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Everything posted by Harehunter

  1. Equilaterally speaking, I'm trying to go in the Right direction, but it's tough going as I am Scalene a steep Slope of an Isoscelene perspective that vanishes in the distance. I don't think I can be any Planar than than. I am not trying to be Obtuse, but I saw the other day.
  2. There's a cosine ahead. You've just entered the twilight zone.
  3. Still around, but inundated with other projects. I am in the process of building a linux server so I can validate my web pages before I post them. I've had enough problems with upper/lower case discrepancies.
  4. "I'm not so think as you drunk I am." - Margaret Hoolihan
  5. Overheard at the restaurant; Customer: Waiter, what is this fly doing in my soup? Waiter: I appears to be doing the backstroke.
  6. From the "What is your favorite quote" thread. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity Well, they made jelly out of rat cells. Not so much a jellyfish. That is, they made a blob of cells that moves in water like a jellyfish when you run current through the water. If you stop the current, the jelly stops moving. It has no internal power source. So this is only a rather modest step up from making dead frog legs twitch with current, as Galvani did in 1771. What Lilith was pointing at sounded like current events. But SoT's shocking revelation was downright re-volting. I find his posts galvanizing. Electrolytically speaking, though, I suppose only Rentar-Ihrno has the capacitance to pull off a stunt like this. Did the Vahnatai ever bring her up on charges for that? They would have to present their case to the short circuit judge. And speaking of the Greeks, I think I remember they had an architectural style known as ionic. But I don't recall that they ever had one called anodic. I have a whole battery of questions like that. I suppose I need to rectify my ways, but I don't want to burn my wheatstone bridges behind me. Besides the semi-conductor on the train won't let me board anyway. I running low on EMF due to a high resistance to my punning, so I think I'll go ohm and take a nap.
  7. Gesundheit. Lilith, You always have something to add that amuses me.
  8. @M.L. While I have never taken offense by anything you have said, I must admit that I, too, have often been the spark that ignites fiery discussions. I feel compelled to follow your example. To anyone that I may have offended by my remarks, I beg your forgiveness. While I have tried to present the frustration that is felt by the more conservative side of the house, I have only meant to open the dialog so that we may come to understand each other better. Through such understanding, I believe, we begin a process in which we can work together and become part of the solution instead the source of the problem. I know that I have earned much from you since I arrived. Again, I extend my apologies to the good people I have met on these fora for any hurt I may have caused. Pax vobiscum.
  9. @Cairo Jim, That is a good one, regardless of one's religious belief.
  10. "You can't rollerskate in a buffalo herd." - Roger Miller
  11. My mother had worked as a secretary (back when they were called 'secretaries'), and knew that working in an office would require one to work on a keyboard. In order to become proficient at it, one should learn how to touch-type; type without looking at the keyboard. Since all my interests were focused in the scientific arena, she guessed that my career path would involve lots of typing. Little did she know at that time just how much, but her insight in having me learn to touch-type has been one of the greatest gifts I received from her. As a computer programmer/analyst/administrator, I spend my life at a keyboard. I can't imagine how much more difficult it would have been had I not learned typing. As for being blue-collar, you have my greatest respect. I have learned much from blue-collar people. One in particular knew more about building storm doors and windows than anyone in the company, including the engineers who designed them. The sciences, I.T., and other so called white-collar jobs do not appeal to everyone. I have met people who just can't stand even the thought of being cooped up in an office. They are good at what they do and and are proud of the quality of their work. My mother's first quote applies especially for them.
  12. Maybe that's what John Conlee meant when he sang "Rose Colored Glasses".
  13. A huge expense in the pharma industry is the energy required to maintain climate controls and to filter the air in order to prevent contamination of the drugs. This number dwarfs the cost of the reagent grade chemicals used in the R&D as well as the manufacture of those drugs.
  14. My mother had a few gems. Getting a job that you truly enjoy is like having a life's paid vacation. If you can read, you can cook. The trick is in finding a good recipe. If you want to get a job doing something other than manual labor, you need to learn to type. Graham Kerr just mentioned that parsley is a mild aphrodesiac. What does that mean? Go look it up and tell me. - (Mom, I think you'd better read this one yourself.)
  15. I think I need a new pair of glasses. Then I would be able to C#. I have trouble sleeping at night because I drink too much Java. By the way, is SQL pronounced SeQueL, SQueaL, or ?
  16. Originally Posted By: Randomizer December marks the release of the next one, Myth-Quoted. Can I Quote you on that Mythter Randomizer? ( I told you I don't speak Lisp. I just couldn't C my way through PASCAL's triangle. To get around it, I had to hitch a ride on FOR-TRANS, but I don't know WAT IV. I visited the Tomb of the Lords of COBOL, but when my card was punched, a guy named Chad had hung around and turned a zero into a space, which gave my program intestinal flue causing it to dump core. What a mess! When I had re-Assembled the bits, I linked back to the bin directory and went FORTH from there. Since then I have BASICally gone quite inSAN.)
  17. Give me time. I'll probably ignite another firestorm somewhere. I seem to have a knack for it. Stay 'tooned.
  18. I have every book up until his latest releases. (Act surprised ) As I recall, Aahz was a wizard, until he got hit with that joke powder. Even more punny is the Piers Anthony Xanth "trilogy". His 32nd book in this series is titled "Two to the Twelveth". I wonder how he arrived at that name .
  19. Thou asketh, thou shalt receive. But be mindful though of what thou asketh, for it may be exactly what thou wisheth.
  20. Sometimes I feel like a trained circus animal. Whenever I do a good deed for one of my customers, they reward me with puns. Quote: Did you know that when ancient wall sculptors were finished, it was a relief? Or that ancient Aztec writers had to make sure their inca was dry? An ancient Greek shoemaker ran home when there was an earthquake, only to discover he had fallen arches. Meanwhile, ancient orators tended to Babylon. Architects went through columns of figures in order to figure their columns. Did you hear than an archaeologist’s career ended up in ruins?
  21. That's the spirit Actaeon.
  22. Excalibur, you are more perceptive than most people. The problem with much of the electorate is that they don't want to be confused with facts. I don't claim to know all the facts about all issues, but I do at least attempt to learn both view points. Call it an occupational obsession of a computer analyst. (And that cuts both ways, conservative and liberal, republican or democrat.)
  23. IMHO, it is not that he doesn't care about the very poor. It is just this; in his estimation about 47% of the population will vote for Obama regardless of what he says. Period. On the other hand, there is about 47% of the people who will vote for Romney, period. The 6% that lies in the middle are the true independents that he needs to reach out to in order to be elected. Why is it he says that the very poor are in the 47% for Obama? People who are dependent on governmental entitlements would gain only if the party that supports larger funding for those entitlement programs are elected. Typically those people are Democrats. On the other of side of the coin (literally) are the people who pay taxes to fund those entitlement programs. They prosper when unemployment is low, more people are paying into the tax system, and fewer people are taking out of the system.
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