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I'll bet you two cookies that Blake isn't a native English speaker. I'll bet you another cookie that his language of choice is Spanish.


—Alorael, who would like to remind everyone that newbies are only to be abused over failing to exercise their ability to apply standard English usage. Those who don't know standard English usage should be held to a different standard.

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Hum... Let's see...


Hola Blake 81, sabes hablar español o hablas otro idioma acaso?? No te preocupes porque de a poco aprenderas ingles...y trata de que no te pase eso de postear muchas veces seguidas aunque sea por error, la gente aqui lo odia!! :p


Now if we get a spanish reply, then he knows spanish!!!!


He will need to learn a lot if he wants to post in general forum... :rolleyes:


Edit. It's not HAVED it's HAD!!!

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I hope you guys are all joking. This doesn't seem a very welcoming thread, and even if Blake81 doesn't mind, there might be lurkers who misinterpret the whole discussion and end up being to scared to join.


These are the official boards for Spiderweb games. If you manage to scare away new posters you could potentially also be scaring away Jeff's costumers.


I don't think it'll be appreciated. :rolleyes:

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Es correcto,yo naci hablando español y se hablar bien ingles lo que no soy bueno escribiendolo.Respecto a que camara de Rentar-Ihrno me refiero a la que esta por Fort Remote en Basalt Fortress.No consigo abrir ninguna de las tres posibles entradas y eso me impide terminar el juego y ya me canse de buscar y buscar en todas partes

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El escibir es lo más difícil, pero podemos entender lo que dijiste y esto es lo más importante. No recuerdo exactamente como entrar, pero es posible. Habla con Kabraxaz, el lider de los vahnatai, y busca unas palancas. A veces no es fácil verlas.


—Alorael, who will add for the English speakers that Blake is stuck outside the Basalt Fortress and can't get the doors open. Is there any particular trick to it?

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SevenMass: in fact my reply was very welcoming and the guy knows spanish!!!


Blake yo no soy el apropiado para responder pero lo explicare aqui:


The guy here is talking about some chamber near fort remote in the basalt fortress(i don't remember anything of A4 so maybe you know what is he talking about), he says that he can't open any of the 3 possible entrances and he has searched a lot.


Where are you from blake? maybe from central america?

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I get the sense that the vast majority of Americans are basically unable to communicate at all in any language but English. Most high schools teach other languages, but America is apparently not good at getting those lessons to stick.


Spanish is the most common second language and probably the most common non-English first language, but it's still not as widespread as it reasonably could be considering just how many Spanish-speakers there are in and near the USA.


—Alorael, who has no idea why French is popular. It was once essential for cultured individuals to know French, but that's really no longer true. Considering the differences in utility between French and Spanish, it's a bizarre choice. Maybe people prefer French literature?

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Originally written by upon mars:
So about language do americans speak spanish fluently and an other question why english speakers like french?
You mean "americans" refering to USA people? Because people from other countries always have the sad tendency to consider "american" to only the people living in USA. all the rest of the countries speak spanish, except brasil, and other countries in central america...
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Canadians tend to speak English or French. Suriname and Guyana are South American and not Spanish-Speaking. French Guiana is actually part of France, but it's in the Americas and not a very Spanish place.


I acknowledge that everyone on the two continents labeled America could be called American, but the term is used for people from the United States of America. The problem is with the country's name: "United States" isn't unique to the USA. America isn't either, but at least there's no other country that goes by that name. And honestly, "estadounidense" is an absurd word that becomes even more ridiculous in English. Unitedstatesian?


—Alorael, who doesn't see what's offensive about residents of Canada being North American and Canadian, residents of Chile being South American and Chilean, and residents of the USA being North American and American. There is only a problem of ambiguity if one is unnecessarily manufactured or if for some reason there is a need to talk about all residents of the Americas.

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Soy de los EEUU. Se rumorea que vivo en Alaska, pero los rumores no siempre tienen razón.


—Alorael, who thinks estadounidense just has too many syllables at seven. Americano is only five syllables. Gringo is, of course, a lovely two, but it's also sometimes used for Europeans.

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It may be different out east and closer to the border, but here the country is almost always referred to as 'The US' or 'The States'. I can't remember the last time someone called it America.


It probably should be the other way around, if you think about it. The provinces bicker much more that the states do.



Nothing in the world is so incontinent as a man's accursed appetite.

- Homer


Ahh, beer... I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer.

- Homer Simpson

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Mantengo una aura de misterio. No puedo romperla aun en español. Pero aprendí español en la escuela y evidentemente he tenido maestros excelentes. Trato de mantener mi habilidad de leerlo y escribirlo como y cuando es posible, pero ya apenas puedo hablar.


—Alorael, who can live with being a gringo as long as it's unambiguous. Come to think of it, though, he's never heard of anyone being called a gringa...

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