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Spddin Ignis

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Everything posted by Spddin Ignis

  1. i agree with jewels.and you're only a 12000 away from aloreal.
  2. thank you dantius. that worked. i dont know why, but it did.
  3. sorry. double post...wont let me delete. But its the same map that nioca made before
  4. yeah i am. It looks like the one nioca posted a while back.
  5. um....the map hasn't changed...at all
  6. i have all of the coast, including nodeye.
  7. Usually passive transport i would suspect.
  8. "We have one the battle for the Nodeye coast my lord" , Kohler told Shaper Spddin. "The Drakons were no match for the cryoembers that we had sent. We will finish purging the remaining Drakons and steal their research, but once that is done, do you wish for me to help in the southern provinces?" "No, i need you there, without a constant presence in the NOdeye coast,it will fall to our enemies. Have you learned anything?" Spddin responded "Yes, the drakons found a way to create unbound that can be controlled." "Really? I'll send ember to get the research. They may be useful. But for now, scatter your forces and finsish our work. I will send shapers to populate the region with life and also guardians for defense. I will see you soon friend." The crystal blackened and spddin went to Agent Rayne and asked her about the battle. She had told him how the Doctors lost many of their troops, but managed to infiltrate the south shore. Around 50 shapers had been killed. Spddin was furious, but you couldn't tell under the shadows of his black hood. If there was one thing that his father had taught him, it was that losing was unacceptable. "But we did win the battle against the northern front and the battle for nodye!" She quickly reminded him, knowing the anger that he must be feeling. She could feel the energy radiating off of him. One of the traits that made spddin so powerful was his ability to hide his power from his foes. When angered, some of that power managed to leak out. "Thank you councilor Rayne", he promptly said as he went back into the scying room. He made contact with Sky. "How is the battle going down there?" "We have obliterated the arterial army, the remaining few fled." "Will you go back to the Mera-tev?" "No, some un-known force has taken over and the ESC had been defeated...nothing is left but a few shapers who are fleeing to the citadel." "Gather those soldiers and take them into your army...you are going to invade the perkailia. Our intel tells us that their are 10 doctors there. That is most likely where artemis is fleeing to as well. Crush them. I dont care at what costs, just know that you will have to use alot of magic resistant creations." "Yes lord. Councilor Sky out." Spddin was confident that he could take perkailia now, but he now knew to never under estimate the enemy. Every battle creates a new oppurtunity to learn he thought. Another crystal lit up, revealing General Ash and his army. "I'm aware that you have lost. Tell me what course of action do you plan on taking." "Lord, they are more powerful then we could have ever expected. But we have regained the pass, and blocked it off using the most powerful turrets and creations. We also placed spike mines...if anyone wants to get through then they'll end up, well, dead." "And what of the captured city?" "It has been surrounded by all sides. We have large living crafts in the ocean, ready to attack, as well as shapers surrounding the city by land. There is no way that they can keep the city with their small forces, but we are aware of their power. I have a weak spell that will work against them for now..." "I trust you. Now you have a battle to fight." The Crystal, like the others, blackened. Spddin had sent 10 powerful shapers to Drypeak. He was going to get revenge for Dak... 3 guardians, 3 agents, and 4 shapers...they had all ready made it to the edge of the dera reaches, and they were looking for blood.
  9. I was asking a serious question. Some people refer to diki as a male and others as a female. Im totally confused and dont want to offened anyone.
  10. Dikiyoba, i want to be definitive in this. Which gender specific pronoun should i use when referring to you.
  11. Diki, im proud that you have reached 6007 post...they post so fast :'(
  12. Litalia thinks that she can amend killing serviles by killing hundreds of innocent humans. Then after that, to amend her killing of them, she decides to go trak...
  13. Yeah. Lets just finish this now... we always get into arguments on these types of threads.
  14. I know. But do you think what she did was rational?
  15. Yeah, like nioca said, i was referring to diki.
  16. Khyryk didn't kill hundreds of innocent people mind you, litalia's journey ended in the end of other people journeys, which makes her quite different from khyryk. Litalia continued to turn on society and her masters, until she was hated by everyone. She was with the shapers, she decided to go to the rebels for what reason? fun? Because she accomplished her cause with the rebels only to see the destruction that she has cost, one which the shapers never would have brought about. So instead, she rebels against the art that made her who she is, was, a shaper. Being a trakovite made it soo everyone wanted her dead, and thats how things worked for her...
  17. Wow...i wouldn't call that a joke necessarily...
  18. pshhh. I haven't slowed down on posts sense i've joined the forum, and all of them are filled with poetic insight. Congrats diki. Almost at the 7000 mark..only 994 left
  19. hmmm...i've actually recently become interested in scientology.I have no idea beleifs they have and i will soon figure out...just for knowledge.
  20. there is no saying that they would have weapons that are alot more powerful then ours considering that they might not fight among eachother due to a more civilized living style. And you never know, water is rare these days, well at least liquid water.
  21. How would you prepare for an alien invasion of earth. Would you be ready?
  22. Not true. It would simply make it so we can add more details and aspects, such as andras' life.
  23. You don't need magic to get by as a shaper to be truthful. I usually have atlesat 6 rots at the end of the game. And the sooner you begin to pump up intel, the more essence you get.
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