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Everything posted by *i

  1. Compatability will be an issue for judging. You can always enter it, but I doubt you will win unless it is so good as to overcome this. If you still want to, let me formally know by declaring it in the actual registration topic by the end of the month.
  2. Ask and ye shall receive. If I left any out of note, let me know.
  3. Invited Utilities: 3D Blades of Avernum Editor by Isaac Artifact Hall by Terrors Martyr Dialogue Editor by Niemand High Level Party Maker by Kelandon (I'm going to take the initiative to enter these so we have a decent utilities category)
  4. I'll probably head that up now that Jeff has a little more breathing room with GF4 released for Mac.
  5. We expect judges to be honest in the initial rounds. After all, there is nothing at stake other than bragging rights really so I don't see the consequences to be too bad.
  6. You can also purchase a Reaper Baton if you are pro-Shaper in the Servile town whose name escapes me in the Grayghost Mountains. There is also some cake available from the merchant in the Western Rise.
  7. You need some mechanics skill in addition to the Techs for your skill to be high enough. Basically, each one boosts your effective mechanics skill. When you click on a mine, if yours + your servile techs is high enough, you will disarm it.
  8. Welcome back. I think you will find the game well worth the wait (granted, the release is not too slow, it's only 1 year after A4 was released).
  9. At this point if you have not been to the camp, it's a bit too late to go back. Do the missions for Alwan here and in the region to the north and the Shapers will take you in.
  10. More specifically, follow him around a bit and find a storeroom where he spends part of his time. Hide in the corner of the room away from his stash and he'll reveal it to you.
  11. Throughout the game, you are considered a spy for the Shapers. As such, the large number of soldiers will not know you are indeed working for them. However, a few key people will help you. Go into the camp just a little bit to where it says that if you go further you will be seen. Turn back and as you leave the leader of the Shaper camp will appear to speak with you.
  12. ...to register your scenario for the contest. The deadline is the end of the month.
  13. How I was going to do it was going to do it was have them submit their scores with comments and then open a forum for discussion.
  14. I was just going to make a closed forum here.
  15. As far as I know, no such option exists.
  16. Just to clarify, leave the keep into the city, and head to the zone to the west (I believe Dhonal West Gate). You will find a boat in the northern part of the city.
  17. You can't believe 95% of what beta-testers tell you. I mean heck, some of them probably aren't even beta testers...
  18. Your post, aside from being in the wrong location, fails to answer much of anything.
  19. You do realize, depending on what you do, that this may be totally illegal?
  20. If you join the anama and change your mind, there's a price to pay for the power they give. You might be able to find some low level trainers in Upper Exile, Fort Emergence, and the Tower of Magi. Otherwise, it looks like you're stuck with the editor.
  21. Quote: Geneforge 4: Rebellion is Spidweb's Software's next game in the Geneforge series, due out by the end of 2006 on Mac and early 2007 on PC. All speculation and hype goes here. If you are a Mac user, before the holidays. PC, probably three months or so after. It will be out when the game is ready, relatively free of bugs, and the combat has been balanced. When this occurs depends on what happens and you can't get a great estimate.
  22. Quote: Originally written by XxX: How how tell me how might it work? please tell me That's one thing you are going to have to figure out yourself. Do some research on how the scripts work, experiment with them, and then try modifying them. We can't help you out with every little thing.
  23. Looks like some people just aren't up to the challenge... In all seriousness, I just play with normal difficulty. I usually just don't have the patience to play on the higher ones.
  24. Leave the keep to the south, head to the section just west (Dhonal West Gates or something like that) and look by the water in the northeast part of the zone.
  25. As I said, it depends on your style of play. If you are a combat person, then magic might be more wise. If you are a stealthy individual go with leadership and mechanics.
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