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Player Storylines

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To you, your characters can be living, breathing things, creatures of subtlety and complexity. In your mind, you can give them fascinating personalities, intriguing backstories, and unusual goals.
Here is your chance to share your characters' stories or something in the game that inspired you to think of a story for them.

If you include any significant spoilers, please make a note at the beginning of your post.


All the items in Appelo's shop are marked NY, except a bottle of wine.
Some expensive shops in real life offer free alcohol to customers to decrease their inhibitions and slightly depress them, thereby increasing the amount customers buy.
Appelo offered my party some wine when we entered her shop.

The south guard house in Fort Monastery has a cavewood bow, amphora, two tunics, and leather armor that are marked NY, but the pair of scissors is free for the taking.
While my female human distracted the guard, my dexterous mage carefully removed the small pair of scissors and put them in his cloak.
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My human priest: He is a missionary sent by the Empire to do work in Avernum. He represents the Church of the Anama, and joined the band of adventurers to help spread the word. He and the magician often have heated discussions. He himself doesn't use magical items but doesn't force his friends not to.

My human wizard: He is a mage sent by the Tower Colony. He studied into all manor of magic, but was cut off from his research by a power struggle with his rival. His rival framed him for the theft of a magical tome and he was banished from learning at the Tower Colony. He was going to study at Formello's library and was hired by my band of adventurers. He and the priest often argue over religon.

My slith warrior: My slith warrior was one of the good sliths in the Second Slith War. He fought only once in a small battle. After that he was sent as a soldier to Formello and was hired by my band of adventurers. He often spars with my nephil warrior and listens fascintated to the wizard's and the priest's conversations.

My nephil warrior: He is a nephil from the Mrrrah(spelling?) Clan. He was sent to Formello one day when he went to trade. He often fished along the various rivers in Avernum. Once while going to trade in Formello he met the rest of my adventurers and joined up. He is a secret follower of the Anama and likes to get in scuffles with my slith warrior.

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My characters:


Eric Magus, the Warrior Priest: Eric, son of Grandol Magus (my favourite mage character player from Avernum 1 - 3 and Blades. I guess he is a bit of an old man (lol) so I didn't have him in this), wants to take on his fathers heroisim. He remembers to when his father (Age 20)got exiled down to Avernum and assasinated Hawthorne, then (Age 70) defeated the Empire with help from the Vahnatai, and (Age 120 (he is classified the oldest man ever alive both on the surface and in Avernum)) then went up to the surface to let Avernites go back up. He wants to be that way, too.


Shelly Magus, the Priest: Shelly is the husband of Eric, and joined him when they first met in Warrior's Grove. She has recently dyed her hair brown.


Feodoric Griefman, the Mage: Feodoric is a mage who has been through the history of Avernum, or at least he claims it. He says once Avernum was called 'Exile', and that he found the mystical pool of the 'Geneforge'. His team members find a bit coo-coo, but Feodoric is a great friend to them.


HrrMrr, the Fighter and Archer: HrrMrr knew Grandol (see Eric), as Grandol was HrrMrr's tutor. Grandol found him in Warrior's Grove, and took him on to a peaceful island to train. HrrMrr talks amazingly clear English, and also know a few basic spells.


I'll share a few stories of these guys later laugh


EDIT: http://www.psychoholiday.com/uploader/files/59/avernum4.JPG (its a link since the picture is to big)

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Originally written by The 'J' Company:
[QB]My characters:

Eric Magus, the Warrior Priest: Eric, son of Grandol Magus (my favourite mage character player from Avernum 1 - 3 and Blades. I guess he is a bit of an old man (lol) so I didn't have him in this), wants to take on his fathers heroisim. He remembers to when his father (Age 20)got exiled down to Avernum and assasinated Hawthorne, then (Age 70) defeated the Empire with help from the Vahnatai, and (Age 120 (he is classified the oldest man ever alive both on the surface and in Avernum)) then went up to the surface to let Avernites go back up. He wants to be that way, too.
Er, thats nice and all, but I think theres a 5 or 6 years difference between each Avernum, not 50.

I don't think you should have to come up with backstories for characters, and thus none of mine have one. I'm of the belief that your actions and choices should define who they are. (That is, if you're even interested in a roleplaying expience anyway, which to me, is secondary to gameplay.)
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Originally by Arachnid:


I don't think you should have to come up with backstories for characters, and thus none of mine have one. I'm of the belief that your actions and choices should define who they are. (That is, if you're even interested in a roleplaying expience anyway, which to me, is secondary to gameplay.)
That's great. You live in your world and we'll each live in ours.


Unfortunately, I haven't played A4 enough to come up with a fascinating backstory for my characters, but there's a few standard things.


The first two adventurers are nephil, Korat and Devon Rex. Korat is a nephar and is the best melee fighter though he is also a priest. Devon Rex is mainly a priest. The other two adventurers are sliths. Ali Gator is the youngest. She is a priestess. Her uncle is the rogue-mage Chuck Walla who knows some priest spells. Obviously, my adventurers are using pseudonyms, not their real names.


Dikiyoba's party has historically clobbered undead. Dikiyoba is waiting to see how effective they are against undead in A4.

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Er, thats nice and all, but I think theres a 5 or 6 years difference between each Avernum, not 50.
Meh. I just did those at random, I will change them. wink

I don't think you should have to come up with backstories for characters, and thus none of mine have one. I'm of the belief that your actions and choices should define who they are. (That is, if you're even interested in a roleplaying expience anyway, which to me, is secondary to gameplay.)
Well, it's your descision. I just like making up stories for the characters when I'm bored.
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Originally written by Arachnid:
Er, thats nice and all, but I think theres a 5 or 6 years difference between each Avernum, not 50.
Judging by various things (including the date counter), there's several (~5) years between A1 and A2, and ~10 years between A2 and A3. There's more like 50 or so years between A3 and A4, though (although I haven't been able to pin down exactly how long yet).
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A1 begins in 817. A3 begins in 833. A2 obviously begins sometime in the intervening 16 years.


A4 doesn't seem to begin at any specific time. Some characters who were old before are still old. Some young characters are old. Some young characters haven't aged much at all. I just accept that Avernum 4 happens "later" than Avernum 3.


—Alorael, who also just realized that A4 is the first Avernum to involve absolutely no children. None. So although conditions have improved, birth rates have gone down.

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