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Ending you liked most and why?(Possible major spoilers)[G5]

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Currently ive played Taygen, Ghaldring, Litalia, and Alwan. I am going to finish Astoria today. I personally liked Litalia the most, but Ghaldring's ending wasnt so bad if it wasnt so violent, that also goes for Taygen. He was just a lunatic....a very smart, ruthless lunatic. I didnt like Alwan much because im really not into the shapers or shaping in general, so i like to see them lose. But Ghaldring took it to a whole 'nother level.


BTW, I judge the action of the characters of the game by the peace that ensues from their action. Pretty much the end justifies the means. Not to say that Taygen's plans werent the most morally.....distasteful.

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Ghaldring. Why? I support the rebels, and I think that the Ghaldring ending is the best possible rebel ending. It makes a kind of a peace (if you could call it that) between the rebels and shapers, removes the Drakons from power, and all the creations that were once enslaved can finally be free.

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"Then know this. I am not a weak creature of peace. The Shapers have ruled Terrestia for too long. They are convinced, to the core of their beings, that this is just. Only one thing will convince them otherwise: bloodshed."


"The Shapers must be beaten down until they lose their will to fight."


"I will send you to scourge them until their spirits are broken enough that they can choose to submit."


Need I say more?


Edit: Although admittedly, I also found Taygen's ending hilarious, simply because Jeff had the cojones to give your PC the option to participate in, and successfully perpetrate, several mass genocides. The 'dark side' options in Knights of the Old Republic have nothing on Geneforge 5!

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i like alwan's ending, because...well...the rebels loose the war. however, i've noticed after reading the forums for a while, that in no ending is a party completely erradicated. also, alwan rarely looses his cool, except for if you poison his goblet [we ALL know what happens then...poor servile!] ghalding flips out so much that he wants someone killed, simply for disagreeing. with the rebels, there is no council; not even a small bit of democracy. it's like sadaam husein: the "council" only exists to tell you how great you are, nomatter if you want to blow up a city for kicks and giggles or fight galliantly.

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Creations that can reproduce are allowed to continue to live under Trakovite belief, such as Ornks. Other creations, such as Living tools or Thorns, are considered livestock and raised appropriately. Weird livestock, to be sure, but livestock nonetheless. Creations that cannot reproduce, such as Battle Alpha's, are allowed to live out their lives, but no new ones are to be made. Even creations like Gazers are allowed to live and reproduce as long as their peaceful. The Trakovites want to end the advancements of Shaping, not it's products.


The Great Archon

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