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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S I just did. I am not, however, editing it every 1 minute when there is an update, because I am not insane. Well, you are having random forum members match your inane former names to crossword-style clues, so the jury's still out on that one
  2. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Nikki and anyone else: my suggestion is to just ignore everyone else's posts for now and look at the list. As I've mentioned, I will give credit for reasonable overlap times, so you don't risk much by doing that. You haven't actually edited the list down any, so it's difficult to tell what has been used and what hasn't. You might want to do that, it's getting confusing.
  3. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S TRIUMPH 151 - NO Oh, so 144 must be This is the worst couch I've been on, for the same reason (Freudian psychotherapy)
  4. 123 is Hysteria, a reference to the Calvin and Hobbes comic where he pledges allegiance to his teacher (Mrs. Fragg)'s "mighty state of hysteria" I did know that off my head, too! I feel so proud.
  5. 151- This is the worst couch I've been on. It's a play on Freudian psychotherapy, where the therapist sits on a chair behind a patient, who lies on the couch and speaks.
  6. 130 is Marvelous Magus Launches C war- C, and its derivatives C++ and C# are all programming languages, and Kernel Plotter is a computer graphing utility that, as a guess, is programmed in C. EDIT: 143 is Search and Destroy Disorder, it's a play on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and -plosive from explosive.
  7. 134 is Marked a beta of the Board History, I'm presuming that Crise de Signification refers to the time Drakey refused to bestow upon Alorael a custom title to "signify" his.. whatever it is titles signify, and thus the resulting crisis resulted in Alo's quirk or renaming himself daily in protest.
  8. 157 is obviously Conspirators' strongest plea, it's a reference to the BEST SHAKESPEARE PLAY EVER, Julius Caesar, when one of the conspirators inquires whether or not Brutus is Caesar's vassal. Obviously, as he winds up killing Caesar, he isn't.
  9. 138: First member: Bejamin Franklin. Ben was known to go swimming naked in the river in broad daylight. 129: Wizard on a Bridge: I'm presuming this refers tot he scene in LOTR where Gandalf is on the bridge in Moria. I may be underthinking this one. 119: Bean counter habitat: L'Enfer translates as Hell, and Formes as, obviously, Forms. A hell of forms is no doubt where a minor bureaucrat works. I'll post some more later.
  10. Originally Posted By: Triumph No no no, Dantius; because I have the most points, I will be hurt the most when they are devalued by inflationary handouts to moochers like you. Actually, I'd like to point out that the points in the game are very unequally distributed, with the vast majority of the points in the hands of the elite. I worked it out using SCIENCE. Okay, MATHEMATICS, be that way. BTW, I'm an unrepentant gigantic math nerd in this post, so if that bothers you, don't read it. Anyways, the Lorenz curve is a mathematical means of estimating the distribution of some quantity- in this case, points. Basically, it's a function that returns what percent of the resource is controlled by the lowest x% of the population- so if the bottom 50% of the population control 20% of the resources, then L(.5)=.2. Now, there are some properties of the curve that are very well-defined- L(0)=0, L(1)=1, L(x)<x, L'(x)>0, and L"(x)>0 for all x on the interval of (0,1). Now, using my third-favorite program ever, Microsoft Excel, I summed up he point totals and divided the partial sums and bla bla bla, and I came up with the following discrete graph of the Lorenz curve: Well, it looks right, so I then used some not-really-complicated but very time intensive math on my calc to fit the curve y=x^n to the data, and quickly worked out that the function y=x^3.15774 fit the data quite nicely. In fact, it fit the data so nicely that the sum of the squares of the residuals was a paltry 0.00426. Here's a graph for comparison. Now that I have this, we can use this new function to calculate the Gini index, which is a measure of the relative inequality of the distribution. In layman's terms, it's two hundred times the area between y=x and the Lorenz curve. In mathematics terms, it's 200 times the integral of x-L(x) dx from 0 to 1. A Gini index of 0 would indicate a perfectly even distribution, and a Gini index of 100 would indicate a perfectly unequal distribution- i.e. one person controls ALL the resources. So, I worked out the numbers, and BAM, the Gini index of the distribution of points in the game? 51.9! That's very unequal- by comparison, the Gini index of wealth in Sudan is 51- so this game has a distribution of points comparable to the distribution of wealth in a dictatorial African nation! To summarize: Your Excellency President-for-Life Triumph, you have no need to be concerned about any of us encroaching upon your score.
  11. Originally Posted By: Master1 I really don't like how forward-oriented Apple has become. I'm still running a PowerBook G4, which uses a PPC core. Moving to Intel is great, but don't forget about us? And now they're removing support for older platforms. I get that they want to cut fat, which is why new OSes don't support PPC, but why remove completely backwards-oriented things like Classic Environment and Rosetta Stone? At least have them as optional installs when a person buys the computer. I'd like to continue using my old, paid for software on my new computer in a year. Apple does not want you to continue to use your old stuff, though. They want you to recognize that you can no longer run your old software, and that you should instead purchase all new software so they can make profit. It's the same reason why new software isn't always compatible with old machines- so that you are encouraged to purchase a new machine and give them your money. People used to (and still do) give Microsoft crap about this, but Apple has really taken this to a whole new level in the past few years. There's a reason that their stock has done so well, and frankly it's not consumer-friendly business practices.
  12. Originally Posted By: Triumph Point inflation! Slarty is devaluing my points by typing more of them! I'd better go invest all my points in gold! LOL! Triumph, you have more points than everyone not in the top 5 combined. I don't really think you have to worry about point devaluation .
  13. My favorite part of SI was literally every line Sheogorath said. Clouds taste of butter and tears, indeed.
  14. So can I have a pity point for careful research and surprising connections? There's no reason that one of your clues can't apply to multiple PDN's, or vice versa, and it's certainly less of a stretch than some other connections you've made...
  15. Originally Posted By: Shelagh The Eternal? Discord?
  16. I believe that the only weapon that's in that area is the Spectral Rapier, which gives bonuses to Magical Efficency or whatever the relevant Geneforge skill is, which frankly isn't even that good a bonus. EDIT: The name is Energy Preservation, just checked.
  17. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Originally Posted By: Slarty Exactly, plus "pourquoi" in yet another language (French) gives you why. Why bother with money? To hoard until we reach the trainer, of course. Oof. It's evidence of my Canadian-ness that I explicitly stated what 'quid' means, eh, while leaving the definition of 'pourquoi' implicit, eh? I guess others would have done it the other way 'round, eh? FYT. Back on topic, is 108 (Reduplicated) paired with Quiet satire of Experimental Jet Set, Trash, and No Star? Because if you turn up the volume on the EJS,T,aNS album by Sonic Youth, you can hear another song by Sonic Youth being played very quietly in the background, so that song is in effect "reduplicated" on that album. Or am I reading too deeply into this?
  18. Is 75 "Elementary clue for Kelandon"? Because the thing Kelandon's most famous for is his unfinished BoA epic trilogy, so a player new to BoA might play Bahsikassiva (sp?) and Exodus, and then suddenly find it impossible to continue with the series on account of Homeland not being made, so they'd be confronted with "unexpected inaccessibility" to the final part of the trilogy.
  19. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan 72. Th Lttr Lgsltr: No idea what this is, but I finally figured out what the associated vowels are (I think). It's "The [Letter/Latter] [Legislator/Legislature]", but even knowing that I can't make sense of it. You really have to hand it to Slarty for being such a devious linguist. In fact, you might even say he's a cunning li- *urk*
  20. Fine, then I'll settle on "Buriki Daioh with some additions" for 101. EDIT: 73 is Brings His Revenge in a Timely Manner. EDIT EDIT: Oh, 107 is a line for me. That makes sense.
  21. 61: Decreed by the stars above TM or Alec 65: Where Freud discovered the petrified Faithful John? 69: Line for Dantius (I really have no clue on this one, since I'm thinking what line I would pick for me, not what line you would...) EDIT: 106 is a modification of a line from l'Etranger, so that means it's paired with Stranger. I'm positive on this one. EDIT EDIT: Is 85 ironic, but self-descriptive? TRIPLE EDIT: BABIRONIA sounds like a mocked-up line from something Japanese. Is it maybe Buriki Daioh with some additions? If not, I'll go with 16-bit theme music. These are harder. I'll wait for Triumph to whittle away a few dozen before making many more guesses.
  22. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith Concerning my future archer, would it be preferable to use two bows at the same time or to fire two arrows at once? Relevant.
  23. Why not GIGANTIC JRPG BROADSWORDS like in Final Fantasy, if we're speculating?
  24. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires I played A3 with P2-266 MHz computer (it had some S3 graphic adapter I think) and A1-5 with P3-500 MHz (Radeon 7000) so ...... 10-20 years from now Jeff might rewrite Exile again. 20 years from now, Jeff will probably be retired. He's in his mid-40's, right?
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