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Infiltrators Charm (Spoilers)[G5]

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Thank you, Randomizer. You have been very helpful to me.


(This is unrelated to the original question, but I figure there is no need to make another topic asking for information when there is already an active on.)


I am having som trouble locating the Puresteel Blade (the one that does 25-125 damage like it says in the Warrior/Guardian guide). Does anyone know where it is?

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Those traps are hard to get through, even with cheats.

But, if you want to know the handy cheat tip that will help you here..


Click to reveal..
save right before going in, as you might be commiting suicide. Theres about a 60% success rate.


Run in, and as soon as the mines detonate, bring up the cheat menu and type in "healmenow" to heal yourself. Then, as soon as you press enter to enter in the healmenow cheat, rapidly press shift+d repeatedly to bring it up again before the dying animation finishes, and type in "exitzone" If you manage to get in both "healmenow" and "exitzone" in that order before the dying animation of you falling to the ground finishes, you're out of there without a scratch wink

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You can also just enter combat mode, run straight in, and disarm both mines before they detonate. I don't know how often this works but it worked for me on my first try, leaving me blinking stupidly in the middle of a cloud of protective buffs. There is probably a decent chance that you can disarm at least one mine.

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