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A4 - Larks Scrolls...bug?


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Try the other mage (not Genevieve) in the area north of the mayor. She can't translate so you go on to the Tower Colony and talk to their librarian. You get sent to Patrick's Tower and they can't help. Finally you reach Khoth's Cave and find what you need. Then go back to Lark's rooms where you found the scrolls.


I think you need to do every step in order to set the flags along the quest route. If you want you can check back in with Lark each time for new messages, but you don't need to in order to finish.

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I think it's Alice who helps you with the scrolls, but only if the shade isn't there at the time. I suppose it's possible that the game doesn't expect you to kill the shade before talking to her about the scrolls, in which case you may indeed have made the quest unfinishable. The rewards are just a level of a couple of spells, though, so if you have all the spells already it's not that helpful.

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It is believed, though not absolutely known, that you can't lose your login name. It's not really a problem for people who spend most of their time using displayed names that are not, in fact, their monikers.


—Alorael, who pushed straight on to the end of the game from Khoth's Lair and never actually returned to Lark to translate the scrolls until after he had won (it took a reload). It didn't make the end noticeably more difficult.

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