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Question re: Experience points[G5]


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Long time player here of all these games back to original Exile series, but I don't remember if this has happened to me before. I seem to have started not getting experience points for kills (currently Glaahk in far NE fen). Also no experience points for completing missions (Oonk one).


Also, the experience points cheat (by typing) doesn't work for me anymore. Why? (Yes, I know I am a wuss - but I got tired of my a$$ getting kicked seems like everywhere I go - not fun let me tell ya!)


I am at Level 45 - can I not get any more experience points?



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Thanks Archon for your reply. Good to know about the "iamweak" cut off. Ya know, I could see no experience points for kills that are a walk in the park - like one whack and they are gone. But no experience points for ones like these that take several rounds to kill off, even at my current level ... well it doesn't seem right. *shrug* smile


I seem to be having lots more trouble with this game than I have with any of the prior games - as far as being not able to keep from getting killed. Way more reloads than I have ever had before, along with uncleared areas. Frustrating.


Thanks again for your help,


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(Just something I'd like to add)


If you are having trouble raising your stats, you may wish to invest in Artifacts. And Artifact is an item which is made from three different items (A purified piece of equipment), two of which are ingredients. You can make these on a Magic Anvil, 4 in total. Most of them will raise your stats a fair deal, and offer other bonus's, like a Vampire Touch, or Action Points. These artifacts can then be upgraded again by increasing its power with another artifact. To see a list of the artifacts and locations of the ingredients, see the Strategy Central topic at the top of the thread list (If you're to lazy to find them smile ).


Thank you, Doom Warrior, for the correction. Yes, its 45.


The Last Archon

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Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
(Just something I'd like to add)

If you are having trouble raising your stats, you may wish to invest in Artifacts. (...snip...) To see a list of the artifacts and locations of the ingredients, see the Strategy Central topic at the top of the thread list (If you're to lazy to find them smile ).

The Last Archon

Thank again for your help and suggestion! I had to chuckle to myself at your little funny of if I'm too lazy to find them. It's the searching every nook and cranny, finding things and sorting out the story that keeps me playing. smile The battles are WAY down my list of fun things. smile

Thanks so much again - I appreciate so much your taking the time to answer me! Truly.

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Originally Posted By: Shareware: Demos for the people!
If you're getting mauled by enemies it may also be time to turn the difficulty down.

—Alorael, who thinks the game mostly has a sharp difficulty jump about halfway through. It can feel like hitting a brick wall (or a stone work, as the case may be).

Oh you are really going to ROFLOL at this ... I am playing on Easy mode! And OMG I can't even begin to think what playing on Normal or higher may be. I even keep rechecking my settings to make sure and am always surprised to see Easy there. LOL!

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Which character are you playing? I really recommend reading Delicious Vlish's character build suggestions in Strategy Central, especially for the Shaper-type characters. This really is a Shaper's game more than any of the others, I think. If you are playing a loner type character like the Agent or Servile, it can be pretty tough.

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Bah! The return of the Warrior/Guardian class is upon us. The snivelling Shapers can not even survive two hits!


But seriously, the Warrior is much better off than it was in G4, by a long shot. The Guardian is now the kick-bag of the Classes. Even with the loss of Parry, Dexterity can make up for it, if properly pumped. This can also save points on Missile Weapons, evening out the Skill point deficit. There's enough heavy armor to cut the hits by a fair amount, plus having the choice of two different attacks, melee and missile, help. And there's enough health. One of the drawbacks, I admit, is that you must constrain yourself with Leadership and Mechanics and the small selection of spells. But you can buy magic skills and use magic stat boasting equipment about mid way into the game if you join the Traditionalists.


Edit: On another note, Delicious Vlish is a build genious andhis advice should be taken to heart. That Vlish really know's what he's doing.


The Last Archon

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Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
Bah! The return of the Warrior/Guardian class is upon us. The snivelling Shapers can not even survive two hits!

Not true. On Normal difficulty, I've never had any problems forcing a Shaper character into hand-to-hand combat. In fact, I'm playing my Shaper in G5 that way, to an extent, too. And I've died a grand total of twice, and both times whilst spying on the Unbound in the Mera-Tev.
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Once I knew what I was doing (more or less), I did try the Warrior and used Randomizer's build ideas. It really was fun! (Plus, he looks better than the dorky Lifecrafter.) But if had tried it in the beginning, I wouldn't have fared so well.


I agree. DV is an excellent and creative strategist. He really made the game fun (and winnable) for me.

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I am playing a Warrior (which is what I have always played in GF). I think where I may have messed up is in spreading my Skill points out over too many things, esp in the Magic areas. I am very well rounded but excellent at nothing I'm afraid. However, I am too far into the game to start over so we shall see how it goes. smile



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Magic for a Warrior? Yup, that'll do it. Especially if it's Battle Magic, which has been nerfed in G5 to the point where it doesn't help Infiltrators, Agents or Sorceresses much either. smile


Diversification doesn't work too well in G5. Playing to the strengths of the character (and to the qualities that actually work in G5) is best. I'd make some good creations to help.


By the way, there are a number of areas you will encounter that you really won't be able to clear until you get stronger. Lerman's Pass and Gorash Kel kind of spring to mind, for starters. smile

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