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Your first node is calling a "Move Party" node which prevent the talk strings from appearing.

I think there is a if (which_mode < 3) missing at this place in the code ... I'll check that.




Edit :

Originally Posted By: The Almighty Doer of Stuff
Another bug: Excess gold is not dropped when a special called during dialogue gives the party lots of gold. Try following the instructions in that unfinished scenario, and when you talk to Deifier, ask him about "Halibut", then "Buckwheat". Then, train Spell Points as high as they will go for all party members. Then say "Kingpin" and then "Buckwheat" again, and train again. Watch the gold counter as you do these things.

Fixed. (simply refreshed the pc_screen when training is finished)

Note that spell points/health points were not updated either.

Originally Posted By: The Almighty Doer of Stuff
Perhaps the refresh should be on the Affect Gold (and probably Food) node itself?

What, the affect Gold Node is also affected ?
Ok, we're not speaking of the same bug (!), i'll fix the Affect Gold/Food nodes.

Originally Posted By: The Almighty Doer of Stuff
Also, curses! I can't open my scenario in the Super Editor to make the god items! It asks me for a password, but I assigned it no password. CBoE has no scenario password functionality at all, as far as I'm aware. Ugh. So much wasted effort.

I'll remove the password for you if you want.

Originally Posted By: Thuryl
A scenario with no assigned password should have a password of 0. Did you try that?

If i remember correctly, the Scenario Editor doesn't ask for a password is the password is 0. smile


Edit : both nodes have been fixed.
Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel
That's true, but the version with passwords disabled may overwrite it with something random. (I'm not really sure though.)

It doesn't even need that, the password is calculated with variables such as the number of town, values of certain flags (others being decoys), and so on.

I've written, some times ago, a command line executable that would set the password of any scenario to whatever one wants. It must be somewhere on my disk, but i thought it would be useless with the "password check removed" editor smile

To ADoS : the "Move Party" node messing with talking message bug is fixed.


Whatever, I was just being dramatic. I already copied most of my progress over to a new scenario created with the Super Editor. But yes, I tried just entering zero, and it said I had the wrong password. So presumably the new editor is placing a password on scenarios created with it. Now I'm creating overpowered items for god parties.


I don't know how it will compare to Undoomvahgaz Armor, but this one maxes stats, gives all spells and alchemy, and will be freely available, rather than by request only like Zaloopa does with his scenario. Plus he seems to have disappeared, last I heard.

Originally Posted By: The Almighty Doer of Stuff
So presumably the new editor is placing a password on scenarios created with it.

Technically no, it's the old editor that checks the password with variables that are not updated in the new editor.
Having the new editor put no password (for the old editor) on opened scenarios would involve readding the useless password calculation functions,

Click to reveal.. (Example of such a function)
short str_size_1(short flag)
long k = 0;

k = (long) flag;
k = k * k;
jl = jl * 2 + 1234 + k;
jl = jl * jl + 84 + k;
k = k + scenario.scen_str_len[0] + scenario.scen_str_len[1] + scenario.scen_str_len[2];
jl = jl * 2 + 1234 + k;
k = k % 3000;
jl = jl * 54;
jl = jl * jl + 84 + k;
k = k * 4;
k = k % 5000;
k = k - 9099;

return (short) k;

which would be a waste of space (and cpu).

If someone ever need to remove a scenario password (for a given state) i'll gladly upload an executable that do such.
(and give the code away, of course)


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