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Posts posted by mikeprichard

  1. Thanks, Ess-Eschas, but maybe I need to clarify the purpose of this topic. My intention as mentioned at the top is that this would be one place - rather than various places scattered throughout the forums, which in fact would be a distraction from larger bugs - to first collect a clear list of typos. I would then email the link/list to Jeff, hopefully in time for him to fix in the patch. This would be much more efficient than spamming Jeff with a typo at a time over email, I would think.

    And yes, I've been lurking around here for over 10 years, so I'm very familiar with Jeff's m.o. - he almost never checks the forums, except for a day or two after each game releases. So yep, email has always been my way to ensure he sees something!

  2. It doesn't, unfortunately. You need to run the numbers in your head (I'm not aware of an easy way to check a save file or run a code to do a check) based on the "opinion" changes from your dialogue and quest choices listed in the Atlas. More related information is here: https://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/topic/26282-gf1-mutagen-reputation-joining-several-factions/.

  3. Yeah, it's really not possible to say which is objectively better in every situation, if that's what you're looking for. At least in original Geneforge and GF1:Mutagen (though I'm only about a third of the way through), I've had no significant issues with either Agents or Guardians focusing on melee almost exclusively, with magic for occasional ranged needs. But I do play on Normal, and YMMV.

  4. NOTE TO OTHER FORUM POSTERS: I've now emailed the entire below list to Jeff (at support@spiderwebsoftware.com), email being his preferred method of receiving bug reports. In any case, by the time you're reading this, the patch (1.0.1) will likely already have dropped. Therefore, please don't post any additional typo bugs here, as they will no longer be addressed. Thank you!

    1) Codex entry, DREAM OF THE TAKER: "Serviles comes after" - should be "Serviles come after" (even in unique Taker grammar, verbs always correctly agree)
    2) Ascended Labs, Sessina dialogue: "eye lid" - should be "eyelid"
    3) Kazg Plains, Amena dialogue: "blade close to hard" - should be "blade close to hand"
    4) Kazg, Poola dialogue: "with as thumbnail" - should be "with a thumbnail"
    5) Kazg, Houten dialogue: "Gnorrel, will never let me free" - should be "Gnorrel will never let me free"
    6) Kazg, Gnorrel dialogue: "as the years past" - should be "as the years passed"
    7) Kazg, Gnorrel dialogue: "use Shapers weapons against you" - should be "use Shapers' weapons against you" or "use Shaper weapons against you"
    ------------------(above already emailed to Jeff)------------------
    8 )Tribal Woods, dead servile narration: "bags of scavenged junk it when she got ambushed" - should be "bags of scavenged junk when she got ambushed"
    9) Icy Tunnels, sarcophagus narration: "dust rises, swirling into the form of a spectral being rises." - should be "dust rises, swirling into the form of a spectral being."
    10) Wooded Valley, Anya dialogue: "all your limited grasp of the Sholai tongue enable you" - should be "all your limited grasp of the Sholai tongue enables you"
    11) Barrens Bunker, intro narration: "outer walls... has been blasted" - should be "outer walls... have been blasted"
    12) The Arena, Janus dialogue: "I trying to regain control" - should be "I'm trying to regain control" (guy's goofy, but this is still outside his normal speech pattern)
    13) The Arena, Janus dialogue: "Its limb twitch" - should be "Its limbs twitch"
    14) Patrolled Dell, southeast narration: "circle of crumbling stone" - should be "circle of crumbling stones"
    15) South Workshop, Ramel narration: "is amazingly, still alive" - should be "is, amazingly, still alive"
    16) Kazg, Toivo dialogue: "grabs the steel tables" - should be "grabs the steel tablets"
    17) Sealed Lab, control panel narration: "control panel It is still alive" - should be "control panel. It is still alive"
    18) Crossroads, Gavrila dialogue: "there was wands" - should be "there were wands"
    ------------------(above posted before Jeff's comment further below in forum topic)------------------
    19) Freeplace, Ell dialogue: "he scratches itself" - should be "he scratches himself"
    20) The Sentinels, intro narration: "still occupied, the whispers of ghosts" - should be "still occupied; the whispers of ghosts"
    21) The Hill, intro narration: "at the one end of a steep valley" - should be "at one end of a steep valley"
    22) Pentil, Rydell dialogue: "I can't give you order" - should be "I can't give you orders"
    23) Quiet Marshes, Clois dialogue: "Trajkov on this island" - should be "Trajkov is on this island"
    24) Holding Cells, Danette's Shade dialogue: "one such rod left behind" - should be "one such rod was left behind"
    25) Holding Cells, lab notebook narration: "notebooks were are filled" - should be "notebooks are filled"
    26) Kazg, Kyazo dialogue: "Try the merchants." - should be "Try the merchants.' " (add closing quotation mark)
    27) Front Gate, augmented Sholai dialogue: "The warriors lets out a long, low snarl" - should be "The warrior lets out a long, low snarl"
    28) Research Quarters, Akkat dialogue: "picks at a withered scale with its claw" - should be "picks at a withered scale with his claw"
    29) Research Quarters, Loga Kau dialogue: "Come and speak with me" - should be "Come and speak with me."
    30) Current Quests journal entry, Slay Akkat: "She said that you will only let you by" - should be "She said that she will only let you by"
    31) Barrens Bunker, Swanwick's crazy dialogue: "One the count of ten" - should be "On the count of ten"
    32) The Geneforge, Trajkov dialogue: "Will you hear me my story?" - should be "Will you hear my story?"
    33) The Geneforge, Trajkov dialogue: "if there was any lands out here" - should be "if there were any lands out here"
    34) The Geneforge, Trajkov dialogue: "make the good as new" - should be "make them good as new"
    35) The Geneforge, Trajkov dialogue: "Trajkov seizes them gloves" - should be "Trajkov seizes the gloves"
    36) The Geneforge, research notes dialogue: "letting it works its magic" - should be "letting it work its magic"
    37) Ellhrah's Keep, Ellhrah dialogue: "Ellhrah suddenly become angry" - should be "Ellhrah suddenly becomes angry"

    38) Ellhrah's Keep, Ellhrah dialogue: "honor of our people to support... independence." - should be "honor of your people to support... independence?"
    39) Ellhrah's Keep, Ellhrah dialogue: "creatures to be crossed aside" - should be "creatures to be tossed aside"
    40) The Great Temple, Goettsch dialogue: "You describe the battle to Trajkov" - should be "You describe the battle to Goettsch"

  5. Will wait for at least one other confirmation before reporting to Jeff - thanks. In the meantime, Randomizer, can you explain exactly what it was supposed to do? Doesn't seem to be any info on this in Strategy Central yet.

  6. Thanks all. I was carefully keeping tabs on and cheesing reputation values (per my separate "reputation / joining several factions" topic), so here are the steps to reproduce the issue, if for some reason reputation is buggily affecting prices:

    1) Lowered reputation to 89, and obtained Feed Control Four quest.
    2) Raised reputation to 94 (through a dialogue option with Rydell), then turned in quest and joined faction.
    3) Raised reputation to 110, and only then noticed the three Pentil merchants' prices were "Ridiculous", both in the text label and in actual fact. Also confirmed I am still allied with the Obeyers (all Pentil items are still free to take, and all dialogue in Pentil and elsewhere confirms my alliance). Note it is possible the prices were also "Ridiculous" earlier, but I don't have an older save to test.

  7. Yes, sure on both counts. Living tools cost 96 (confirmed as way too high compared to e.g. "Expensive" at 60 or something), and I am in the faction (can take everything in Pentil with no "NY", and I'm getting Obeyer-specific reactions in dialogues).

    Unfortunately, I didn't test the prices (and didn't keep a save) back when I first joined the faction when my rep was in the high 80s to see if it was a bug then too, and now my rep is up to 110+. But again, we separately discussed that reputation shouldn't be relevant, and I absolutely still am an Obeyer.

  8. What exactly does it do? I expected a +1 Mechanics boost while it was in my pack or something, but that's not it - maybe it reduces the number of living tools needed for locks by 1, or something similar? I'm just guessing here; if there's anyone who knows what's really up with this thing, I'd appreciate an explanation!

  9. EDIT: I originally thought this was a bug having expected "Reasonable" prices in Pentil when allied with the Obeyers according to the Strategy Central atlas, but it turns out your current reputation is what affects merchant prices in faction strongholds, not your alliances. See below.

    Title. Has anyone else seen this, so it should be reported to Jeff?

  10. On 2/23/2021 at 1:32 PM, alhoon said:

    ...there's a stat in the GFitemschars.txt. It's called... "cr_scaling " 

    It does exactly what you wanted. Put:

    cr_scaling = 60;

    under the Fyora's name. Like this: 

    // imported for all fyora types

        import = 0;

        cr_name = "Fyora";

        cr_scaling = 60;

        cr_graphic_template = 150;


    The purple is the added line. It does the trick. I changed Fyoras to up to 190% to make them big as dinosaurs and back again. It works.

    Keep in mind that there are some Fyoras in the game that are larger or smaller. You need to adjust them too. I.e. if you see cr_scaling = 90 for the Enraged Fyora, you need to change it to say 55. If you want your drayks to be impressively large, tweak them too to be 130 or something. 

    Alhoon/mods, could this post of alhoon's please be linked in Strategy Central as a "Modding creature size" or similar item, assuming alhoon agrees and with any further edits they may want to make? I know from posts on Kickstarter and Jeff's demo streams as well as the topic here that at least a few people specifically wanted smaller fyoras, and alhoon's simple solution allows players to do this and more.

  11. Totally agree, TriRodent - I've never done a full playthrough of any Geneforge game as a Shaper either. Was initially planning to finally do so this time, but I ended up with a Guardian, just with a couple fyoras to toast my way through the isle. Not looking forward to maybe eventually needing to absorb them, though... Also, weird moral qualms aside, playing as a Shaper seems way too easy!

    /derailment of topic

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