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Everything posted by corallus

  1. Jeff. Thanks for the new info and latest screen shots for the latest Geneforge game Jeff, its nice to see a new style of interface, and nice to see you have done so much work on it. It sounds like you put a lot of effort into making this last one play out as the 'player' wants it to. I look forward to playing it. Keep up the good work. Forum members What do you all think of the new screen shots and the new interface design?
  2. Have you done all the underground area, and found all the secret doors?? I do think the demo is smaller than other games in the series, but there is still quite a lot of content there, its just in a smaller area, and its easy to miss quite a bit of it.
  3. I sent my application in for Beta testing, and like a complete plum submited it before adding my international dialing code, and spellchecking it(my keyboard is knackered and quite often keys get stuck and i end up with double letters where single ones are required, and treble letters where double are required).. Bummer!!
  4. There are a few ways to get OSX running on a pc, BUT, as others have already stated, there are legality issues.
  5. I haven't played A4 for quite a while now, but i do remember that i had trouble with this quest, although i think that i found the saw and couldn't locate the axe, i believe that i found the saw at a campsite north east of fort dranlon. Leave fort dranlon, follow the road north east and take your first right turn(down a little side road) its a dead end, there should be a few logs laying on the ground and a box, I'm 'fairly' sure that i found the saw around there - 'fairly', of course, i could be wrong!
  6. Many thanks for the info Locmaar, i knew that OSX could run on a pc, i just don't know anything about macs or Intel macs (well, macs period) and how they work/ their architecture. Thralni, i know a few people who have had OSX running on their pc's, all seem to accomplished it in different ways, one of them told me that they used a genuine mac OSX installation disk, borrowed from a friend and used it as is, not hacking or other software involved, some have used a so called 'special' pc installation disk of OSX and others use pearpc or basilisk2. I myself have never tried any of them, but i am going to give it a go Hopefully it will work, not sure which method to use, or which one gives the best performance, trial and error i suppose.
  7. Hi, Will Avernum 5 or any mac version spiderweb games for that matter, run on a pc that is using Mac OSX as an O/S ?? Sorry, if this is a dumb question, i know that pc's and macs use opposite Endian formats but as you now get Intel macs, this makes me wonder if OSX converts the Endian format depending what chip its running on, acting as an emulator ?? Either that or if i run an emulator like Basilisk2 or PearPC, (which both require OSX and run on PC's) will the mac versions of spiderweb games ( Specifically Avernum 5 ) then run a pc ??
  8. Nice one Ingro your code works fine, no compile errors at all. I did have a working copy with visual studio 2005(Express), but i recently upgraded to the professional edition and like a complete jonah, i forgot to move all my projects before uninstalling the express edition - duh! Of course i didn't realize what I'd done until the first time i fired up my new pro edition and tried to open one of my projects and it didn't work.
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