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Posts posted by Zummi

  1. Oooh..I just wonder..why aren't there cutscenes in Avernum..wait, not just Avernum..but all Spidweb Games?


    You know..while your adventurers are resting..a cutscene shows up to show what your foes are thinking of what to do with you..but will not show enough to spoil things..


    I'm not asking for FMVs but, you know..engine cutscenes like in Vagrant Story(anyone played this?)..it'll be nice..


    If it can't be implemented in A5..there's still G5..

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Goldenking:
    Anyways, Tyrol vanishes with everyone else, never appearing again and only giving out some experience when he hits Southforge.
    Really? How much? I only know that you gain 1000exp at the end of the first area..

    Originally written by Grimm:
    I have to agree SOmething of Some Kind and Serachim here. I'm pretty sure Pol has god powers, and could take on anyone and win.
    And Thahds are over-powered..

    Originally written by Dikiyoba:
    Don't put too much stock in these poorly-designed polls. So many characters are missing it's practically worthless.
    Zzzt..amen to that..
  3. Uhm..I hope I'm not too late but can you can still add me..or just a mention of my name..


    Can you make me an always-mentioned but never-appeared character? It's cool..


    If you do make me appear..I want the old beggar image..

  4. I see, thanks Randomizer..an out of topic question if I may..how much reputation do you start with?


    My gameplay is almost based upon Slarty's guide in getting the good rewards (Woot for the Stasis Shield!)..but..I'm looking at the guide and it just doesn't add up..


    Chapter 1

    +2 Let Tycho go

    0 Help Serif's rebels escape

    +2 Betray Burkes

    -2 Intimidate Master Thell

    +5 Walk Shaila to Forsaken Docks

    -3 Guide Caravan through Cairn Gates

    TOTAL: 102


    See? If your reputation starts at 100..the total will be at 104 but instead, it's 102..what's up with that?

  5. Free Creations/Characters..characaters you can treat as a pet but doesn't cost any Essence..fun isn't it?


    But..at some point..they are gonna leave you..I just don't know..is there a Free Creation that doesn't leave you no matter what you do?


    Greenfang in Southforge Citadel leaves you if you helped Shaila or will attack you if you attack Shaila..Khur in Illya Safehouse leaves if you convey to Alwan the Safehouse location..there's another one in the Poryphra ruins..I forgot his name..does he leave you too?

  6. So, um..if Fatigue is for Warriors..and Spell Points are for Mages..is there Energy for Rogues?



    It may be too late to say this but..how about an in-game minigame..you know, like in BoF4..you sometimes need to finish a certain minigame to continue on..minigames also has rewards..be it stat bonus or material rewards..


    "Wack the Goblin!"

  7. Gosh..I was waiting for an A5 update..


    Battle Disciplines? Like "Warrior" skills?

    It's good..just hopin' that there would be no

    "Revenge" type skill..you know..the "Deal damage equal to lost HP"..


    It'd be cool to have more advance counter attacks..not just the normal "Riposte"..


    Quick Question: Is there an unscripted special encounter? Just curious..=)

  8. Abilities?

    Here's a list starting from Firebolt:


    3 = Firebolt

    4 = Searer

    5 = Essence Orbs

    7 = Diamond Spray

    10 = Stun

    13 = Terror (Monster Cast)

    14 = Terror (PC Cast)

    15 = Dominate

    16 = Fyora Fire.. =)

    17 = Ice Breath

    18 = Ice Spray

    19 = Ice Spray (Shaila Version)

    20 = Javelin

    21 = Flung Rock

    22 = Stunning Rock

    23 = Drayk/Drakon Fire

    24 = Ur-Drakon Fire

    25 = Disruption

    50 = Thorn

    52 = Venom Thorn

    54 = Acid Thorn

    56 = Submission Thorn

    58 = Reapers

    60 = Decaying Ray (Ray Damage+Poison)

    62 = Charm Ray (Ray Damage+Charm)

    64 = Slowing Mist (Ray Damage+Slow)

    65 = Confusing Mist (Ray Damage+Curse)

    80 = Poison Sting (Ray Damage+Poison)

    81 = Poison Bite (Ray Damage+Poison)

    82 = Icy Touch (Cold Damage+Slow)

    83 = Rotting Touch (Melee Damage+Acid)

    84 = Stunning Blow (Melee Damage+Stun)

    85 = Radiate Energy (Stronger Stunning Blow)

    86 = Confusing Touch (Damage+Curse)

    87 = Terror Touch (Damage+Terror)

    100 = War Blessing

    101 = Elemental Cloak

    110 = Speed

    120 = Unlock

    130 = Mass Restore

    140 = Mass Energize

    160 = Burning Spray

    161 = Venomous Spray

    162 = Acid Shower

    164 = Aura of Flames

    165 = Stunning Aura

    166 = Kill

    168 = Daze

    170 = Strong Daze

    172 = Mass Madness

    190 = Light

    191 = Charm

    192 = Wrack

    192 = Essence Shackles

    195 = Lightning Aura

    196 = Essence Lance

    197 = Unbound Death Breath

    198 = Unbound Fear Breath

    200 = Heal

    201 = Heal Self

    202 = Heal Group

    206 = Minor Heal

    207 = Major Heal

    210 = Cure Affliction

    211 = Cure Self

    212 = Cure Group

    213 = Banish Affliction

    214 = Aura of Cleansing

    215 = Haste Other

    216 = Haste Self

    217 = Haste Group

    220 = Restore Essence (VERY NICE.)

    225 = Protection

    226 = Shield Self

    227 = Shield Group

    230 = Bless Other

    231 = Bless Self

    232 = Bless Group

    174 = Mental Barrier

    178 = Essence Shield

    180 = Essence Armor

    182 = Steel Skin

    183 = Spine Shield

    184 = Augmentation

    185 = Regeneration

    186 = Battle Roar


    My my..that's many..anyways..you might find that I skipped at some points..either that I choose not to post it (Uselessness) or there's really no ability in that number..


    A favor..how do you change Item Graphics?


    Edit: To put a certain ability to an object

    it_ability = (Insert Ability Number)

    Currently works only on Handheld Items. (Weapons and such.)

  9. It's possible..well, with script editing it is..

    I managed to make the Puresteel Soulblade a missile weapon..a Reaper Baton to be exact..


    Since I'm nice I'll show the edited script:


    begindefineitem 83;

    import = 68;

    it_name = "Puresteel Soulblade";

    it_graphic_coloradj = 64;

    it_level = 15;

    it_value = 5000;

    it_stats_to_affect 0 = 7;

    it_stats_addition 0 = 2;

    it_stats_to_affect 1 = 6;

    it_stats_addition 1 = 1;

    it_ability = 58;


    Note the "it_ability = 58;” it is a part of the "Reaper Baton" script which makes a “Reaper Baton” a "Reaper Baton"...Get the picture? Additionally, the "Puresteel Soulblade/Reaper Baton" hybrid has unlimited ammo..Yep, you read it right..UNLIMITED AMMO..


    Also..the Bonuses the PSSB gives is still retained..so my wish of a Missile Weaon with Stat Bonus has come true..=)


    Also...the damage of the Reaper Baton is added to the damage of the PSSB...or so it seems...


    Other things I did:

    Made Limitless Charge Wands...=)

    Made a Melee Weapon do Wand things...also has limitless charge...

    (Bronze Shortsword which do Aura of Flames! So fun!)

    Add stats to weapon that does not give bonus stats..


    Things I tried to do but failed:

    Armor that casts beneficial spells..or offensive spells..

    Make an Uber-Crystal..a crystal which has all the Enhancements..


    PS: Is there a script which handles the Enchanted Anvil?

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