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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Removing skeletons would do nothing to resolve the underlying problem, and if law-abiding citizens can't have skeleton armies, only lich overlords will be able to have them. What about our rights?
  2. Suggestion made in the CalRef chat: The new forum has it so that clicking the title of a thread with new posts always takes you to the beginning of the thread, not the unread posts. Maybe this could be remedied?
  3. So do both whiskey and vodka. If you're Ernest Hemingway or F. Scott Fitzgerald, that is.
  4. I am somewhat of a connosseur.
  5. I'm assuming that you're using some nonstandard variant of "no" that really means "yes", because otherwise your position is nonsensical.
  6. Never really liked wine. I used to mainy drink vodka, but I think I'm acquiring a taste for whiskey as I grow older.
  7. Well, a friend close to the administration has tipped me off that Walton Simons could be Obama's go-to pick for the director of FEMA, so my guess is probably death camps. I know my source is legitimate because his information was confirmed by a bunch of websites with black backgrounds and NEWSMAX adds for "One weird trick!"
  8. Huh, I saw "states" in her post and just assumed it was the US. My bad, I guess? Point still stands, though. I can't imagine that light guns are banned, esp. since they're usually very clearly not weapons (bright orange/blue if memory serves).
  9. What, so you can own guns in your state but not things that look like guns? If you just need to get some kind of FOID card/permit, I have no sympathy for your plight. I live in Illinois, one of the states with the toughest gun restrictions in the country, and I still own rifles and pistols. If you can't be bothered to figure out what the local laws are and how to deal with them, don't blame your stupidity on policies that haven't even been enacted yet. (Incidentally, I'm considering purchasin a McMillan CS5, which requires ATF tax stamps. Anybody have experience with those here?)
  10. You changed it. Now it sucks. I won't explain why it sucks, but clearly the soluton here is to chang everything back to UBB.
  11. hi what is best game on spiderweb? i like gaems like cod and bf3. when will jeff release blades of geneforge!!! that would be cool. or he could make a movie. or a mmo. i like mmos.
  12. I must be mad thinking I'd be remembered, yes, I must be out of my head! Look at your blank faces, my name will mean nothing ten minutes after I'm dead!
  13. Ooh, pretty. I have to say my favorite is either the Jade Halberd or the Alien Blade. Deadly, yest also sleek and kind of beautiful.
  14. Yeahhhhh, as far as I'm concerned we might as well fill up deserts with solar power, on account of them (if chosen carefully; think the Empty Quarter) having practically no life, no historical or cultural value, and no economic worth whatsoever. And to those claiming that there's a level of moral equivalence between humans and nature, no. Humans have a responsibility to be effective srtewards of nature, of course- it is directly beneficial to us to not drive animals extinct or melt the polar ice caps and innundate costal cities. However, you cannot seriously draw moral equivalnce between humans and animals- it is disingenuous to assert that nature in an of itself is a paramont value above and beyond provide safe, clean energy to the human species, especially if done in such a painless way.
  15. Well, those claiming that I would return soon are technically correct; I will be here for the next fourty-eight hours or so, and then another three-month absence. You may commence the basking in my presence while it lasts.
  16. ...Lend me your ears for a brief announcment: Due to circumstances beyond my control, I will be taking an indefinite leave of absence from Spiderweb effective three months ago. My press secretary will be avalibe to reply "no comment" to all of your questions at the press conference currently scheduled for 6:00 PM Eastern time tomorrow. That will be all.
  17. Originally Posted By: Jerakeen I think Nikki has this right, although I can think of several ways to "hurt" a stone. What, can't the sonic screwdriver whip up some thermite or plastic explosive? I'd think that would be pretty effective in taking out errant statuary...
  18. Originally Posted By: Sylae oh good i was wondering where this thread in general from january about geneforge went It's good to know that SW has a backup Lilith in case the original ever explodes in a fit of sardonic wit somehow. Granted, the backup isn't quite as god as the real thing, but it still should work in a pinch.
  19. Originally Posted By: Randomizer It's the economy, stupid. Even though Republicans were in favor of job creation, they don't want an improving economy under Obama because it increases his reelection chance. ^ Basically, they're desperately hoping that they can pull off the two step of "refuse to help fix the economy, blame Obama and the Dems for the un-fixed economy" before the voters catch on and ask why they're trying to play electioneering games instead of actually helping people out.
  20. I would request an explanation, but there's like an 85% chance this is pony-related, so I'll pass on asking this time.
  21. Dantius

    Comfort Zone

    Originally Posted By: Lilith "markets can stay irrational longer than u can stay solvent" -- oscar wilde Originally Posted By: Abraham Lincoln The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity.
  22. Dantius

    Comfort Zone

    Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity No doubt Apple will take a huge hit sometime. I figured out Apple was onto something back in 1999, when OS X didn't crash and the "desklamp" iMac showed a new kind of industrial design for consumer electronics. I also figured out that this knowledge was probably widespread and already reflected in the stock price, in accordance with the random walk theory. So I didn't buy Apple stock. Then it kept rising. I figured it would take a huge hit sometime soon. So I still didn't buy Apple stock. This has repeated a few times, now. I guess I never will buy any of Apple. I'll miss out on getting stung in that big hit, when it finally comes. I've also missed out on a lot of money. Am I smart, or stupid? I don't know. But I think I'd have been richer if I'd just bought a lot of Apple stock back in 1999. I keep toying with the idea of buying a couple of far-out put options on AAPL, but I never wind up doing it, because I'm just not confident in my ability to fix a date to the crash beyond "probably within the decade". I mean, the WSJ called out the market for acting exactly like it did during the tech bubble, and if you'd bought options then, you'd have lost out. Plus, they get expensive fast if you're willing to go further out. NASDAQ lists AAPL puts at like $75 a share to buy with a $500 strike that expires in Jan 2015, and buying enough to make a decent profit means that I'd likely just be throwing away thousands on a guess if I got it wrong.
  23. Originally Posted By: Death Knight I just finished completing a game called the Quest by Redshift, a small indie company that makes old school games. The game is very much like A Bard's Tale, but in present day. Basically a lot of things are very simplistic about the game for most players. I was tearing the game up with a dexterity based melee Seiry (the rogue race in this game), and when getting to the end I noticed that while it was hard, there happened to be things I thought about such as how much easier certain parts of the game would be with ranged bow and arrow and how balanced the game's combat was. I completed the game and was satisfied with the last boss fight but I thought of something in games. Do you all think that in rpgs like these, its better for each type of combat style to be almost completely balanced or have one that is outclassing the others except for a few small details. In that particular game, melee was good when facing large amounts of fighting enemies, but trying to get up to a mage was a real pain. Whereas an archer outclasses them all, and eventually mages become useless as magic immunity for enemies happens in the 3rd expansion. I've played through that game and around five of the expansions, and yes, the magic immunity that starts in HOL is rather annoying, but it largely negates the incredibly vast advantages that Ravsim (sp? I haven't played in years) enjoy in the first games due to their drain health and drain mana spells. I mean, it reduces combat to "If I can survive two hits, I can win literally any combat in the game with ease". Also, the quality of expansions after Islands of Fire and Ice seriously deteriorated. This was largely due to the engine breaking down at high levels (it forced classes to converge to highly specialized physical damage and enchantment build to survive), and all the fun little things (like the tavern card games) became irrelevant because you had like ten million gold and noting to spend it on, because the designers put in characters based on the forum's users who would just give you epic level items, which sounds cool until you realize how stupid it is. Still, if you have an iPhone/Touch/Pad, it's worth dropping the few bucks on the original for several hours of entertainment.
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