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Is there a list of Quest givers?[G5]

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You can use a word processor, even WinWord, and do a 'find' or 'search' for [toggle_quest] (no brackets)in the scripts folder.


All quests start with a unique first number and the number 1, they all finish with number 3. Some have a 4 at the end and, I'm guessing here, that may be quests you can no longer finish because of changes in alignment.



toggle_quest(55,1);//start quest

toggle_quest(55,3);//finish quest or

toggle_quest(55,4);//quest not finishable because giver betrayed???


There are 82 'zones' (0-81) in the scripts folder. The files you want to look at have certain distinctions. Most have 'dlg.txt' at the end.





Script file name breakdown:

z[one]42 T[own] stormh[stormhold] dlg[dialog].txt


A search and replace type program does this very well. It will find every time that a quest is given and finished. Some quests are 'forever quests' like "Shaper Papers". There are about 120+ possible quests. Some quests are hard coded, and some don't even give you a quest! Some of Litalia's (Trakovite Haven) must be so hush-hush you don't get a quest for your quest list!


OK, to sum this up. When you find a toggle_quest(xx,1); the text above it should tell you who gave it. You may have to scroll up a bit to find it. Not all quests are available to you depending on your alignment.


OK. After reading this it seemed like a good thing to post in my "Some cool SDF codes, potions, spells, cheats, hints and custom items. (unofficial)" thread. Here's the link for all quests, start and finish, that I could find. the script file name will give you a strong clue for where they are.




If this loops back to here just copy and paste it in your browser.




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