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Charged Drakon (Spoilers)[G5]

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Okay, this may very well be one of the most confusing fights I have ever endured. I am in the Disposable Vault in Okavano Fen. I am haveway through the acursed place and I have stumbled across the Charged Drakon (the one that was said to be punished for angering Ghaldring.) Trry as I might, every blow that I send its way is reduced to nothing. Now, I have been in those fights before, so my first reaction is to look around to locate some sort of control or power supply, to shut off its shields.


And I relent. How do I kill thiss horrid thing?

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The controls are past the Pairbound Constructs so getting to them is even worse than the current fight. Being pursued by its summoned creations while having to deal with everything else there is even more frustrating. I suppose you could charm everything in sight to provide distractions.


I found acid was the only decent damaging attack. Keep doing that and charm the two creations it summons since it never has more than two.

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Once you destroy the spire thing, you can go back and kill the drakon. Another way is to go down, kill the large plant-like creature down neqar the bottom of the map, get the key, and then hurry upstairs. Then you can come back downstairs and klil the pair of constructs since the drakon will have stopped making creations and sending them after you.




Yay! 500 posts! I'm an infiltrator now!

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