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Lord Iraelithe

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Everything posted by Lord Iraelithe

  1. OK, thanks. I tried that shift+D then typing rechargeme but it doesnt work... giveasnack doesnt either, y not?
  2. Wait. So shift+d then type, or shift+d then (?) Which one?
  3. Originally Posted By: Randomizer I bought them while buying Avernum games for my new Mac. I already had the Exile games on a much older PC that wasn't up to the minimum requirements for Avernum. I didn't start playing them until just before Geneforge 4 came out. YEah, I had been on Spid's website but never downloaded anything, I was running a '95 with memory almost full and I was ticked off because I came home one day and they sold my computer that had the exiles on it and they didnt even give me the money, I couldve backed up my game and files but NOOO they dont even ask me anything, they just wipe the drive and sell it.
  4. Really? O_O amazing, you learn something new each day...lol...
  5. Ok...I dont really see what your getting at there...
  6. Sharx got me into it w/ his Geneforge story, otherwise I was ALL Exile
  7. Which geneforge is your favorite? A.)1 B.)2 C.)3 D.)4 E.)5 So, tell me, Which one do you like?
  8. Wait, whys there a scrying stone AND crystal? WHy would you need 2?
  9. Ouch, that'd hurt. I only saw 1 problem, at the end of paragraph 3 you put looses, instead os loses. Great chapter,You know, I put this thread under my favorites tab and set Spiderweb as my hompage just so I could read this (nd get help on some games but, yeah)its great, lol.
  10. Cool, uh, I lliked this chapter...Can Iraelithe be like, idk one of his shaper apprentice friends or something who is in more than 1 chapter? lol
  11. hahaha you guys are so smart now uh, Were would I just so happen to find some of these cheats?
  12. You know, its funny how everyone cheats but no one gets into major trouble, heck, even the mods te us cheat sites, I thin its amusing..
  13. YAY! TO FACEBOOK! (dramatic actiony kinda like Indiana Jones music plays in background)
  14. OOH OOH OOH ME ME ME PICK ME PICK ME! I KNOW I KNOW! Name it:Zephyrus like you said.I like that name it sounds all...Regal and stuffs...YOUR AMAZING! lol.
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