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Posts posted by Harehunter

  1. I remember there was a time that is was predicted that with the advent of personal computers, that we would become a paperless society. In fact, we use many times the amount of paper now than we did back then. One person, when asked about this, said that in the '60s and '70s, paper was a storage medium. Now it is used as interface. We print it, use it, and throw it away for an updated version. The main reason for printed output was the volume of information you could put on paper vs what you could see on a 80x24 character CRT. Now we have word processors, browsers and large high resolution screens which can present a whole printed page at a time. The drawback then was portability; only desktop machines had a screen big enough to easily read those PDF documents. The new generation of notebook computers, IPads, etc will alleviate that problem, but now many desktop machines are sporting dual displays.


    Besides, nothing is more relaxing, at least to me, than getting away from that electronic gadget, unplugging and sitting on the back deck reading a book while having a dog in my lap. But I'm sort of old-fashioned that way.

  2. When I first started drinking coffee during those long crash studies, I had to load it with sugar and cream in order to get past the bitterness of industrial strength coffee. Then one day came when I was in the army working on a programming project. My hours were from noon to when. Most often it wasn't until 0600 that we took off for a quick cat nap and back at it again at 1200. It happened that all of sudden there was no creamer or sugar, and with 4 more hours to go, I had to start taking it down black. Which is what I still do for the most part. I still enjoy the occasional mocha, but not very often. Long story short (too late) it took a while and an act of desperation to get used to it,

  3. The VP is also the president of the Senate. He does not get a vote except in the case of a tie. He also has a great deal of influence as to the agenda, i.e. which bills will be brought to the floor to be voted on. If he doesn't like a bill, he can kill it before it hits the floor by simply refusing to put it on the agenda.

  4. OK, I understand the social aspect of them, but if it weren't for the caffeine in coffee, I wouldn't bother with it. It took me years to accept the bitter taste of coffee. The only time I would drink it during my college years was when I was studying for an exam.


    As for non-alcoholic beer, shoot, I'm not proud; hand me coke. If that's not available, H2O works fine too. O'Doules just tastes flat to me.

  5. We do not mourn Missy any less, but there is no need to mourn her alone. Besides that, it was not good for Abby to have to live on the street. She had been abandoned in the neighborhood where I work. She needs us as much as we need her. I do believe that it was providence that brought us together.

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