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You need to get Solberg to give you the quest before you can get this. Once you have this, leave Fort Emerald from the north, head west, and hug the northern wall. You should find it.


Demonslayer is a bit disappointing. It's a good defensive weapon, but offensively you can do much better.

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Against anything that isn't demonic, the Venomous Blade and Oozing Sword will usually cause more damage. The Frozen Blade does nearly as much as Demonslayer, plus has a better hit bonus and causes cursing. And if you have very high scores in Strength, Melee, and Blademaster, a Stick will do more damage.

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Rone's slightly improved, actually. He's physically deteriorated, but at least his brain is all there.


Solberg was never an expert in fighting demons. He just got a lot more practical experience than he wanted. He got run out of the Tower of Magi by Linda, then ended up holed up in his hideaway surrounded by minor demons again during the Empire War, and then bailed out of the Tower of Magi yet again when Linda went summon-happy yet again. Poor Solberg.


—Alorael, who was happy to see that X didn't change. Patrick is dead, of course, and so is Erika. That only leaves Aimee among the powerful wizards of Avernum, and hasn't been seen since A1. The away message in A2 doesn't count.

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You get a hint, or help, or something. It's worth visiting. Unlike A1, though, you don't actually meet Aimee. You just get a projection, or a recording, or something magical of that sort. My memory is fuzzy.


—Alorael, who would be out and about if he could be gallivanting through other worlds too. If you're given a chance to apply a word like gallivanting to yourself, you take it. No questions asked.

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Originally written by Paneudaimonium:
You get a hint, or help, or something. It's worth visiting. Unlike A1, though, you don't actually meet Aimee. You just get a projection, or a recording, or something magical of that sort. My memory is fuzzy.
It's a little more useful than just a "hint"; she teaches you Dispel Barrier at level 2.

(In Exile 2 she taught you Death Arrows, which was even better.)
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Aimee was always an interesting character... too bad she never reappeared. (Or maybe she did? Conspiracy theory, anyone?) I expect she could've just watched Avernum from another plane.


X will live forever. Or until he finishes that anvil-dropping spell... one of the two.


And now, for the conspiracy theory:


Aimee came back to Avernum sometime shortly before A4, and took Cheeseball with her. Cheeseball, being inclined towards the whole "hunting strange mice and meeting other cats" thing, was thrilled to leave Solberg and his secluded tendencies behind. Solberg, embittered at the loss of his familiar, summoned a demon to try and hunt down Aimee, but the demon regrettably took up residence under Patrick's Tower.



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In E/A2, she *does* say that she's only leaving until the Northern Waters are safe again (i.e., when the Empire is gone). This happens shortly after the game ends, so she could certainly have returned.


Given Aimee's character (and her age) it seems to me that she probably let herself die a natural death. (And good for her, I say.)

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