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Posts posted by Chessrook44

  1. 20 hours ago, Celtic Minstrel said:

    ...wait, you're posting two videos in a row? 😮

    I was posting one Video on Wednesday, Release day, and one on Thursday.  I just posted the Wednesday one very late.


    Time for our first REAL task... clearing out the port so we can get some much-needed resources.  Onwards!


    Until I can figure out how to embed YouTube videos, here's the link.  Someone please inform me how to embed!




  2. Yep, you guessed it... I've done Let's Plays of ALL the other Spiderweb games... it's time for me to do the new one!  Never said I was going to stop.  Sure you'll be doing your own runs, but if you want to give a watch to my own go, then give a watch and enjoy!



    Until I can figure out how to embed YouTube videos, here's the link.  Someone please inform me how to embed!




  3. Now what I would find interesting would be to see how this compares to people's favorite trilogy of them all.  Do they prefer Exile?  Avernum?  The second trilogy?  The remakes?  Which one did they start with?


    I personally think it would probably end up with people's favorites being the first one they tried, but still.

  4. Five and a half years.


    It's taken five and a half years, working on this project, since I started it in January of 2013.  But finally I've finished doing a Let's Play of EVERY Spiderweb Software game in the catalog (barring remakes/repeats).  Every single one has been uploaded and done, posted here on the site, sometimes with comments and sometimes without.  Blades of Avernum took a year and a half on its own due to doing every user-made scenario that was available.  All this, without a single break in posting that wasn't caused by outside forces.


    Kinda not sure how I feel right now.  Relieved?  Relaxed?  Happy?  Dunno.  But it's done.


    I will be starting up recordings on here again once Kelandon's scenario for BoA is done, and once Queen's Wish comes out.  They WILL be done and added to my channel.  But until then I need to figure out what I'm going to do.


    Man.  Been quite a ride.

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