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Everything posted by Snowwhite

  1. Thanks for writing. Nope. Have not used one to craft anything.
  2. As you may have read I am having inventory issues. I should have 2 claws of infernal. I got the claw from the pit of the bound and from the infernal depot. Do they show up inventory as infernal residue? I do not have anything that says claw of an infernal but I do have 3 infernal residues. Thought I had fully cleared the infernal depot but hadn't and now have a claw that looks like a claw. I did however clear the bit of the bound and thought there was a message that says there was a claw. Though I was not able to kill the infernal.
  3. I don't remember inventory issues being this hard to handle. But of course, I have gotten older and most games now require more math than I am able to handle these days.
  4. Thanks for writing back. I have wondered around a lot and so there are few areas (maybe none) that I have not visited before - even if it was just to poke my nose in. Sigh. Shame cause I realllllllllly hate the inventory system. Hopefully it will be corrected in Geneforge 3.
  5. I do use war blessing, protection and speed before battles. And as a shaper, am using armor that increases creation resistances Question on the steam post about the mod - what counts as a new area? A different one from where you were when you put the mod in, or a completely new area you haven't been in before?
  6. I certainly got to the 3rd floor and killed the control golem and the other one. Possibly I have a different defintion of spire. Will look again and write back. Thank you both for writing back. I have now found the spire. There was a crystal thingie that I had not clicked on. I thought the spires were the different floors with spiral staircases. Not so. Thanks again.
  7. Thanks for your help. I now have the drayk creation ability. Re why the fyoras are higher than the cryoas is because I click on some of the attributes for the fyoras.
  8. Have cleared the crystal mine including the top floor and have not found the crystal cone Intisar has asked for. It does not show in special items or my inventor. The Hint book says it is in the third spire but I cannot find it and the villains in the top floor are gone.
  9. As a general rule the vampire staff thing misses about 40% of the time. The creations miss substantially more - easily 60 or 70% of the time The cryoas are level 13 as is the roamer. The fyora is level 14 and he vlish is level 8. I didn't realize till now that if I highlight all the icons at the top of the edit creation page, that raises the level of the creation. I am an enthusiastic amateur (and less enthusiastic than normal as described earlier) - So I am not doing this correctly I gather. Sigh. Increasing the levels of the creations has made a huge difference. They hit around 60 + % of the time now. makes the game a lot less annoying. Thank you
  10. I did install the mod but because I am over half way through the game it didn't make any difference (or I installed it incorrectly - am a little ol' lady and not all that tech savy. But I am unfortunately ready to give up on the game because of the inventory management issues. Quest items have disappeared and I may have sold them by accident or they may just have disappeared. I don't know. But I am about to give up on this game and that saddens me. I have been a Spiderweb Software customer for over a decade and this has just got too hard. Especially cause - and this is a second topic - I finally took the difficulty to easy (something I have never done before) and am finding that me and my creations miss over 70% of the shots while the enemy misses about 10 or 15% and I am tired of dying and I am tired of using the cheat code. So I am doing something wrong and I don't know what.
  11. Brilliant idea. I am finding inventory management in Infestation to be VERY annoying. And I don't remember having so little space in any prior games (good be wrong here) I do remember that I used to have the ability to sell things from the junk pack on an item by item basis so I didn't have to sell everything in the junk pack at once. Can this be brought back please.
  12. I also have not decided which factions to join (though I am sure I have read something that says it is possible somehow to join all three) and I don't want to kill Twini. Is there a pacifist answer to this question - if it is here I cannot find it.
  13. Thanks for writing back. Couldn't understand why the demo had disappeared.
  14. In my Steam the demo is no longer offered.
  15. Clicking on the icon on my desktop gets me that message "An error occurred while launching this game - no license" Then I checked Steam and the demo is not available there. Can't remember if i got the demo from steam but it certainly was working a few weeks ago., Was hoping to try the demo again (I got stuck) and also to transfer my savegames from the demo to the full game when purchased. Please help
  16. Good idea. Thanks. I actually didn't think of doing that, at least until the new Geneforge 2 is released
  17. "f we release a rewrite of a game and you purchased an older version, you can get a complimentary copy of the hint book for the new version for the first 3 months after release of the rewrite. To get this, email us at support@spiderwebsoftware.com. Give the name and address you ordered the game from and say where you purchased it (Spiderweb, Steam, Humble Bundle, etc)." I am hoping that I would qualify for the hint book for the new Geneforge game as I have owned the older one for a good while purchased from steam. That is the question I was asking
  18. Hi. Re post. Didn't get an answer and the new Geneforge game will be coming out soon.
  19. Re January 14 2015 post - Is this still in effect? I've never seen it before and I do own just about all Spiderweb games.
  20. Current value is sdf:4 So Yvette has been replaced. I get a different dialogue now from General Miranda.
  21. Thank you. Sorry it has taken me so long to write back. Have had the flu. Will give this a bash.
  22. The quest list stopped updating ages ago. I no longer get the option to get rid of Yvette with General Miranda - or the option to keep the other guy- forgot his name.
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