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Saving/poison/acid problem[G5]

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I recently downloaded the demo for Geneforge 5. All was going well. The last game by Spiderweb software I have played was Exile 2, so it's been a while. Anyway.


I was not very far into the game. I had just spoken with Rawahl (or whatever his name is), and then I went to the Promenade to fight a monster. I killed it, but I was poisoned (or possibly acid, it's hard to tell right now). I saved the game after killing it, but then immediately I am killed by poison/acid. I don't have another save file.


Am I out of luck? Should I just start again? Or can I do something about it?



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See if you can load the game, hit shift-D immediately, and enter "healmenow" (without the quotes). That should restore your health and cure your poison.


If you can't load without immediately dying, you may have to restart.


—Alorael, who thinks that one to send to Jeff. A short delay before poison after saving would help with just this sort of thing if there isn't such a delay already.

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On a semi related note, I'm currently mucking about in the Okavano Swamp and the Cure Affliction spell seems weaker than I would have expected. I'm having to cast it twice to get rid of poison most of the time. I do only have 5 points in Healing Craft and none in Spellcraft, but other healing spells haven't been giving me any problems. Is it a weak spell, do I just need to strengthen it, or do the worms just deal out a ridiculous amount of poison?



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The poison in this game is brutal. Endurance no longer gives resistance, the spells to cure it don't work too well, and every other monster (or so it seems) heaps poison and acid on you. In the zones that I could freely leave, I went back to town. A lot. Also, I put the purple enhancement stone (amethyst? what's it called) on every piece of equipment that could be enhanced. It's the only resistance available, except for maybe Luck.


Oh, the Okanawa Swamp worms. A few of them start swarming your party and half your health points are gone. Chaotic spores were really helpful here.


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Watch out in the northeast for the deadly plants! Stay to the far north out of their range and kill the spawner and worms first.
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