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Delicious Vlish

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Posts posted by Delicious Vlish

  1. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    Originally Posted By: Delicious Vlish
    Getting the library pass is fiendishly difficult though.

    Not as bad as the rogue creations destroyed the index. It took me 2 hours to search the place and make notes for the next playthrough.

    Edit - This makes the A2 Empire Archives look easy. Dodging/killing creations and searching the whole place for useful information.

    Did you find all of the hidden levers to pull? I've discovered a basement level on my second play through. A lot of the levers are well hidden, right behind the shaper and guardian statues in the central hall.

    Don't go in the basement. It is full of things that are nothing but eyes and a lot of free time to read.

    It is worth searching and clicking on every book though. Your healing craft goes up by 3 or 4, as does your shaping skills, magic skills, and your endurance after reading the compendium about guardian exercise regimens.

    Having your self well versed in lore of the shapers helps a whole lot when debating with council members. It gives you reply options that you wouldn't normally have.
  2. Oh I was being dead serious.


    With out saying to much, there is a place, a big repository of where the shapers put their knowledge, like a library only full of snarling blood thirsty rogues, and you can read up about all kinds of things by clicking on the little books on pedestals.


    Like Sucia island, how the Shapers came to be, races that the Shapers enslaved, punished for resisting, etc.


    Serviles were made the way they were as punishment. Forced to dig in the dirt and endure menial labour. They were given long noses to help them dig out valuable roots and herbs, and one can only assume that would mean truffles as well.


    Getting the library pass is fiendishly difficult though.

  3. A good Agent (or Infiltrator) pumps both.


    But is especially mindful of making sure that mental magic is cranked out the wazoo.


    Now, while you can toss off kill spells like it is nobody's business, charming an eyebeast is an efficient way to spend a few magic points. Or, charming a spawner. Or freshly spawned creations. Like when an annoying shaper or drakon has to start shaping in combat. It is an Agent's job to make them pay for that kind of foolishness.


    An Agent type, and, to a lesser extent, a Servile, depend on the strength of their enemies. The stronger their foes, the more damage an Agent is capable of doing.


    Mental magic does more damage per point spent and per energy spent than battle magic does. Simply because of what you can do with high level mental magic. Charm a couple of high level creations and you get massive damage output, with out the worry of having to shape something your self.

  4. The battle creation issue is much tougher to fix than you might think.


    They are good... Swarming helps and they require a dedicated keeper to buff and heal them.


    But fire and magic creations are better. So much so that the inherent strengths of the battle creations are out shined by their fire and magic counterparts. Fire and magic creations don't need a baby sitter. Battle creations are just fine... The fire and magic creations need to be balanced. Toned down. Nerfed.


    As to something else that was said, battle alphas and battle betas are a better investment point for point than war tralls. Sure, they lose the missile attack, but cost less in essence. You summon a whole mob of them and then buff them, making them quite fierce. You can do more damage with 4 or 5 members of the Alphabet Gang than you can with a pair of war tralls.


    I have played many games using nothing but battle creations. They need some help, but mostly, the other classes of creations need the nerf stick.




    I don't think creations should be able to survive a prolonged conflict with out a babysitter. Fire creations and magic creations (I'm looking at you beholder-kin) tend to out shine the shaper that created them. I feel this is wrong, making such powerful creations that they do not need the shaper. I hope this makes sense.

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