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Font size problem: too small[G5]

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Is there any way to change the font size? It's really hard to read that small font in my 22" monitor (1680X1050). Even if I reduce the resolution to 1024x768, the text is too small.


Is there a way to fix that? It's the only thing preventing the purchase of the game. I'm noticing myself start to skip dialogues because of this problem!

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Yeah.I have the same problem.The font are too small in 1680*1050.

Also i find the backgroud color of the dialogues is not good for the eyes and it is hard to distinguish the letter with the new dialogues backgroud color.Can i get the one used in any other previous game,like Geneforge4 or Avernum5?

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I remember long time ago before this game was finished there was a thread dedicated to what you would like to see in G5 and I remember people asking black background because white would make their eyes hurt. Jeff must have taken those requests into consideration as no one asked the opposite.

I also find the black background more annoying than the classic white frown

There should be a way to choose, so everyone would be happy.

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Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
Sorry, there's no technical or conventnal way to change the font size or the backround color.

The Last Archon

Maybe Jeff could patch it in a future update? Unless it would "break" the game with formatation issues...

Anyway, I'm sacrificing my eyes again, to play the game.
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My main advice in this situation is always to set the game to a low resolution to make the letters much bigger on your monitor. If you have already done that, and even that isn't large enough, I'm kind of in a tough spot here.


I do have to say that, at that size, on a decent monitor, they should look pretty clear. I would check your monitor. I personally increase the brightness and decrease the contrast. The problem might not entirely be in the game.


If anyone is having this problem and enjoys Photoshop, the fonts are in files G250, G251, G252, G253, G254 in Geneforge 5 Files/Graphics Core. Perhaps something can be done to them to make them more visible to people with vision problems.


- Jeff Vogel

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