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Everything posted by Xelgion

  1. Alright, I will do a compare-contrast board. Also, I do not mean to offend anyone with a different political RL opinion. Shapers: Chauvinistic, unforgiving and has bad leaders. Rebels: Insane people who kill everything on sight, and to be that they have to use canisters, otherwise they are dead or a shaper spy, also they use Bio-weapons Terrorists (future OR past): Insane people who kill everything on sight, uses nuclear weapons. U.S.A.: Prejudice, has bad leaders. Now for conversion. Bio Weapons = Nuclear Weapons (When it comes to power and situation. Terroists = Rebels, exact same position, insane, go on genocidal crusades, Hitler went after jewish people and Arakari Blaze goes after anyone who is in the western half of Terrestia (If you do the rebel ending the Unbound just kill everything, not targeted genocide, but it still is) Shapers = U.S. (Their descriptions are very alike) Shapers are better, their one big problem is their intolerance for Serviles and Drayks, (Eyebeasts and Drakons are *******s), if they didn't have that trait, they would just be a strict, bunch of people who do shaping.
  2. Tastes like chicken..... OH i know! Synergy you better read this. EMERALD CHESTGAURD - Tasty Vlish hide, Perfected Breastplate, Shiny Emerald ) +5 AP / +2 strength and intelligence / +5 Melee weapons / +30% to all resistances / 30% Armor / +5 Quick Action / +4 creation endurance *Can be made after killing the Delicious Vlish (Inside the Geneforge) REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETURN of the awesome armor
  3. Arrg, people refer to the rebellion as the drakons lead, but IF the unbound didn't need to be created and if the drakons didn't lead the rebellion it would be alot better, i bet that the average human/servile in the rebellion doesn't like the unbound project and the drakons, honestly, do you think that if you met a giant, walking, fire-breathing, cruel, greedy lizard i don't think they would be on your friends list
  4. I see, well im guessing some people saw geneforge 3 as a worse version of 4, i didn't, but there are some people who look at the newest ones
  5. Originally written by kkarski Quote: What makes Trakovite viewpoint flawed is lack of realism. They are idealists, presenting a philosophy that answers some questions of ethical nature, but they don't have a valid theory as how the world economics could be upkept in shape without shaping. Remember, in the Geneforge world shaping influences almost every aspect of life. The plant growth is aided with shaping, the tools are shaped, serviles were shaped strong so that they could do muscle-intensive jobs much more efficiently than humans. The Trakovites don't mention how would they see the world running without shaping. They only call it evil, period. As for the Shapers and the Rebellion, in both groups you can find different members, some compassionate, some very narrowminded, some with liberal views and some very conservative. But still, when looking at the top of these two organisations, whatever they say it is a simple struggle for power. The shapers want to keep their rule, the drakons want to replace them. You may think that the creations would be better off under the rule of the drakons, but it is very possible that humans would be used as a sort of slave race instead of serviles. And the drama would be the same, only with different actors. Yes, the Travokites don't mention that because they don't know what to do about it, but they still have the idea which is better than other things Drakons are a pain in the ass, I personally would like them to wither away and have the dryaks and serviles lead the rebellion without the tyranny of drakons, like a dryak and/or servile version of Greta, quote the game "she had the tactfulness and strength of a drakon, and without the arrogence". Obviously, that would make the game less interesting through lack of flaws in the rebellion. Origanally written by ET Quote: I think the morality of Shapers is still quite underestimated here. Remember that one town, Valeya, I think. The guardian there was supposed to be infiltrating Rebel lands, sabotaging and spying and all that rot. But he isn't doing those things when you find him, he is patrolling the town, a town on the front, no, a town beyond enemy lines to protect its inhabitants. Where are these heartless, cruel people that are being spoken of? He wasn't patrolling the town, he was looking for rebels and trying to keep anyone from the Enchanted Anvil. I think that the shapers rule by following cold, cruel logic, Rebels live by how they think they should, and Travokites live (or try to live) by ethics, they think shaping is evil. Oi, that was long
  6. Quote: How are the Rebels any less autocratic than the Shapers? I would argue the opposite. Though it seems most of the nobility has taken up shaping, many smaller towns and even some larger ones are governed by non-shaper humans. Rebel lands, on the other hand, are, more often than not, lorded over directly be some kind of drakon overseer. You all seem to take for granted the many freedoms afforded by Shaper rule. People live in peace and prosperity under Shaper rule, creations are well taken care of. But even creations must grovel in the presence of drakon masters on the rebel side. The drakon's couldn't even be bothered when the human administrated Southforge fell. Yes, you had a good life if you lived in towns that where guarded by something like Rivergate Keep, if you didn't have any shaping or war advantage the shapers would forget you and your town with the exception of taxes. "Peace and prosperity" pfft, only if you were rich and lived right next to rivergate keep. "Creations cared for"? that is true, only if they weren't intelligent and have free choice, to shapers anything that is powerful and not them is a real newsflash to them. Honestly, both sides are screwed up, the shapers are a-morale, chauvinistic of beings who are smart and aren't human and they are only interested in something if it helps them win or it is a parasite of evil to them, thats pretty much it for them, quite shallow. Rebels (at least the drakons) will do anything to win over the Shapers which makes them almost as bad. But, they don't prosecute humans for being the same race as shapers. Now i am probably going to be bombarded with comments saying "what about the dryaks" well they are, from the drakons point of view, a less evolved version of them, which might be a flaw in their shaping, like their greed for gold. and as for the serviles, what else is there to do? They have 3 choices: 1: Become a mindless, laborer in a shaper keep 2: Hide in a town and dread the day they find you 3: Become a Rebel and hope to stop the shapers And also drakons don't go on Holocausts killing all humans in sight just because they are intelligent and not a drakon, unlike a "few" shapers you know about. Neither of the sides are pure good, Only Travokites have any chance of being morally right, or at least certain standards
  7. Yes you could do that but i don't think it would have the same feel, battling the Titan with 3300 health and having your creation have 400.
  8. Thats true, but they are going to have to cheat or make an editor if they want to shape golems (personally I like having 7 Unbound)
  9. Servile Rebel who doesn't shape. Am I right?
  10. Note: board moniters i don't mean to insult you i am just asking peoples opinions
  11. if you add a editor to get trained, you can make golems by using the enhance ghalkk button
  12. you can't tell how shapers or rebels would act today, because you could say anything and it be right in some view or another, like maybe drakons mix a canister and nuclear bomb together and bomb the shaper capital. That would be choosing sides political-wise. Oh, and i think we are treading on thin ice here.
  13. Yeah, also taking canisters make you look like a "specimen" to shapers. Remember the traitor rebel ending?
  14. Ladies Thong, huh? Honestly i think the guardians are cool and looked better. Now what would really be cool but isn't going to happen is that if the PC from the previous game came back as the final boss (with random stats and a class) you would see them throughout the game taunting you and at the end you would battle them as a highly warped canister freak. (i am implying that the rebel ending will happen because at that point everyone is at equal power) That is if you were shaper now if you were rebel you would get to take on the counsel of shapers with one or 2 creations or friendly generals (if you didn't shape). And then at the end, one possible ending is for you and the other PCs from the other games all to chain-link a shaping spell and make the Ultimate creation and dominate all of Illaya, Morras, Burwood, Etc etc........ The final battle would be held on sucia island over the first and most powerful geneforge. And personally i want a spell that shapes a orink in people
  15. You don't like me because im more powerful *uses lots of canisters* if i see a canister in the game i will go for it, it does have a pycologicial effect on your person and you, which is cool. Canisters are like tobacco, you either get butt-ass lucky or you die.
  16. Vampric Touch is good with like a 23 bonus form multiple things it helps my character alot
  17. Durrr I edited Durrr heh sorry, though saying durrr wasn't the spelling errors im talking about, im talking about when people misspell infiltrator by saying infiltraitor and people comment about it non-stop. Stupid things like that. Hey Starman 1985 you misspelled Slaughtering. Heh "Slaurtering Servile" Hypocritical ass......."get used to it" now lets end this trend of of insults and get back to the topic of this thread.
  18. Hmmm........................ Well SoT does have a point I guess but the claymore does 11-55 and gives 2 str. to the person and creation, as well having 2 Q.A. while the soul blade does 15-75 and gives 2 parry and one Q.A. for me strength wasn't a problem with items like the talisman of might and the gloves of savagery. So, if you discount the Str boost to the person, thats now 11-55 dm, plus 2 Q.A. and creation str boost by 2 V.S 15-75 plus 1 Q.A. and 2 parry. I think the claymore is more useful for Warriors/ Guardians and Shock Troopers rather than a Servile. So i guess what im trying to say is that some swords are useful for different people, or at least thats what i think. and for the Puresteel blade 20-100 dm is a little much, you honestly don't need that much damage to survive, the only time i found it necessary is when facing Matala and the Titan. Also the Puresteel Soulblade isn't the sole best reward, the Omnicharm and the blade makes it the ultimate reward. But what really strikes me as confusing is that the reward for clearing the Popryia city is the Viper Blade, while to do the quest you have to kill a person who drops a better sword. . Starman 1985 I don't see a durrr maybe you read the wrong topic Sorry for the space taken.
  19. 1. Fav with shaper person Miranda, she is awesome, cute and intelligent 2. Fav Rebel person Pol, broke my heart when i had to kill him 3.Fraction I agree with the most Non-Drakon Rebels(i don't like shaping though) and Travokite 4.Fav spell Mass Madness 5. Fav creation Dryaks 6. Rating 9.0 I played it once I loved it, but i didn't feel the possible replay value
  20. I agree some-what with Dikiyoba Geneforge 1 felt cold and boring, so i didn't like it, also very few spells and creations but a good plot i must say and feels rewarding when gotten the Guardian Claymore Geneforge 2, is a good game but i felt that the beginning was a pain. The number of fractions was beautiful but a little overwhelming. I did not like Geneforge 3, probably because Geneforge 4 had a lot of what it had and more, but it had completely different game play than the first 2 and you can forge items in this one! Probably the one people thought was awesome until Geneforge 4 came along. Geneforge 4, beautiful, strong, has my favorite class, And is so big it has 2 world maps, also it has good artifacts but not overpowered artifacts. And with fights like the Titan and the Experimental Unbound this game is truly a masterpiece. Oh and who could forget YOU DON'T GET ENCUMBERED BY THE THINGS YOU CARRY BUT BY THE STUFF YOU WEAR!
  21. Interesting, I didn't play the 3rd one because I never had the time and I don't really want to, but yeah the 2nd one was great, although the fourth one rocked. or maybe i liked it because my Servile was uberness. Either way it ruled. and just like Ardin said Geneforge 1 did give you the feel, although I am not sure whether it was the atmosphere or the lack of BGM Remember: Gloves of Savagery are the best artifact in the game!
  22. Ah but in Synergy's original post he said " Why is that someone with six posts is DETERMINING" i said i think he said i was saying it as a fact. [EDIT] whoops said something stupid my bad
  23. My life for Auir (from starcraft n00bs) Ok down to the point: I think a RTS is highly unlikely because it wouldn't be the same type of game for the other 4 games and it would take a lot of time. Maybe SoT's idea of a Geneforge game coming later is possible and if there is going to be a chance to get a RTS its going to be then
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