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Delicious Vlish

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Posts posted by Delicious Vlish

  1. I think that A5 is actually well balanced. Mostly. Better than many previous games. You have some tough moments and some steam rolling.


    Some fights should be a bit tougher though, and others toned down. Some foes, who should be very tough, are pushovers. When I first met Tholmen, or whatever his name was, I killed him. Mostly by accident. I wanted to see how much I could damage him before he ran away. He didn't get a chance to run away, he just died. My fighters crippled him, my spell casters hobbled him, my fighters entangled him so his AP was drained when he moved, and then the casters just obliterated him. He should have lived longer.


    Other fights are just right though.

  2. It is important to note that battle disciplines are just good enough to replace spell effects. Just barely. And only for a skilled player. You will not steamroll the game, which is probably a good thing, but your warrior is a bit more useful now.


    Kinda puts a bit of a crimp on you though when enemies use battle disciplines on you.

  3. I came close. I had a party of four humans. Loyal to the true goals of the Empire. (Darksided)


    There was only one spell caster, a wizard priest. The rest were all warriors and archers.


    It became painfully tedious once you passed the Anama lands. The party was well armored and well outfitted, tough as all get out, and pretty much what one expected a group of Dervishes and Empire Archer types to be. A swordsman, a pikeman, an archer, and one whiny spell caster that brought up the rear. The only thing I really had going for me was that I could outlast the enemy, but battles took forever to resolve.


    Not fun at all.

  4. Torment duo quite possible, at least so far. Nephil with DT and EW. Tool use. Heavy combat investment. Primary function is to be a distraction and damage magnet, a job he does remarkably well. Archery very powerful. Has a few levels of priest skill, will have more with items.


    Slith mage / priest. Why? The extra hit points have made a big difference! Low str means a shield is to heavy anyway. There are poles with things like quick action and what not. I get a free investment in pole weapons that grows over time, giving me free special attacks. I took NM / PS as special abilities, and, with the right robe, I'll get a free level to both mage and priest skills, reducing my investment costs.


    I am currently tiptoeing though Solberg's lands.

  5. Multiple special attacks. Heightened speed due to advanced propulsion systems. Cursing cloud area attack, also due to said propulsion systems. Advanced mind control abilities as well as terror. Gastric distress ray works like a terror beam, causing the target to run away and seek the nearest clump of shrubberies or an outhouse. And of course, the Feisty Tentacle Slap of Pain. Melee attacks do considerable physical damage, as well as both poison and acid damage over many rounds due to my highly toxic and poisonous nature.

  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Compound Tyr Hamsubstantiation:
    Originally written by Spidweb:
    If I came up with a formula, I would then poke at it and modify it and massage it until it always returned this answer: two.
    That sounds like a concise encapsulation of your design philosophy.
    2 is the new 42?
  7. I don't want to eat my self.


    I just want to see a Delicious Vlish in the Geneforge Series.


    Because of mind control, you would think it would be the most delicious meal ever, while in reality, you would be crapping out your insides a few hours later and dying slowly and painfully.


    Shaper enhanced hypno-tryptophan. The ultimate revenge poison. This has been discussed here before, I am sure it will be asked again.

  8. I think people became overdependent on summons in AVIV because the game looked Geneforgey and summons did so well. Better than ever before. Summons were actually worth summoning. And lots of them. Maybe a subconscious sort of thing perhaps, considering the Geneforge look of the game. In tough fights in the Geneforge series, you summoned cannon fodder to absorb the punishment. I think people brought that with them to the Avernum 4 game, and would have done so with AVV. Which may be why some people, my self included, are a bit miffed over the summon nerf. We expect the game to behave a certain way because it looks a certain way.


    Game is still very enjoyable all things considered though. Probably be a best seller.

  9. Quote:
    Originally written by Fear, Favor, and a Few More:
    Like A4, movement is still one space at a time. Clicking lets the AI take care of the path, but it's still quite Avernum. AP and actions are, I'm happy to say, like G4's. You can attack with one AP.

    —Alorael, who can't say he's such a huge fan of having to get the zeppelins refilled at every single lava vent. It gets irritating, especially before you have the Xian Pump.
    I have found the Xian Pump to be utterly worthless. There is a good chance that it emits Killing Clouds instead of filling the airbag.

    And don't get me started on the air elementals it summoned.

    BTW, anybody survived the battle with X yet? The Anvil Golem and the anvils it throws keeps killing me in one shot.
  10. Zeppelins?


    I thought those were Empire Dirigibles. I mean, there is a difference.


    I have always loved Jeff's attention to detail, like the buckets in a closet to represent a bathroom in Geneforge... But the new toilet graphic, which can also be found on the airships makes me laugh...


    Where does the Empire dump all of that crap? Do they just let it go willy nilly or do they have bureaucratically approved 'dumping zones'? Do Empire citizens suffer poo-storms?


    Is anybody else reminded of 1984 when they see the floating fortresses and the level of control the Empire has?

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