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Posts posted by Zummi

  1. Clearly..there must be some scenario that beats Valley of Dying Things as a beginner's scenario..it's so hard to find it at some of the BoA Scenario archives..since the list doesn't show the recommended level..@_@

  2. If you are talking about the clawbug canister in Dillame..you need to talk to the innkeeper, using the right dialogue options. After that, she'll tell you that there is someone that wants to talk to you. Go to him, and he'll ask you another set of questions, finally leading to a moral dilemma of using a canister which contains Create Clawbug..@_@

  3. As I said..consult the walkthrough..not only will you find the proper directions..you can also find where is the trainer in the area and what does the trainer train! There's also a list of canister locations there if you want to know..


    And to answere your question..Shaper Duncan can train you in Dillame..he's inside the keep..and it is strongly recommended to help Moseh..unless you're a fanatic..

  4. Darn..Exodush is more bugged than an ant farm..I'm in the strange cave..explored most of it..and entered the Slime Pit..finished half of it then got out..saved and closed BoA..a lil' later I opened BoA and loaded my save..and voila! automap now contains nothing..


    Edit: Shoot..apologies for the double post..didn't notice it..

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