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Posts posted by Zummi

  1. It's an artifact ingredient..specifically for the Emerald Chestguard..and the Avenger's Ring..


    If you want to know..make the EC first..then the ring if you're a Guardian..there's also a second claw in Benerii-Eo Labs..providing you got the one in Khyryk's Lair..laboratory..crib..whatever..

  2. Or you can create a bunch of Thahds(with two INT of course..), use them as meatshields for the drake and continually mash the drake with attack items..


    If you can..wait until the drake is only one hit or two to be killed and let all your Thahds be massacred , then kill the drake to receive optimum effects..

  3. No..there's nothing up north of what you said in the Boiling Mudpits..


    For the other areas..sometimes they are story-inclined so you can't pass them yet..


    For Chickweed Bridge..be stealthy, avoid alphas, and go to the middle of the bridge to find a mine trigger and set it to "Explode a little later" or something like that..for the drake..you might want to pass him..but..if you're stealthy (and good) enough..you can steal his loot..


    To make it all easier..find a walkthrough, follow it, and finish the game..

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by obliza:
    One thing Avernum really lacks is music. Games are rated on
    You forgot "Moral Dilemmas"..
    Music should go with the on-going event in the game..for ambiance..

    I like the current music Jeff puts in the games..but me wants more spooky music or at least a special music for Special Boss Fights..

    It is not right to have happy music when the lead female character dies by the hand of the lead antagonist..
  5. Whoa..this topic dwindled from the topic..but for the sake of it..there was this one post here that wished for a spellcasting weapon..that is possible..refer to the thread "Making a Melee Weapon to a Range."


    PS: LifecrafterAndNoobEditor..can you shorten your name..you can make it an acronym..L.A.N.E..see? smile

  6. Yeah..a changing graphic due to equipment would be nice..


    And at Nalyd's idea of different attack animations..I want to see my swordie do an overhead slash!


    I mean..with the upcoming Battle Discipline System..the old stabbing animation just doesn't cut it..

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