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Garbage in Avernum4

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And its really anoying that items of value 4 are both at resonable prices for 4 coins and sold for only 1 coin!Those filthy shopkepers!


And about Olivier he is first found in Fort Monastry, after completing a quest for him he moves to Formelo, after another quest he moves to Silvar, then to Tower of Magi, and finally to Dharmon.Every time with different things to sell.

(but on very high prices)

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I am having trouble with the Fort Dranlon Goblin Hunt, I have scoured the east gallery harder than I do my pots and pans, but no goblins, no leaders and most frustratingly no necklace.




Thanks, will look for the guy now.


Appendage: just found Oliver, he doesn't buy from me.


I am searching for a best buyer or better yet a 3rd party save game editor so ican sell/remove my trash/garbage/bones from the containers i placed it in.


I am trying to make avernum a cleaner place, but also don't want it in peoples drawers

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The Fort Dranlon Swamp Goblin quest involves endless circling the swamp terrain. There is only one at a time and he appears most often to the south of Fort Dranlon along the coast and sometimes to the east. Try to have something else to do since it can take an hour or more of real time to finish this quest.

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just figured out the goblins didn't have lairs shortly after post.


Took me 5 minutes by killing by the shore than walking 2 gate and then back to shore, and once by building.


I will make mr shopkeeper push his cart after i become untrapped thanks to rentar, (she has me trapped in the sufularis flatlands). also made it to the castle:) I dazed the guard in the underground, and dazed the defenses, and lured the assassins to the gate area underground and killed them one by one in a line.

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You can't take non-BoA parties into BoA scenarios. That would be particularly difficult from A4, as A4 and BoA don't have the same engine.


You could use the script to create shopkeepers, but garbage just doesn't sell. I think you're stuck with it.


—Alorael, who hadn't previously considered how the loss of an outdoors means a proliferation of permanent useless crud.

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