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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. 190 ( S Toi? C Moi! M Moi? T Toi!) is Txtparle. It's french texting slang ala LOL, by the looks of it.
  2. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Redbeard looks more than a little like Jeff. Cordelia I understand, but why would killing off Miranda be more awkward than having her backstab and kill him? Maybe running Spiderweb Software is like being a Sith Lord and she will have to defeat Jeff in a duel before she runs the company. Makes a lot more sense then .
  3. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: Tyranicus You guys know that you can find pretty much any book used on Amazon, right? I know, but I really don't care for ordering anything online, no matter how secure the site is--or claims to be--unless I have absolutely no choice. I prefer to get my books the old-fashioned way: drive to a bookstore, buy a book(s), and drive home. Having a handful of bookstores within a reasonable distance helps make things easier, as does a real person when I want to order a book that's not in stock. Open a second bank account at a different bank than your actual account, insure there is has no minimum balance requirements, keep $.01 in the account, and then simply add however much the item you want to purchase costs to that account and then use a debit card. No security issues whatsoever.
  4. I just sold all my gold to get out before the whole debt ceiling thing blows over. I made a 500% return on my initial investment- why would I want to buy more now?
  5. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus You guys know that you can find pretty much any book used on Amazon, right? Or Google Books. For free, in many cases!
  6. So I'll also be heading of on a trip this week and will only have interminnent Internet connection in the evenings. So is there any word on when the next session would be? Because Monday (aka tomorrow) would really be the best day for about a week for me, though that's probably way too soon for most other people...
  7. Originally Posted By: Triumph Originally Posted By: Dantius For instance, right now Triumph, Diki, and I have more points than everyone else combined. So good of you to join me in the rich elite. Come, let us hatch plots to oppress to proletariat. I'd rather oppress the trottoisie, if that's OK with you.
  8. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S (Yes, Dantius, it's inflation. Don't make another chart or I will give you pitiful points and they will be negative. ) Reminds me of a teacher I had who would guarantee everyone a 100%, plus bonus points, on every test we took. Of course, he didn't mention that they'd be negative bonus points, awarded for every question we'd got wrong, until after the first test. And BTW, the charts weren't measuring inflation, they measured the inequality of the distribution of points- the top on or two people had way, way more points than everybody else. For instance, right now Triumph, Diki, and I have more points than everyone else combined. It's just a fun little fact for people who'd be interested in that kind of stuff.
  9. Oops, I forgot we weren't supposed to edit out posts. 146. Changer, Changer, Enchaîné must be struggle of the neurotic. Does this have to do wit some classica definition of neurosis that I'm unfamiliar with? Perhaps it's in reference to no matter how much psychoanalysis you go through, you're still chained to the disease?
  10. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S TRIUMPH 148 - CLOSE ENOUGH. http://bash.org/?111338 Personally, I realized the innuendo when it was described as "11 inches long, and nice and supple". I mean, really. 146. Changer, Changer, Enchaîné must be struggle of the neurotic. Does this have to do wit some classica definition of neurosis that I'm unfamiliar with? Perhaps it's in reference to no matter how much psychoanalysis you go through, you're still chained to the disease?
  11. Now I feel stupid for not getting the Phantom Tollbooth reference. I loved that book as a kid. Is 154. Trottoisie "Sidewalk class"? "trot" is another verb that means to walk, and you'd do that on a sidewalk. Not sure if it's been guessed, but is 134. Crise de Signification paired with Struggle of the neurotic? Because neurosis is a sort of umbrella classification for psychological disorders that can't really be described ("signified") any other way...
  12. Originally Posted By: Handyman Why are you remaking the same game for the third time, rather than doing something new? I mean, does it save time? (Can you salvage code from the first Avernum?) I would think that creating a new series (assuming the same engine) would be more rewarding. One reason: $$$$$$$$$$$$. That's it, really. Avernum remakes are pretty much guaranteed cash cave cows.
  13. Okay, one last guess before I go to sleep. Is 147. (Monied Hexes and Parselmouths) paired with Delphi? The Oracle at Delphi would speak in tongues, which would then be interpreted by priests- and Parselmouth is nothing more than speaking in tongues that can be understood by snakes.
  14. 142. Displacer Feast is paired with Master, we will build Phlan as you command. The Displacer Beast is a monster in the Forgotten Realms DnD campaign setting, which also contains the city of Phlan. See, I caught both DnD references, but I couldn't get any connection beyond that, so I didn't post.
  15. Is 146. Changer, Changer, Enchaîné paired with The first step is admitting you have a problem? Because Alcoholics Anonymous states that no matter how much you try and change, you're still an alcoholic and you can regress back to being such- you're "chained" to it no matter how much you "change"
  16. 132. Fugitive of Consciousness <=> Struggle of the neurotic: Narcolepsy causes you to fall asleep suddenly, or flee from consciousness, and is a type of neurosis.
  17. Wait, I paired two clues. *facepalm*
  18. What they did to Harry's wand, e.g. is paired with Blase Concatenation- Harry foolishly tries to repair his wand after it's broken, not know that it's impossible to put together (or concatenate) a wand after it's been destroyed.
  19. Wikipedia search "County Town". Click the first link, get sent to "Administrative Centre". Click the first link, get sent back to "County Town". Congratulations, you'll never reach Philosophy.
  20. 118 (Power Card v. Infinite Start) is "Because you are... IDIOT! Zee! It IS NOT moving!"- Both Mario Kart references?
  21. 119 is The world around us, to an immaterialist- The form of objects is irrelevant to an immaterialist, to them only the idea matters. I may be simplifying here, but eh, whatever.
  22. 120 is L'Enfer. A well-known Sartre saying is "L'Enfer, c'est les autres"- Hell is Other People.
  23. Originally Posted By: Lilith probably because there is only so much one can say about sandwiches
  24. 133 is Sidewalk Class- A Peripatetic is a person who moves from place to place, so a peripathetic is a person who moves from place to place so badly they need classes- sidewalk classes.
  25. 152 is The first step is admitting you have a problem- it's a play on the name of the alcoholic drink "Gin and tonic"
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