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Posts posted by Zummi

  1. Creations..sometimes ya just can't live without them..


    But the question is..what is the best creation combo in G4 there is?


    Is it:

    Fire and Magic?

    Fire and Battle?

    Magic and Battle?


    I choose Magic and Battle..why? The somewhat nerfed power of the glaahk paired with a power of a lvl 3 tier and beyond Battle creation..it's pretty wicked cool!


    Do explain why ya chose that combo!



  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Anglo-Saxonking:
    Only one good idea has been posted by a newb, and I've already praised him.
    What idea is that?

    And to "The Duke"..

    It's not that you posted a "three-paragraph" post..but its the content of the post..do remember that..
  3. In A5..I hope there will be new traits..

    Also..let there be advantage disadvantage Traits..



    Solid Body-Your body is as solid as a stubborn cave cow..You will receive less damage from all physical attacks but due to your being solid, you will be slower and be prone to be hit by all attacks..

  4. HI! HELLO! I may be a Haakai-Tender but I still play G4..


    So..here's my question: What is better: Legs of the Tyrant or Lodestone Greaves?


    I'm really having a hard time with these two..


    Also..pit other equipments with each other here to see which is better!

  5. Because, Yama..instead of the "Chitrach Muffins" being the one to eat..they will be the one eaten..


    Its like..


    "A wave of Chitrach Muffins are coming to town! What is your plan of action?"


    1. Nothing.

    2. Ready your weapons!

    3. Bring the children out! Its free insectoid muffin day!

  6. All this talk about A5 has got my Haakai senses tingling..I know it's gonna be good..really good


    Originally written by Spidweb:

    In Avernum 5, practically all dungeons will have respawning monsters. They will respawn at a slow rate, though, so as not to overpunish people working through them.


    (The exact figure: Most dungeons will respawn %15-20 of mobs each time it is reloaded.)


    - Jeff Vogel

    My most favorite post in this thread..HUZZAH!!


    And..how about one of the forum members getting a special mention in A5? You know..a character with their name on them..=D



    "You meet the landowner of this farmland around here. He is a middle aged man wearing somewhat impressive robes and he is walking around like a matter-of-factly way. He comes close to you and introduces himself.


    "Hello! I am Tullegolar. Emperor Tullegolar! And this is my land full of loyal Tullegolites!


    "Emperor Tullegolar? You swear if you didn't meet any other Avernites here, you'lle be thinking all Avernites are nuttier than goblins who'll threaten experienced Empire Soldiers."


    (Sorry for the use of Emperor Tullegolar's name..really sorry..XD)

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Infernal Flamming Muffin:
    If you kill them, you will deney the chance for the shapers you will rescue to kill them :p

    But otherwise, kill them for stuff/expirience if you are not going to switch sides/buy stuff.
    Nyahaha..the massacre begins..oh yeah..if ya attack the serviles at SS..Corrie will attack you..so..finish her quest first..PWAH!

    Also..Morgan will attack you..that's a big No No..he'll give you a quest to find his research journal..the rewad is a point in Healing Craft, Minor Heal, and Heal..I might have to hold on killing them rogue serviles..BAH!

    (Edit: Found another downside.)
  8. Bah..the Pentead Golems aren't that hard..I finished the tests when i was level 30..and I'm a fragile Shaper! The only creation I used was an Ur-Glaahk..I reloaded a few times but finally I gots a strategy..stay at the entrance..use a weak creation to start the test and stay at the entrance..only two golems can attack you..you may have to reload a few times..



  9. Hey..I'm re-playing G3 and I'm at Stonespire and am a Pro-Shaper/Canister-Fiend..I wonder what will happen if I put some Shaper Justice there..killing all rogue serviles..is there gonna be some reprecussion or something?

  10. Yeah, I know it isn't really that important..but..heck..a secret quest is a secret quest..=D


    Edit: Met Komoa again at Gull North Docks..he wants the same two halves of the research papers that Morgan wants..


    The reward Komoa gives is a Rune Jade Necklace..crap compaired to Morgan's reward..(point in healing craft, minor healing, and healing.)

  11. I've read in a certain walkthrough..matt p's (*cough*)..that there are secret quests in GF3 involving a certain person named Komoa..I've met Komoa once and I have finished the quest he gives..and the said walkthroguh states that this Komoa will give another quest in another location..is this true?

  12. In G3..a Five Stone Bracelet is called a Bejeweled Bracelet..you can upgrade your current no-stone bracelet by fighting in the northenmost room..you have to talk to Mind Myzz to get it open..the bonuses that you get are:


    +2 all creation skills

    +1 Creation STR, END, and DEX

    +10% armor


    The Bejeweled Bracelet is the Bracelet for SHAPERS! POW!!


    and..not all fights include Golems..POW!

  13. Yes, yes..pros know this, noobs know this, heck, everyone playing Geneforge knows this..you can cheat in Geneforge..but sometimes it just goes plain irritating..


    I'm re-playing G3..I'm already on Dhonal Isle as a Shaper..but I want to start over..again..but I don't want to cheat anymore..Is there anyway to disable cheating? Resisting the temptation is just not enough..


    I do mean the "Shift-D" cheating..

  14. You will never defeat one of my Adze Haakai!


    Well..with some luck(real luck, not stats) plus the alertness of when to heal..when to buff, what to buff..killing one of my Adze Haakai is pretty normal stuff..maybe you'll reload a few times..I don't know..be patient..pay attention to what you're pressing on the keyboard..one mistake and..poof! you're my Adze Haakai's food..


    Oh yeah..does this Adze Haakai have any help?

    You know..summoned mini-Haakai's or whatnot..my A1 is bleak..


  15. If that is so..a War Trall's hand must be so tough that it can hold acidic rocks..maybe a rock with chewy, gooey acid at the center which explodes and scatter the chewy, gooey acid inside if it hits something..that be safer..and maybe..just to nerf it..it sometimes don't spread the chewy, gooey acid inside..


    I still zing for the mule creation..


    Oh yeah..for the Battle Creation..All Battle Creations have the chance to maim a target..severely lowering their speed and weakening their attack..



  16. A mule creation..that's my one of my wish for G5..

    I also like the Discipline Vlish..completely useless to none-cration..ouchies for creations..


    Actually..if things you want to see in G5 was really implemented..you'll want more..and from last I heard..G5 is the finale..


    My point is, if you got what you want..you'll want more..but you won't get anymore..period..

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