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Posts posted by Zummi

  1. Hmmm..I actually use only three for all my Avernum playthroughs..a warrior, an archer, and a risky..but fun..mage/priest..@_@


    Nimble Fingers isn't very good, though; you'll probably get more mileage out of Deadeye.
    So..should I choose Quick Feet(..or something like that..) instead for an archer?
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Mythrael:
    it would need some tinkering but this thing would look like a perfect ultimate battle creation(or magic if some sort of magic effects would be added in the game), and it would be cool to have a creation like this in the game.

    The pic is taken from deviantart.com


  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Dikiyoba:

    If not, there's always TM's Artifacts Hall. :p

    As far as I know..going there is technically called "cheating".. :p

    Or if you're just going there for extra info about the possible scenario rewards.. :p

    Oh and..does it get updated with every other new scenario release?
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