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I'm playing a Warrior, and I'm level 38 now and frustrated. It seems like I'm constantly running around trying to find places where I don't get my arse kicked! I've seen people on here saying I should be able to take on the Unbound in the fens by level 30, and if I make judicious use of the "healmenow" cheat, I can kill one. If I try to play fair, it kicks my behind. I try to explore the wastes around Gazaki-Uss, I get my butt kicked. I encounter more than one stunning turret or plant, I don't even get more than one attack, and then they just get to beat on me until I die. And this is the NORMAL setting!


What the heck? This game has rapidly gone from fun to work. I'm not enjoying myself and don't know where to go next. Half my quests will further Shaper ends (I'm playing as a rebel-supporter), the other half I can't freakin' do. At level 38, I shouldn't be getting my butt kicked as regularly as I am.


Am I doing something wrong, or is this game just ridiculously difficult?

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Relax, your problems are perfectly normal (yes even on normal difficulty). I don't and haven't taken on unbounds until after level 45. Perhaps it's my play-style, but really, it's a good thing because the unbound are one of the few enemies that will give you experience at high 40's and 50's.


I admire your persistence not to cheat, stick with it. This may sound trite, but go somewhere else. Try new tactics. The mid-game hump (which you are definitely in) is normal and once you pass it, things will get MUCH easier (you'll be surprised). Good luck.

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For a warrior, you're gonna want a few creations with you (though its probably a little to late to really change that now) at all times. Wear heavy armor to shake off damage. Make and use artifacts. There are books scattered throughout the game that can tell you what they are and what they do. (Alternativly, you can see the list of artifact ingredient locations on the thread "Strategy Central" at the top of this page.) I personaly work well with the belt that increases my Shaping skill, and the boots that increase my AP limit. If you're working for the rebels, they its perhaps time you consider joining a faction. Astoria gives training for upper-tier creations, and Ghaldrig gives you access to Drakon/Gazar canisters, who are in my opinion, the most powerful creations.


From the looks of it, you seem like your still in the Storm Planes/Wasteland area. Consider moving down south to the Dera Reaches, to have a fresh new area to work with. And most importantly, do NOT kill the Unbound just yet. If you want to try to maximise your characters potential level, kill them around level 46-8ish. They still give experience while very few other enemies still do.


The Last Archon

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It's okay to use the Casual difficulty setting. If it makes the game more fun and less work, why not? It's your game.


Otherwise, this is a game about shaping creations. Even the classes weakest in shaping skills will usually be helped a lot by making a couple. The Warrior is supposed to be a moderately good shaper, so he should be leading a small squad of battle alphas or even rotghroths by this point, and that helps a lot. It's kind of the whole point of the game.


Also, the wastes around Gazaki-Uss are actually really dangerous. The main plot thread is supposed to have you stick to the road and talk your way through; there are warnings that the rest of these areas are bad. So, once you've gotten through the Meet Ghaldring mission, try joining the rebels and following their missions, or heading south.

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As a singleton though, what I did was when running low on health in a battle: run around the nearest corner without enemies nearby and hit end combat button. Then, heal myself quickly (have heal spell on f5 - pump as fast as you can), then let the enemy reinitiate combat. Works very well if you're fast (and have hit them with acid and/or lightning damage).

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From my experience running a creationless Guardian.


Wear the heaviest armor possible (raise strength to do this) and this will almost eliminate stunning (stun resistance 70%). Total armor is better than against a specific type unless you know that you are facing poison/acid.


Make artifacts even if you can't get the full version. Gloves to raise spell ability will increase the buffs and lengthen their time.


Use pods to heal so you can get one attack a round.


Daze and other mental spells are your friends. One on one you can deal with most anything. Swarms will kill you and their are plenty in the wastes. This is why I swap to artifacts to boost spell abilities and then switch back for combat.

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