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What happens when you combine two contractions as a contraction? "I would have" could be "I'd have" or "I would've", but if you put them together is it "I'd've"? I think I was taught in school that you shouldn't do that at all, but they teach you not to do a lot of things in school without good justification for teaching it.

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"I'd have" and "I would've" are both correct, though I think the former may be preferred for the more common contraction. "I'd've" appears often enough and is simple enough that everyone will understand it, but I'm not sure that it's technically correct.


—Alorael, who actually thinks you can probably get away with "I'd've" any time you can get away with another contraction. If the occasion is informal enough for an apostrophe, it's informal enough for two.

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I'dn't've thought about this had I not seen Slarty's and Alorael's posts, but how informal would the occasion have to be to use the contraction at the beginning of this sentence, and does it reach a point where the occasion is so informal that chatspeak can be used before it reaches the point where the aforementioned contraction can be used? If so, would apostrophes even be necessary?


Also, how many English-language words could be stuffed into one contraction before it becomes incomprehensible?

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I think four (I'dn't've) may be the most.


—Alorael, who is impressed by that single-word sentence. "Go." is also a full sentence, but mandative (is that what they're called in English?) sentences hardly count. You have a distinct and explicit subject and predicate. Bonus points if anyone can come up with a single-word, single-sentence contraction that has separate word components for the subject, predicate, and object.

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