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Posts posted by Toby-Linn

  1. That was Nethergate that had the kobolds.


    I like all of Jeff's games, and have been happy with all the changes so far. My favorite change has been to the inventory, when stuff in your packs don't effect your weight....that is awesome. I hate how in Avernum 1-3 you can only pick up so many things before you get loaded down.


    For example, after a big fight with tons of dropped items, decisions, decisions! Should I pick up the iron arrows or the iron chainmail? should I try to pick up the leather armors? quick, let's juggle the items among the characters so that we can squeeze more items in! And of course, everything disappeared once combat was over so it's not like you could come back. And god forbid a character die, then you'd have to reload the game for sure, because there's no way the other characters could pick up all their dropped items.

  2. I take public transport to and from work every day, so as you can imagine, some of my pet peeves are in regards to stupid people that I run into on a daily basis....


    There's the people who get on the bus and then just stand there at the very front and block other people from getting on or off. Or conversely, there's the people who stand right at the back doors and block people from getting off. Or there are the people who take over two seats with bags/purses, etc., even though they can see the bus is packed. And then there is the people who have an older person get on the bus and stand right there in front of them but don't offer them the seat.


    Anyways, excuse the minor rant. I can't think of any more pet peeves I have, though I'm sure I have some that are non-public transport related.

  3. I play all my games on easy mode whenever possible, and for the same reason the guy who wrote the article does, to relax and have fun.


    If I can't solve a puzzle and have to consult multiple walkthroughs, or keep on dying, then the game isn't fun any more because I'm all frustrated.

  4. I always get the hint books when I order the games (and I always get them on cd too) and for the simple fact that I have been without the internet before, and you never know when you'll be without it.


    The hint books and the game on cd ensure I still have spiderweb games to play even though there could be no internet.

  5. When I had my Windows XP computer, I had to reformat and reinstall the OS every year. There was also a motherboard crash and the installation of a new video card that necessitated reinstalling the OS.


    I also buy all the games on CD, in case you were wondering. tongue


    Haven't had to reinstall the OS on my new Vista computer yet.... (*crosses fingers and knocks on wood*).

  6. Yeah, because the plagues hurt both Avernum and the Empire by making the surface unlivable. The Avernites wouldn't be able to move back up.


    I think Erika's style of revenge is to sweep into her victim's house and kill them all with a flashy spell. Plus she wouldn't be shy about it. If the plagues were her work she would have bragged about it to your characters because she would've been proud of it.

  7. Quote:
    Jeff is ecologically friendly in that he is recycling as much of his older games as possible. So if the map looks like Avernum 4, it is with some changes to reflect the cavequakes since we last played through the area.

    I don't mind the new style of maps. True, you don't look as tiny traipsing through the wilderness as in A1-A3 and things are a little too close together, but it's still okay.

    This is the last major area that allows you to explore. You're in the army now so you can't go wherever you like as an adventurer. You need to follow orders and get them to get into certain places. Accepting quests is the easiest way to get into certain areas even if you don't do the quests.

    Well, obviously you must have some freedom to roam around, or else you couldn't go on quests. It's not like we're marching in a large column of other soldiers, and not allowed to deviate from the path. It's probably like a time limit on jobs, which we had in A3. This doesn't sound too bad.

    Because of the Blight, food is really important so you spend lots of time finding it so you don't want to suffer from starvation effects. Get used to using the portal pylons to go back for more every game day. After a few trips you can collect your rations in 5 minutes.

    Hmmm, I usually pick up all food I can find anyways, habit left over from the Exile games I guess. If we have to go back for rations every day, that could get annoying. I guess Jeff has decreased the amount of food that's usually lying around in dungeons and houses?

    All in all, sounds like a very intriguing game, I can't wait till it comes out! laugh
  8. I am reading book 3 of the Mallorean series by David Eddings - "The Demon Lord of Karanda".


    I might have gotten distracted from finishing it, because I watched the Stand miniseries and that made me want to read the book again. So I'm also reading "The Stand" by Stephen King..the uncut edition of course.

  9. I like it, but there are some things I would change.


    First, the pile of coins is nice, like Sleeping Dragon said. smile I also like the colons after titles being removed, they did look awkward.


    I like the rename of On Ground to Loot, and it's great that it was moved to the left side, so it's the first thing you see. The button being renamed to Close is also smart, I don't care whether it's orange or not. The equipped items list is very cool, it's very helpful to see which of the items I'm wearing are the heaviest. What does the shield icon and the target icon mean? If they are defense and damage shouldn't they be together with the weight icon last?


    The Equipped Items pictures doesn't really work for me, I like the way it was in the official screenshot. It's too compressed. The shield should be near the arm, not down by the feet.

  10. It sounds like something is blocking the game from starting after it asks you what resolution you want.


    Did you pick a different resolution that what you use currently? Maybe you should try switching to that before you run the game.


    Also, it might help to play the game while being logged into your computer under an administrator user account.


    Finally, do you have any programs that might be blocking it from changing the resolution? That could be why it's hung up on that part. I remember I had a bad antivirus program once that marked one of the Avernums as a keylogger and I had to click on a dialog box to allow the program to run.

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