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Posts posted by BMA

  1. Everyone watches in horror as the Big Man tears open a huge, bright yellow packet. It is full of - yes, it is as they had feared - smileys! :lol: . Blissfully oblivious to the gasps and groans, the Big Man smiles as he begins to attach the smileys to safety pins.


    Big Man : You wear it on your chest - proudly and with your head held high. Like this, see ? ( He gives a demonstration on the correct way to wear a smiley badge, and himself wears a nice green-toothed smiley)


    Everyone makes a big fuss at first, but they finally give in and wear the badges. Trinit Eye even catches The Reverend admiring his reflection in a mirror.


    The Big Man walks over to the wall, takes his pen out and adds "Cashew nuts (3 Kg)" to the list.

  2. I resign from the tournament. :mellow:


    I've manged to get myself stuck in this place where no one knows what the Internet is, and I won't be able to come online for about a week.


    (BMA Vs Goldenking => Goldenking wins)

  3. Astrology isn't the same thing as time of year, though. The planet orbits all have different periods, and the exact motion of the moon is very complex, because it is affected significantly by both the Earth and the Sun.


    I think there's a difference between the assertion that the time of year you were born might shape your behavior, and the idea that the position of planets and stars millions of miles away has a day-to-day effect on our behavior.


    But I don't quite understand that. The two aren't mutually exclusive. The time (of birth) itself is a variable to the function which determines the position of the planets on their respective axes.




    Is November melancholy everywhere?


    Nope. November is the coolest month of the year; one I always look forward to after the September heat. 302.gif

  4. I liked G3 a lot better than the others. The linearity of jumping from one island to another was a welcome change, and a relief, after having been made to be in a central location with several directions to go to in the previous games.


    Besides, you are a shaper, you know, which I like. Not a rebel, and not an amnesia-ridden either-way kind of person.


    If you're serious then you need to have a sit down and consider what you realistically want from the wiki, and what its use is going to be.


    Yea. 'Gree.


    I went through the Wiki; it's surprisingly well-made, especially considering it was made by such a small number of people.

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