.


Again, I’m being forced to stretch this review to 100 words, and there’s so very little to say about it. It’s not groundbreaking, it’s not even TM’s typical style of weighty philosophy and pure undiluted hostility towards the player. There aren’t even any scripting tricks or rakshasi.


So I guess I’ll just repeat what I’ve said already. If you aspire to making Blades of Avernum scenarios yourself, play it. And read the file detailing the design process.


Rating: [rating]Average[/rating]

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  • 2 weeks later...

In short, Settlers is not meant to level up your characters or beef them considerably. It's meant to show you how easy it is to design a scenario (it comes with a handy DESIGN_PROCESS txt-file). Still, playing through it is certainly not a waste of time, especially since this should take no more than an hour. About 90% of this consists of two fights.


I still like all the little details in it.


Rating: [rating]AVERAGE[/rating]

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  • 11 months later...

TM has some great scenarios but I'm not a fan of this one.


Rating: [rating]Substandard[/rating]



Combat - Substandard: The combat is too difficult for the suggested level range (I used a level 4 party). It's fun the first time around, but reloading over and over is annoying.


Design - Substandard: The towns and outdoors are bland and lack much detail. I guess that's not too bad for a small scenario, but I don't like it regardless.[/b]


Story - Good: This the best aspect of the scenario. It's well-written and has a cool plot twist. It's small though, so not much to say here.


Technical/Balance - Substandard: I came in with some extra gold on hand, and there's a trainer who sells a variety of skills such as assassination at a very low price. That's useful considering how difficult the combat is, but I'm going to be far ahead in the next scenario I ender. Also, technical = meh.


Replay Value - Average: It's not too bad, but there are many more scenarios I'd choose first.



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Hm. I can't say I found the combat to be too difficult. If you're ok letting your soldiers die, and you focus on the shamans, it's much easier.


I don't know what to really say. I guess it's neat for being made in 24 hours. A new user could probably make something equally complex in about a week.


I found the design process text file a bit amusing. It was like the designer was saying, "I made this in twenty-four hours while drugged out of my mind. What's your excuse?" Although, from what I've been told, people have taken this design ethic to heart--maybe he should have made a medium-sized scenario in a week instead? ;-)


The scenario is thoroughgoingly mediocre and small. [rating]Substandard[/rating]

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  • 11 months later...

From Nioca on the CSR:


This nibble of a scenario was actually quite fun. It made me want more, anyway. There's a few things I would have added to it (like being able to retake the fort yourself), but that would have defied the point this scenario makes. Combat was very easy, but I think that has more to do with the fact that I ran through it with a level 50 party.


The text included with it describing how it was made was interesting, though it too was also short.



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From Thralni on the CSR


Short short short, but then I expected that, so I don't blame TM. The information in the text file was quite informative, though i already now I'd never be able to work according to that. I am very... unorthodox...


I found it fun, actually, and found the detail to be remarkable for something that took TM only a day or so to make. Design was nice and straightforward, but well, yeah, it's not extremely serious, me thinks.


Small, short, but enjoyable. At least you don't waist too much time.



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From The Lurker on the CSR:


Played it with a Level 1 party. It was moderately difficult.


Anyway, you are soldiers who have been told to wipe out a goblin tribe that is seen as a threat to the Empire. You start in a fort, talk to the man who's in charge, and go to a goblin village. There are two battles, and empire soldiers are here to help you. You realize shortly after that the goblins tricked you and took over the empire fort. You then leave and get demoted and insulted for failing. That's it.


If you're a wannabe designer, you may want to download this - Terror's Martyr included some interesting advice.


[rating]AVERAGE[/rating], because it could potentially be useful if you haven't had much experience with scenario making. Also because it's somewhat humorous.

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From S M Adventurer on the CSR:


Okay, so this scenario is pretty basic. I agree that it is probably very useful for beginning designers (like myself, if I ever work up the energy in order to learn Avernumscript).


It shows interesting premise, but I would have also liked the option of retaking the fort after the goblins took it over. It was still fun though, don't get me wrong.



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From Jemand on the CSR:


Very short, but that was expected. I didn't care for the plot, because it was so linear as to be annoying, and pointlessly depressing. I thought you would be able to retake the fort. The best part is the second big fight, and the worst part was the ending.



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From Nikki on the CSR:


This was made just before TENG, and is the main inspiration for it. It's IMPOSSIBLE to distinguish between the Design Process walkthrough and the scenario, since the whole point of the scenario is to be an example of a piece of work made using it.


I digged the "you lose" ending (and ripped it off, too).



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  • 10 years later...

I'm giving this a rating of good. I would have liked there to be more to it. The combat was pretty strait-forward. You get a couple good, but not overpowered weapons (You'll find better in later scenarios probably...but they're good for low-level parties)


I did like how it lets you know if you had no casualties. 



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