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Geneforge's 1 2 3 4 5

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Geneforge 2 is nostalgic. Geneforge 4 has a beautiful, novel plot. Geneforge 1 has got the most freedom and rollick. Geneforge 3 brought about many great engine changes. Geneforge 5 has the most epic feel to it.


Hard to say. I love them all, but its really a tie between Geneforge 5 and 4. How I love being a Lifecrafter.


The Great Archon

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Even though I enjoy the freedom that Geneforge 1 provides I think that there are not enough spells and creations in it. Geneforge 2 improved upon this but added more consiquences (acceptable as you can do more damege with more power). Geneforge 3 added the item enhancements and various other upgrades and got the rebelian going. Geneforge 4 has a good story element and brings about the creation of the various 5th tier creations. Finally Geneforge 5 was the final one it neatly pulled together all the various elements and tied them in a bow.


They are all better than each other in various ways. The Geneforge games are an extention to each other while, yes they a good on their own, they come together to make each other even better.

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