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Posts posted by Zummi

  1. You have to do a little script editor dance that includes a solo number with a spiky fluffy turtle in your back while eating the Ctulhu fruit..then you have to withdraw your sanity and go back to the fluffy turtle pit and stay there for three days and five nights..


    Or you could do the easy way in..go to the Geneforge Folder, then Data, then Scripts..voila!

  2. You can't really say that a weapon(or in this case..a bow..) is the best just because of its damage..there are many factors considering a "best"..a damage is just one of them..


    And Submission Arrows stuns your enemy..like the fungus that goes by the same name (Submission Fungus..@_@) and Acid Arrow causes acid damage and inflicts acid on the target..

  3. Dionicio usually walks around the City Hall..and you have to get the Papers of Transit first to get his quest..


    Marrowsucker drops an early Girdle of Strength(?)..the belt that gives you +2 Strength..


    As for the tactic of killing him..he's easy..I killed him with an un-stat'd party..with my Warrior the only facing him(and his goblin warriors..) and my other two characters stay behind..my Mage/Pries constantly healed him while my Archer gets a shot or two..


    If you're asking why send only one..Marrowsucker does this attack that stuns(not the sissy stun..@_@) your characters..meaning that they can't move unless they are attacked..

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Vicheron:
    Even if you don't have non-humans, the Darkside Loyalists say that they have nothing against Sliths and Nephils as long as they follow the rule of the Empire.
    Which is..surprisingly..the death (maybe banishment..) of all non-humans..
  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Randomizer:
    Cheeseball II is describe as vaguely feline.
    So was the other Cheeseballs who tried to kill you..well..their sprite did the describing..I hate you Cheeseball VI..

    Originally written by Sushi:
    Are we on the topic of funny characters? I personally like the talking spiders much better. They were ingenious creations.
    Actually no..the topic is about the funnies in A5..though the "unreasonable-number-of-Chitrach" guy part was enjoying..
    [>^^]> Jeff <[^^<]
  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Cher:
    I'm curious. Synergy's list shows item drops for killing the testers in Fang Clan village. Is there any consequence for doing this? Based on dialog with the elders I assumed I had to yield when they asked or fight my way out of the village (though that might be worth trying anyway).
    The village chiefy only makes a threat if you kill the yielding warriors..don't know if it's true though..
  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Professor of Sincerity:

    —Alorael, who wouldn't mind some time-based autosave slot. It's probably redundant, but it couldn't hurt.
    Or event-based..like when fighting allegedly bosses or something..
  8. Oh c'mon..it was not clearly that hard..maybe for me since I was playing on normal..but I haven't allocated a single stat point..though the Nephil with the bats took a lot of reloading..due to bad placement of characters..@_@

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