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Everything posted by Evnissyen

  1. Oh, no... they're coming in threes.
  2. Hey: did you just suggest that America is not perfect? How dare you! (Yes, I admit. I've been paying attention to Limbaugh. His spy-lens antics are so amusing.)
  3. It ends up being a decent bargain, up to a point. Endure it for a while. Reap the rewards. Oh, and... Shanker can't help you. She just doesn't respect you for getting yourself geased up, is all. The conversation ends thee and everything else with her is me me me, though she is cute.
  4. Brock: I think I can resolutely say that I do not. Thou art a weirdo, what with thine mythological references and so on and so forth and the hither and thither and everything else betwixt. Missing noses, indeed.
  5. Franska, franska, franska, jag säger ingenting.... Jag är tyst som graven.
  6. We're not as well educated on this side of the ocean, sad to say. I also forgot to mention the smell of hot ash... and the ever-so-gentle gurgle of pyroclastic flows.... ...Wait, that doesn't happen just yet. Sometime in the future. Just you wait!
  7. Funny thing... my first reaction to the alteration of the encumbrance system was, well, confusion was the first reaction since it didn't make sense to me that my huge sack or backpack or whatever I was supposed to be carrying was not weighing me down... then when I realized what was going on I was simultaneously happy and disappointed. Weird. I was happy that I didn't have to worry about encumbrance except with equipment... but I was disappointed with the loss of a system that had been, in the past, a reliable nuisance. But it was definitely an improvement. I think the only argument against G3 that can I agree with was the issue with the boats... that was a bit of a nuisance, but it did add something to the game, nonetheless, which I think I mentioned in that particular thread. Anyhow... there were a couple of other threads on that nature that, in retrospect, are kind of amusing to me... I'll post them if I find them.
  8. Brock: Well, this one, anyway, at least that would be the latest one. There are better threads, but I don't know where they are, maybe the Geneforge 4 forum.
  9. Seattle? So that's where this cowboy's been holed up. I hear that part of the country's good for brains. A bookish place, I hear, Seattle and I think Portland especially. Maybe something about all the trees, and the rain, it feeds the brain. The scent of pine. Pine and coffee.
  10. Now, don't go giving anybody any ideas on a Geneforge SIMS.
  11. Being on topic is overrated. (Actually, looking back, I now see that the digression was my fault. I won't apologize for it! I'd warned you all ahead of time.) Anyway, okay, back to topic: I really haven't spent enough time, myself, messing around with the scripts... maybe I just didn't feel any great need to but.. hey.. what's a computer for if not to mess around with stuff? I think I might actually do some character switching. It might be nice to play a gazer, for example, like Dikiyoba's fyoras. ...Or to play with a townsperson's form... that would be nice, too. I can get rid of those damn uniforms. EDIT: Also, Mitchell: Please edit that URL so it's more easily accessed? It needs the ol' http:// fix. Thanks. In the meantime I'll be checking out the link with no help from the SW forums.
  12. After Geneforge, I can't wait for the new series.
  13. I don't believe it's possible to be a pacifist in Avernum. Doesn't the very nature of the game and the monsters and bandits attacking you and all of the this and the that and all of the rest sort of dictate that you respond in a less than polite manner?
  14. Fringy: I suppose all we have to do between now and game release is argue about how evasive Evelyn's legs and feet are. Poor me, with the PC, I have to wait even longer....
  15. The Geneforge world is practically built on magic... a Geneforge world without magic is simply... unmagical.
  16. Anonymous... I mean Brock: I won't comment any more on or against the criticisms of A4 and G3. I've had my full of commentary. I would agree, however, that both the Avernum and Geneforge series could use more spells, of more variation and greater imagination.
  17. Click to reveal.. First: I did a little research (my resources here are limited since I've only late-game saves). I was speaking specifically of G3. Akhari Blaze is in fact the drakon who's heading the reconstruction of the geneforge and then finally, if you don't kill him, tests it out on himself and is quite satisfied -- after some appropriate agony, of course -- with the result. Meanwhile, there're two other drakons. One is imprisoned in Lord Dhonal's (?) palace, the Shaper leader you're sent by Akhari Blaze to assassinate. If you free him after you escape the palace dungeon then he helps you fight... if I remember correctly. So... this is another drakon, not Akhari or Ghaldring. He's also the one who tells you about the drakon lineage. Then there's another, effectively insignificant one, who sits meditating in a house in the southeast corner of the servile town where you join the cause if you like. The "knives in the night" town. I forget the servile leader's name. He makes you kill Khyryk if you want to join the servile cause. The drakon doesn't want to be disturbed. He hightails it out of there if you betray the serviles, so you can't go back and kill him. In that town, there's also an agent spy in the northwest corner. EDIT: After quickly verifying two names.
  18. In this case, I felt, powergaming and roleplaying were employed by the same master. And, um... Synergy?... when is your new Avatar scheduled to arrive?
  19. Hmm... not to be too critical of some very nice work, Matt, but was that strategy meant for people on Hard or Torment? Otherwise, methinks it's just somewhat excessive, considering that on Normal it was really quite an easy challenge. (I turned down the difficulty somewhere around Anama when I started getting tired. Usually I do play on Hard.) I suppose on more difficult levels, though, your suggestions should be pretty handy. In fact, I think the only reason I failed the first time was 1. I mistook the "trinkets", at first, as trash, and 2. I spent a little too much time exploring instead of just grabbing, since I wasn't sure if the gremlins would let me back in afterward, which it turns out they did, of course... and even then I only missed their time limit by a second. ...And this was without any special strategy. ...Of course, some of the suggestions are very good and useful ones. So... me thanks you for that. (If I make a second run at the game I'll be able to test this episode on a higher difficulty level. Then I think I'll put at least a couple of your suggestions to good use.) Actually, this was one of my more favorite parts of the game. I liked those mischievous gremlins. This is partly why I didn't kill them. The faerie folk are always fun... they're so amoral. I will stop babbling, now. At least I hope it was entertaining.
  20. Well, a couple of her former boyfriends have gone far and wide to escape her family... and to answer the first notion: heck, both of her brothers are father-appointed bodyguards. Poor girl. I wanted to kill off the family and whisk her off to freedom, but 1. they'd brainwashed her Stockholm style and 2. the game didn't allow it. Also, 3. she wasn't any smarter than her two brothers. She probably would've bored me to death.
  21. And then the following few years would have to be spent running around a lot and screaming at the top of your lungs, demanding toys and practicing the viability of the word "no"... and then the next few years learning the possibilities and excesses of human cruelty and the limits of human friendship... and then the next few years perfecting both your rebelliousness and your attitude, followed by a couple years of wrecking your parents' car, followed by another several years of excessive drinking and smoking... or some sort of variation on that theme, I suppose. Long story short: it would be a long game before we finally got around to fighting something.
  22. Hmmm.... More and more I'm coming around to thinking that a Geneforge wiki might not actually be such a bad idea after all, to explain all the history and all the names -- people and places -- for quick reference whenever we forget.
  23. That was fun. In respect for Brock who hasn't yet finished G3 : Click to reveal.. Wasn't Akhari Blaze the one waiting at the geneforge? And Ghaldring, I believe, never actually "appeared" in the game except as a sillouette in the epilogue? So... who was the one who was imprisoned? And who was the one meditating in the Servile town? It was so long ago that I played it, I've forgotten the names and details. And I'm glad at least one person hasn't been discouraged by the overwhelming criticism of Geneforge 3. Fun game, best beginning of all the SW games, too (A5 comes in second). One of my favorite parts, I think was the Monastery of Tears. If you think the upper level is tough, find your way into that basement and go crazy. ...But that's not until maybe 4/5 of the way through the game. Go in there with a rotghroth and a drakon and have fun. (Why're we able to make drakons, anyway? I don't think that that question has yet been adequately answered.) Oh yeah, and... I prefer to get aligned as soon as possible. It gives me a sense of purpose.
  24. Then the patterned tiles are apparently overlapping said feet. Either that or, as I said, the legs and feet are freakishly long and have chameleon ability.
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