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Posts posted by Harehunter

  1. I don't remember having to do anything to see the help files. They work fine here.

    I even checked my archives and I see nothing that relates to the help.

    But then again, I have slept since then.


    All my sympathies go out to you. I had to put our Labrador Terrier down just last month. The quiet in the house was deafening. The next day I adopted a stray shitzu maltese that a co-worker had found. At first, my wife didn't like the idea. We had not sufficiently mourned the passing of Missy. But getting a new dog so soon does not mean we will mourn her any less; it just means we don't have to mourn her alone.

  3. When it comes to technology, I am to some degree a Luddite. I don't have a smart phone, I don't text or tweet, and I feel no need to do so. As someone who spends all day on computers (plural), I need to unplug for at least 4 or 5 hours a day, talk with people, read a book. I have a facebook page, but I check it only once a week. This forum has been my one indulgence in online interaction, until recently when I got into LinkedIn. But LinkedIn is too closely associated with work. This is just for fun.

  4. Sorry about the Angus Young outfit, Reverend. It was just to complement the Big Gun riff. I'm glad you're feeling more like yourself.


    As for feeding the raptors, it's turning out to be like feeding sea gulls; it just encourages them to want more. But maybe the gremlins offer a solution.

  5. Folks who've known me for a while here already know my position on the Second Amendment. For the record, I think the Supreme Court has gotten it right. It does not apply strictly to an organized militia, but it is an individual right. As an officer in the U.S. armed forces I took an oath to "Defend and Protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic." That oath most definitely includes all the amendments. I sincerely believe that there is a reason that freedom of speech and religion is the First Amendment, and the right to keep and bear arms is the Second Amendment.


    I have debated with a few of you as to the wisdom of enacting a law that ensures the right of individuals to own firearms. The history of the United States has been one full of conflict. The right of the individuals to protect their homes and their lives against all those who would choose to take it from them is a basic right. Enacting a law that would ban all firearms would not stop the use of them in the commission murder. It would limit the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves against those who would illegally acquire firearms regardless of the law.


    Now to the topic of semi-automatic weapons. There is a lot of opinion being cast about on both sides, with studies being cited from various sources to support their claims. I have already learned from my discussions with Slarty that you cannot use studies from obviously biased sources such as the Heritage Foundation or the Huffington Post. Both sources are biased in the extreme on opposite sides of whatever debate is going on. As someone who has studied statistical methods, and having seen too many studies that just don't pass the smell test, I am highly skeptical of all studies until I have read the underlying details. From what I have read, there is nothing conclusive on either side of the debate regarding high-caliber semi-automatic weapons. I can cite studies from both sides that appear to be valid, but again, I have to consider the source.


    The real question in my mind is this: Is it possible to prevent people who are determined to commit murder, on any scale, from acquiring a weapon capable of the act? Firearms are not the only thing available for use as a weapon. An automobile has been used in at least one case I can cite. Knives, clubs, whatever comes to hand can and have been used as weapons. I once sat on a jury where the murder weapon was a fire extinguisher. For a sufficiently determined individual bent on destruction and possible murder, bulldozers and armored vehicles from the National Guard post have been used. Many, many people own guns of all calibers and loading method, and they do not commit crimes, nor do they have accidents where a child kills themselves or someone else. There are reports where people, including teenagers, have used firearms to defend their home, their business and their lives. There are also reports where firearms are used to commit crimes. I find it curious that our media networks tell you more about a story that supports their bias, while ignoring those that contradict it. What is disturbing is when a news report is "edited" in such a way as to distort the facts. This cuts both ways.


    And then there is Major Nidal Hassan. This character was known about for years, yet nothing was done to prevent him from committing mass murder on an army post. It was not considered correct to release him from the service because of his religious views. After all, freedom of religion and freedom of speech are guaranteed in the First Amendment, yes, even to soldiers. As for the Connecticut shooter, I have not yet heard enough to conclude if mental health was at issue or not. The right to privacy with regard to medical issues, including mental health, is also well established.


    Identifying people with the motive to commit mass murder, and having a process that could be used to prevent them is, IMHO, the action that I would consider just. We have our basic rights protected by the Constitution of The United States, but we also have a system of courts that are empowered to abrogate those rights when a case is presented to them that provides just cause. This is the due process of the law that is already in place. But for this system to work, the people of the community have to be alert and aware of potential threats and be willing to press suit against them.

  6. Welcome, etc, (read my signature)


    Having begun my experience with Spiderweb Software with Exile (the first episode), I recommend the Avernum Series.

    You may also find my website helpful, with maps and other stuff. I am currently working on maps for Exile III.


    I also recommend Blades of Exile. There are a couple of newer scenario editors available. For scenarios and assistance your best site is

    True Site for Blades. http://www.truesite4blades.com/

  7. I hope no one objects to my use of their character. I loved what The Reverend did with the slug thing, but I really needed him back for this bit. Thanks for the Brain Cloud, Jewels. It is better than a light bulb. Credit for the goose thing goes to Lilith. And thanks go to Jewels for bringing up the name "Angus". It reminded me of Angus Young. Now that BMA has a Big Gun, maybe we can get this raptor thing straightened out.

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