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Everything posted by Golgoth

  1. But Alorael don't the dissadvantages make it so that even using it 5 times can destroy you? Unless you only keep 4 on you and once you done with them your done I would recommend not having it in your inventory at all the temptation to use the stuff is overwhelming.
  2. Actually they saw me and then i had to kill everyone.
  3. Did you plant the scarab in the mayors house? That makes them hostile as well.
  4. I was slightly irratated that they gave us the boat after this, would've saved me a bunch of time looking around.
  5. Yea you forsake all conversation once you kill one of them. I went back and killed each first just to see what they said.
  6. I like most of the changes Jeff has made to his games, all of them seem to save time for the player and make the game smoother.
  7. I killed Rawal first, then Alwan, then Taygen and finally Astroia, Rawal was easy because he had little to no backup except for his creations, Alwan only has weak human guards, you have to fight Taygen in 2 areas both of wich has alot of guards, Astroia had those annoying pylons that hurt alot.
  8. oh so you upgrade your creations as they level, I thought from your last post that you just got the creations basic stats and then left them alone till they died.
  9. no 45>100 but either way 1GB RAM card will not be much help if your processor is that slow.
  10. I doubt it, that computer is so old that upgrading it would probably cost more than a new one.
  11. Well, it's just like Slarty said that this moment in time isn't all that unique.
  12. Originally Posted By: Master1 I tend to favor more creations over better creations. I upgrade my initial creations a little, but by endgame, I just make an army of high level creations with basic stats. Rather than making my creations stronger, I just make more of them. Do you use alot of Burning Kyshayks and shock tralls then? Would seem the logical choice if you just like to use alot of them.
  13. I waited till the end game to go to the temple it didn't seem all that challenging then.
  14. I thought G1 and G2 where slightly overwhelming for the new player though, you get a short tutorial and then poof go live your life.
  15. We never know what happened to Nathaniel though, wich irked me.
  16. I went to church the other day and the pastor said that now was the end of times and I thought to myself"Isn't everyone saying that, just to make them feel they can make a difference?"
  17. I thought Geneforge brought me here. But I do have blank spots in my memory, like I can't remeber signing up, and speaking of the fluffy turtles I forgot to leave my sanity at the door.
  18. I'd tell you but I don't want to give anything away.
  19. Magic fairy people are here? How did they find me? Help me hide!
  20. It's manslaughter if you get down to the technicalitys
  21. Its all a bit confuing I think, did you guys like the ending of the third book?
  22. What about in Boulders Gate Shadow of Amn Fighting Jon Irenicus at the end, I thought that one was pretty fun.
  23. Yea I was wondering that too. American Revolution and they had cars. A little fishy if you ask me.
  24. I doubt it's just the americans though. What about the U.K?
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