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Combat lineup changes..

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I've had my lineup change for no apparent reason from time to time. Sometimes it was caused by armor or weapon changes. I could then move equipment around and get the order back to my choice. I've had it happen that I can't account for. I like having a certain party member at point any time combat starts. It's weird trying to use a weapon or spell and it does't work because your lead character is now farther back in line up. Did someone get a level raise or SP or something? I have my line up memorized for storing specific items (example, lead character always gets the cache items and has over all the best skills, weapons, etc. Any ideas? I've swapped items around to get the leads pack in place as first in line, then later, the order can change again for no reason I can see.


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Not so. Anyhow, this happens well into game after hundreds of battles. I HAVE seen it change by items, weapons, armor, etc. I have a human soldier, sorcerer, an archer, and a Slith Rebel.


It put the sorcerer in front without me changing line up. I had to change line up to put sorcerer as lead and soldier as 2nd because of this unexplained automatic change.


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Attacking order is decided by a few factors. These are dexterity, quick strike, fast on feet skill, and encumberance. It's likely you have a few PCs that are relatively close in their "speed" score and by training or adding armor you have shifted one in favor of the other.

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Even with all the reasonable causes of order change, melee weapons do seem to go before polearms. And when all else is equal, the character who comes first in party order goes first.


—Alorael, who is assuming along with everyone else that your problem is combat order and not actual rearrangement of your party. The comment about items makes it sound a little bit like equipment is moving characters around!

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Originally written by Borquimbly:
Even with all the reasonable causes of order change, melee weapons do seem to go before polearms. And when all else is equal, the character who comes first in party order goes first.

—Alorael, who is assuming along with everyone else that your problem is combat order and not actual rearrangement of your party. The comment about items makes it sound a little bit like equipment is moving characters around!
I actually have experienced equipment and maybe skills changing my initial party combat turn order. When traveling around the order is as it appears in left of screen. Then when combat initiates it can change so another character who may be farther back in line is the one who has first turn. I've done equipment changes to get my main character (1st in line) to have first turn in combat and it worked, then later the order changed again. Just the combat turn order, not the line up order itself. (sorry if I didn't explain it better at first.)

I've even changed the characters appearance and swapped what they had in pack to keep 2 things in place. 1. Who had the most combat strength when combat started. And 2. That character received whatever was in caches or rewards.

There are ways to work around this. Just couldn't figure out why it was happening without me actually making a change of some sort.
I also should mention that I have several Save Games with different parties from various places of progress in game. In this case I just rearranged my party order to match the combat order and shifted pack items around.
I did notice that the member who took 1st combat turn had 3 bow and 2 hardiness points above the original character and I think this started after some training. Armor, weaps stayed same.
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Originally written by Valcrist:
mm hm..
since when does..
combat lineup..
make a difference..
wont matter anyway u..
look at it..
maybe it just..
bugs u because..
ur comfortable..
with ur silly lineup..
just pay a10tion..
on the active PC..

PS:i lyk typing this way..
and im not making haiku..
It makes a HUGE difference when you turn a corner, go into combat mode, and your 1st character can't attack because the 3rd character is active. No projectile weapons or spells work on targets out of sight/range! You have to spend action points and turns moving them into position to fight or hit space bar to change to the 1st in line and lose/waste turns for characters. (this IS a "turned based" RPG after all!) If your party lineup and combat lineup are the same many times you can kill foe with 1 or 2 spells or projectile weapons and end combat, advance and go into combat again if there are more enemies, start a new turn and wade through the bad guys much more efficiently (keeping aware of energy levels). Having "lead" characters differ in the 2 lineups is like wading through quicksand to do battle.

Also, making your "tank" be 1st out of combat mode gives you the ability to have main character receive any rewards (caches, bounty items) and distribute or keep them his/her/itself as applicable to take full advantage of stackable items and spread weight loads evenly to prevent anyone getting encumbered. (I give certain type/weight items to certain characters in line up to spread weight and not have spaces wasted in packs by stackable items being spread around.)

But again, it only takes a few minutes to adapt to changes and my lineup choice is not silly. It is however effective . I have very specific, valid, strategic reasons for my lineup order both in and out of combat mode.

This thread was never intended to imply a complaint about A4. I was hoping more experienced players could give me insight on why this happens occasionally, and apply seasoned players advice/knowledge intelligently.
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