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Janitorial Closet

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Everything posted by Janitorial Closet

  1. Originally Posted By: Zeviz More seriously, G3 used to be almost universally disliked as Spidweb's second worst game (the all-time worst being A4). Okay, I thought I was weird for absolutely hating A4. I feel better now.
  2. Originally Posted By: Slarty And ur-drakons don't stun! They slow. And thank God for that, stun is a lot worse, in my opinion.
  3. Well, I was planning on getting the $55 dollar trilogy anyway, but a situation could very likely come up that I could only get two of them. Thanks a lot, people, you helped me with my decision. If I can only get two of them, I think I'm getting 1 and 2.
  4. You know you can TinyUrl the link to the image, and cut down on the characters used.
  5. I was maybe going to get one of them, along with Geneforge 1. Which of the two, Geneforge 2 and Geneforge 3, would keep me occupied for longer until I have the money to buy the other one? (Why do I get the feeling I made a thread like this before?)
  6. I personally pronounce it phonetically, Trahdge-kawv.
  7. Magic? MAGIC?! He's a witch! Burn her- I mean, him! EDIT: Man, I just realized how off topic that is.
  8. Okay, I think I'll bring up my magic shaping some, then. I don't powergame so it shouldn't annoy me too much. =)
  9. Man, it was so long ago I did this scenario. I think there is someone in one of the towns that can remove it. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
  10. So, slightly off topic, as I am currently playing as a Servile, would it be worth it to get my magic shaping high enough to make wingbolts?
  11. Well, I couldn't help it. It's a good quote!
  12. Ok, so I was wondering, what file has the Registration status for the game? I know it is a .dat file, and the only file I could find that (sort of) fits the bill is the GF4ScenData.dat file. I'm using a Windows Vista (grr.)
  13. The only thing I really SERIOUSLY want in this game is 1 (okay maybe 2) thing(s). First have the same general features as the previous games (dont screw up a good system). And make sure that us poor Windows Vista players can actually play it. Don't leave me all alone in this pit of despair!
  14. I say either the Life-Crafter or Servile. 'Nuff said. But I say that you either want to be able to cast a ton of spells and have creatures to back it up, or be able to swing your sword like a madman and have magic to augment said sword swings.
  15. So if I use canisters am I penalized as a Trakovite? (other than the normal anger problems)
  16. I got some trakovite questions. Next play through I will play as a trakovite. What class should I be? Are trakovites againsts magic too? Can I be a servile and still be trakovite? If a have a choice between only rebel and shaper which do I choose if I want to be trakovite? That is about it.
  17. I just thought of another stupid(ish) question. I was thinking about ordering Geneforge 4 and getting Geneforge 1 for $15. (Atleast that is what is says on the ordering screen) So if I were to do this and later want to buy the Geneforge Trilogy CD would I get a discount off for already having bought Geneforge 1? EDIT: I just thought of a new question. If I were to get the Geneforge 4 bundle and the Geneforge 1 PROMO CD is there some sort of tax on the cost? As in if I have exactly $50 would I need slightly more money to pay for a tax or something of some kind?
  18. Quote: Originally written by Txgangsta: Yes, regression is possible, but how would the caverns be forgotten? And an empire that spanned the world completely gone from everyones history??? (I logged in just to say this) With all the problems in Terrestia I doubt the Shapers would really care about Exile. And the Shapers probably were, at first, in league with the Empire but then overthrew them on the 2 continents the Shapers now control. In G1, G2, & G3 your character is too busy surviving to care about anything other than the Shapers. And in G4 everyone is to busy with the rebellion to care about the outside world. That is if you care about such matters.
  19. Quote: Originally written by Have a very Iffy Christmas: Uh, no. Not right. Teleportation isn't really mentioned at all in the Geneforge series. So they didn't have teleportation developed then. So if there is a connection, Avernum would be second. Well that seems like saying there isn't a link between- Wait a minute. Why am I defending something I don't care about? Never mind.
  20. You know, I generally think that the idea that there is any cross between Avernum and Geneforge is stupid. I mean seriously. Come on. But just yesterday I thought of a scenario that would (probably) satisfy your guys' apparent want of a link between them. First comes Avernum. The Empire desires all alien and monsters killed right? So they succeed. All that is left is normal creatures. They find 2 new continents (one of them being Terrestia(Did I spell that right?) ). Then some idiot Empire dude discovers essence and starts testing on little creatures of the forest and making them into better little creatures of the forest. Word gets out and a group called the Shapers comes up. Then they learn how to acually create creatures from scratch. Then time passes. After that the Shapers set up an outpost on Sucia island. They create canisters and Geneforge. Viola. Instant scenario explaining a link between the games. But personally ,like I said in the beginnning, the idea of a link between the games is stupid. Do with this post what you will. EDIT: Why do I get this feeling that this post will start a lot of talk on these boards?
  21. Quote: Originally written by Iffy is begging for a PS3: G4 is a great game, though I suggest playing the Geneforge games in order. And G4, I think, is the biggest. Thank you for the info. But I think I will either get G3 or G4. I think I have gathered much info on what happened in the first 2 from random Geneforge posts on this message boards. (Did I spell message right?)
  22. To elaborate a tad bit more- How big is G4 compared to other Geneforge games? As in if I were to buy one which would give me the most play time?
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