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Posts posted by -=microphage=-

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Tyranicus:
    A much easier option than dual-booting would be running a virtual machine in a program like VMware .
    Easier? Yes. Cheap? No.

    This is a great overall solution. VM (Virtual Machine) contrasted with VD (Virtual Disk) is an awesome ability.

    If you are comfortable with use of BIOS settings you can run a different OS for each drive by selecting boot priority for a particular drive in BIOS setup. This even works with a 4gb USB thumb drive. Set boot priority and it will only boot from USB drive if it's plugged in! No changing BIOS settings over and over.

    If this doesn't make sense to you, don't do it.

    Edit: Note... There are 3 (or more) versions of NTFS which may or may not allow you to access all hard drive(s) space when using boot order method. My old Win98SE machine (FAT32) doesn't even see an NTFS drive. With XP, NTSF and FAT32 are compatable. Can't speak on 2000, NT, or Vista as I don't have them.
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by aNooBiS:
    Did you guys try the appearance effects yet or the shape a shaper script. Hope you people like it. OH and Micro Phage if you need any more help, I am willing to help as long as i am not busy. You're Welcome.

    More ideas on the way...
    Finally played around with the appearance effects. Fun!

    I could use some help with another situation. Anytime I use a haste or speed spell my PC never gets a turn in battle. It's fine for crossing friendly turf, but go into combat and you have to use your creations to fight till you're back at peace. It won't let you pick up or change weaps or anything. You'd probably need the latest version of my editor to see what I'm talking about. http://www.freewebs.com/microphage/GF4Editor.zip I've made some extensive further changes that reduce some of the stats so that all resistences are between about 106 and 150, and armor is about 250 and up depending on what items you equip.

    Anyhow, I like where it's at now, just can't get a handle on the 1 problem. Thanks!

    Edit: Typo.
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by X Best Triad Mage:
    Sorry how I didn't specify here. I meant to edit a script (like in Geneforge) to give you god items sorry!!!
    Welcome, check your sanity at the door...

    I was under the impression that Spidweb Avernum 5 had a Character Editor. I saw a post somewhere in the forums that said Jeff had decided to relent to all the requests and included a CE with A5.

    I'm waiting for the Windows version to be released. If you're talking about custom items I may take a shot at it. I had fun doing one for A4 and G4. And at this point there's not even a trial version for PC yet. I'm guessing you have a Mac. The scripts editors are supposed to be compatible with both.
  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Zkal:
    Hi people,

    it's been a long since the latest time I came on these forums...

    I've suddenly thought again of Spiderweb and would be interested to register a few games (I have Avernum 1, 2 and 3) now. That reminds some good memories...

    But could someone please confirm that the Exiles work under Vista? I remember playing these fascinating old games on the Mac and would find exciting to play them again
    Originally written by Micawber:
    I am running Vista as we speak (32 bit). All spiderweb games work. That's all. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes Exile 1, Exile 2, Exile 3, Blades of Exile, Nethergate, Avernum 1, Avernum 2, Avernum 3, Blades of Avernum, Avernum 4, Geneforge 1, Geneforge 2, Geneforge 3, Geneforge 4 and Nethergate: Resurrection.

    The only remotely tricky thing is the installation; a prompt appears after the first attempt at installation asking if you would like to re-install using compatability mode. I recommend you accept the prompt for trouble-free gaming.
    It appears that all the games including Exile work fine with Vista 32 bit. If you have 64 you may be out of luck.

    My buddy with Vista 64 is working 10 hour days 6 days a week. I'll ask him to download the trials and see if he can figure out how to get them to work. Or hopefully someone here will spot this and enlighten the rest of the Vista 64 OS people.

    You may consider partitioning and a dual boot for an older OS. There is an added risk with dual boot setups as if something fails (like your hard drive) or you get zapped by malware in your partition table it's usually impossible to repair. If you want those games enough and you don't mind running a RAID array or at least weekly backups to dvd or a removable drive it can be a nightmare. (Been there, done that, didn't like it!)
    Norton Rescue is good. I like using Ghost with dvd support. I'm assuming Track 0 is still where Microsoft keeps the partition data with Vista. There should be some freeware by now that will allow Track 0 backup and restore. Forget System Restore. I got hit by a malware bomb with multiple payload once that corrupted ALL my restore points. Total format and reinstall was only fix that would let me sleep! (grin)

    For now I'm sticking with XP. But I have to admit that I'd like to finally use a 64 bit OS and see what at least 1 my 3 64 bit capable machines would do with a true 64 bit OS.
  5. quote:


    Originally written by Grimm:

    Well then, Vista user can play the old nethergate and exile games.


    How though, it says "pre-vista" in the Windows box?



    Some Vista info here:


    Windows Vista 32 and 64 capability with Spiderweb Products



    As for Geneforge 5:


    1. I'd like to see a character editor in it as I understand is in Avernum 5. (Which I'm going slightly bonkers waiting for a Windows version. Exact ETA anyone?)


    2. I'd like to see the ability to fly or float for the player character. This shouldn't be out of the general feel of the series as both magic and genetic engineering could easily accommodate such a feature.


    The advantage? Reduced levels of damage when flying over hot things. Fly over rivers, you could cross without a bridge and hover in the middle of it and pick off foes that can't fly or swim. This would limit getting "swarmed" to other flying, floating critters. Also, it would be balanced by your other creations. Land bound ones couldn't follow you directly.


    Make it an equippable item like a ring or belt. Or even an item that you could put in 1 of the 4 quick equip buttons. Like a wand or baton that doubles as a weapon.


    Maybe make it so you could choose your PC as one with flight ability.


    Or just make it a reward for a quest or an item you could buy from an NPC.


  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Redstart:
    64-bit Vista here. No problems, at least with the newer games. I've understood that Nethergate (the original) and earlier games won't work.
    A friend of mine says that if it will run in compatability mode with Vista 32 it should with 64. No way to verify this as he doesn't have any of the games mentioned. But I'm thinking that he may be right as the same game names keep coming up for 32 and 64.

    Anyone able to confirm?
  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Arancaytar:
    Originally written by Nick Ringer:
    It isn't dynamic; my game says you suck regardless of actual skill ... But you still suck.
    You deserve a prize. Or a lynchmob. Or both. :p
    Heheh, I now made it to 60 but what kind of scores do you get Nick?
    I'm not as fast on the draw as I used to be. :rolleyes:

    Arancaytar, I vote both. laugh
  8. Quote:
    Originally written by aNooBiS:
    Originally written by Micro Phage:

    Note: It's not necessary to replace an existing item. (Thereby losing it.) You can make custom items, with some work of renumbering lines in scripts and adding new items to gf4itemschar. Do this VERY carefully. Many item types contain info in the beginning of a type and you have to pay attention because following lines will not repeat the same line and some lines added change it and possibly everything that follows. Look close at custom gems and godmode items in my version.

    Edit: Typo.
    Yeah I know but I just got lazy and all, so didnt bother to tell people to make a new items and just replace it. But thanks for the info and all that[/QB]
    I thought you would probably know. Please focus on the first part of the message with all the: Thanks! Totally cools and such. I should have made a new post and not attached it to the thank you post and made it a "Generic" post because I've seen several script editors that gave the impression that you had to sacrifice an existing item to make a custom one.
    Note: I revised that message.

    And I wanted to make 2 replies in 1 post.

    Anyhow, YOU ROCK! And thanks again!
  9. Quote:
    Originally written by aNooBiS:
    Also Micro Phage you meant like this right:
    For Battle Magic
    code = set_flag(1,12,9);

    Just replace @ with the battle spell numbers down there.
    Like i said in previous post i have to go to bed now and i got lazy as well LOL

    Burning spray-41
    Ice spray-43
    Lighting aura-44
    Essence orbs-45
    Acid Shower-46
    Essence Lances-48
    Aura of flames-49

    You do know the rest right, just attach this a talknode. If this is what you meant
    That is totally cool! I had all the pieces but didn't know quite where they went. cool

    I've been playing around with this for hours today. I'm going to be able to put most of my editor including spells and godmode all on 1 sign because of all the line numbers this free's up! Major thank you! laugh

    Edit: Typo.
  10. Quote:
    Originally written by aNooBiS:
    I would like to share some of my experience with geneforge editors:

    First, you said that you want to edit the editor so that it change your skills and spells to 10 each. So I have been making my own editor base on your editor and editor from GF3 and come up with this: Although its in 30's

    Although some of the abil numbers are unused i just kinda got lazy and copy paste and add new abil numbers that are not in GF3 and that are in GF4.

    I have also made some godly items that are not only increase your stats but you can also make 7 creations with 120+ stats each. If youre interested i can send you things that i change in the script, though i didnt change the storyline, i just change things like, make you and your creation glow (eg a charge Fyora) or make you a shade, turn your drakon creation into one of the human characters (eg. a shaper) etc. I am just sharing some of the fun things i made to the community...
    Some good stuff there.

    What I meant by change skills in bulk by 10 was to be able to change all skills in a class. Like Battle, Mental, Blessing, and Healing crafts. Instead of having to edit each of the 4 crafts with 10 spells in each I could raise skill level for Battle, all 10 spells in one use. 40 spells and 40+ uses of editor to raise them as it is now is a bit tiresome.

    The reason I use increments of 10 instead of max 30 is to give a bit more flexability to the editor. Use it 3 times for Battle and you'll have 30 for each of the 10 Battle spells.

    Your post shows how to do it for all stats to 30 in 1 use. It uses just one "code =".

    I'm trying to avoid the mass (all at once to 30) stats changes to be able to add to specific areas in increments of 10.

    Those other ideas sound fun as well. Definately PM me or post them.

    Edit: Typos.
  11. Quote:
    Originally written by Caroline.:
    Originally written by Micro Phage:
    I feel for ya Caroline...
    I don't use ME. I have a computer with it installed on. There is a difference. I used to use Win98, then XP, and now I'm using Vista, and rather enjoying it.

    Oh, and I'm a boy. A real boy. smile
    Heheh. No prob. When I started writing that message you were "Slowly Downward" and I've helped several family and friends upgrade from ME and understand how frustrating that using it can feel.

    Also, called one of my friends who said his pre-built ME machine came with a coupon or some such for XP when it was released. (What was that? 2 1/2 years after target date?) I've heard similar stories about Vista machines coming with 32 bit and a coupon for 64 when it finally got released but with the stipulation that you could only activate 1 or the other. Don't know if it was 3 days to decide or 30. I haven't tried Vista yet. Glad you're getting good results! Some games/apps won't run on it.

    Say, it would be great for Vista users to post about compatability with Spiderweb products!
  12. Quote:
    Originally written by Caroline.:
    No it will not. I am (un)lucky enough to have a machine running Windows ME still, and I just tried it. It doesn't work.
    Originally written by Micawber:
    I meant, on these boards, not in general. On these boards mac users outnumber windows users by about 2-1 (according to the polls).

    Edit: and unfortunately Win2000 is neither earlier than nor later than WinMe. They're simply different.
    It runs beautifully on XP SP2 and anything with the NT kernal. (2000 I believe, NT, XP and I hear mutterings it runs on XP 64 and Vista 32/64.)

    I know how it is. I started with a C= 64 and due to job situation I switched to PC back in the DOS 5 and Win 3 and 3.1 daze.

    When ME came out several of us tested it out and not one of us still had it installed on anything the next day. (insert plug for Norton Ghost) grin...

    I actually beta tested Win98 for MS rolleyes and honestly, I wait at least 6 months after a final Release Candidate and at least 1 service pack before upgrading to anything new.

    ME was a bad joke. A "stop-gap" OS if you will, while trying to get a workable R.C. for XP. You can get XP for $60-$80 on Ebay as an upgrade from Win 98-ME or a full XP Home with SP 2 for $90- $95. (Retail still $189.)

    I realize I'm out numbered by Mac users here. But if you think about it, the main thing that saved Apple/Mac from being assimulated by The MS *ahem* err umm, The Borg, was all the machines they donated to schools. And of course serious MIDI musicians, composers and artists.

    People tend to stick with what they are familiar with. C= 64/Amiga didn't survive and I've gotten familiar with Windows. Most of you Mac people probably started with Apple/Mac and stayed with it.

    I have 3 machines at this time. All AMD CPU's. An old bullet-proof Athlon 1200 w/Abit mobo that still has my "free" rolleyes 98 OS from MS for beta testing it. (It has 512MB PC133 and will run XP fine. A 400 w/64mb will ooze by.) An Athlon 3200+ (Abit mobo) with 1GB dual channel DDR3200 XP SP2 that I'm going to eventually replace the job the 98 machine is doing with. And an Athlon 6000+ 64 X2 dual-core w/4GB dual channel DDR2 6400 SDRAM (EVGA mobo that of course was obsolete 2 months later) that I run Crysis and Oblivion and others on no sweat (again XP OS) with a GB of dual SLI nVIDIA video cards and a TB of SATA2 RAID storage.

    My point? I'm hooked on PC and Windows and you can get free of the curse of ME for a reasonable price. Maybe even free if any of your friends have an unused one or got Vista and don't need thier old one anymore. You can legally upgrade to XP with a valid ME license key. MS offered a free upgrade from ME to XP at one time I believe.

    Anyhow, Mac users tend to be a bit cliqueish at times. No offense, it's true. I've built 100's of custom PC's and my own for about half what a comparable pre-built Fry's or CompUSA one would cost. And about a third of what a Mac with similar specs would cost.

    I've also been around enough to know that Mac has no peer in the music arena.

    So, take heart XP in a stable version is out there. Jeff is no dummy at business for including both Mac and PC versions of his very cool games, and my only gripe is I have to wait another month or so to buy the Windows version of A5!

    Anyhow, end of rant!
    Later Mac Heds

    I'm PC and proud!
    I'm a Computer Jock
    not a Geek or Nerd.

    EDIT: Typos.
  13. Quote:
    Originally written by Appleseed:
    Great, thanks. What's with the sanity thing?
    Welcome! smile As an ancient mage (who's name one as lowly as I is forbidden to speak) once said to me upon my arrival to these troubled lands countless moons ago when I asked the same question:

    "It's the traditional welcome to these realms. Do not be troubled. I lost my sanity millenia ago and found it no great loss. Ultimately a great boon..." cool
  14. Quote:
    Originally written by Tis the season to be Iffy:
    Who cares if it increases canister usage? Just press shift-D, and type in "sdf 100 4 0" (minus the quotes). That will get rid of any canister usage affects.
    Originally written by Iffy:
    And if for some reason you need a "cheat" to remove the effects of your canister usage, press shift-D and type in "sdf 100 4 0" minus the quotes.
    Hey Iffy,
    That's a good thing to know. It can really change the outcome if you zero out bad cannister effects and still keep the good ones.

    Do you, or anyone who sees this, know a similar "cheat" that can be typed in this way that will allow you to change to the lower or upper world maps? I've searched the forum and read the scripts for the eastern and western rises and had no luck finding the right sdf xxx x x or whatever. I've found change_world_map(0) and (1) but no joy. frown
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    I don't think that's stored in an SDF. You'd have to edit the zone script for every zone in which you wanted changing maps to be possible, which seems like more effort than just walking across the Eastern or Western Rise every time.
    Hi Thuryl,
    Just for fun I wanted to put the ability into 2 scripts 1 in south and 1 in north that I've already done some editing to so I could jump from there to the first available location above and below the East or West Rise.
    Say From Aziraph Rebel Camp to East Barrier zone and from Citadel Gates to The Golems Fen? Any help would be appreciated.
  15. Quote:
    Originally written by Iffy:
    And if for some reason you need a "cheat" to remove the effects of your canister usage, press shift-D and type in "sdf 100 4 0" minus the quotes.
    Hey Iffy,
    That's a good thing to know. It can really change the outcome if you zero out bad cannister effects and still keep the good ones.

    Do you, or anyone who sees this, know a similar "cheat" that can be typed in this way that will allow you to change to the lower or upper world maps? I've searched the forum and read the scripts for the eastern and western rises and had no luck finding the right sdf xxx x x or whatever. I've found change_world_map(0) and (1) but no joy. frown
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    I don't think that's stored in an SDF. You'd have to edit the zone script for every zone in which you wanted changing maps to be possible, which seems like more effort than just walking across the Eastern or Western Rise every time.
    Hi Thuryl,
    Didn't intend to get off topic here. Iffy gave the above info for sdf for clearing out negative cannister effects in my GF4 Editor topic and I was browsing the forums in the wee hours of the morning... Anyhow, just for fun I wanted to put the ability into 2 scripts 1 in south and 1 in north that I've already done some editing to so I could jump from there to the first available location above and below the East or West Rise.
    Say From Aziraph Rebel Camp to East Barrier zone and from Citadel Gates to The Golems Fen? Any help would be appreciated.

    PS I'm moving this to the New GF Editor topic. Please reply in there. Thanks!
  16. oops! Accidently hit Quote button trying to Edit previous post.


    Thought I'd use the space instead of waste it. It appears I can only move or delete entire topic, not individual posts by me.


    I just parsed Geneforge 4 editor gf4 and Avernum 4 editor a4 on Google and Metacrawler and got at least 3 of the 1st 10 hits on both A4 and GF4 Editors!

    Got 5 0f 10 including 1st 3 on Altavista for GF4!


    Not bad. Editors are hosted on my webpage that's dedicated to Spiderweb's Software. Love the games I've played so far. I have and do recommend them to any gamer. Nice to see the attention the Editors draw to SS www wide! cool

  17. Quote:
    Originally written by Azuma:
    1. Hey Micro..how about we do a complete rewrite of the G4 scripts? tongue

    2. With cameos and custom weapons and custom items and so much more! tongue

    3. How about it?
    1. The game is great as is! Plot, variable outcomes, all of it. I just enjoy playing around with it a bit after playing it through 3 or 4 times... smile
    2. Hmmmm. Cameos. I hadn't considered that... Maybe Elvis? Cartman? wink
    3. Nah, just 4 out of a 150 or so... Really just 2 had serious additions. 2 just allowed quest finishes. laugh
    Originally written by Azuma:
    I can tell by the looks of it..good job!

    Can someone test it?
    I have spent a lot of time and energy doing this. Unless there's some more suggestions, requests, or a bug, I'm basically finished. I've had a lot of fun doing it and still think of figuring out a way to do skills and spells editing in bulk in 10 point increments. The hits on the page where the editor's at has jumped about 150 in the past weeks since I started this editor. So, someone is interested. Anyhow, you said originally that it looked good. I was curious about if you've used it any, particularly now that it's finished to the point of putting in all the ideas and requests that were posted in this topic?
    Originally written by Tis the season to by Iffy:
    And what about a "Get God Equipment" option?
    Originally written by Excalibur:
    I'm curious as to Jeff's reasoning for not incorporating an editor in the first place. It's amusing to wreak havoc with an invincible character once in a while.
    Originally written by Excalibur:
    Quit pushing your luck! tongue
    Uh, me or Azuma? confused The GodMode idea Iffy and you mentioned was the finishing touch of the editor. Let me know if you like it... cool

    Originally written by Agrajag:
    It'd have to be a pretty community-wide effort. We shall begin recruiting immediately!
    Heheh... Hey, at least I've gotten some fairly quick responses! Thanks Agrajag! (AKA Thoughts in Chaos) grin...
  18. Quote:
    Originally written by Thoughts in Chaos:
    Nalyd's added up to 350 to intelligence. And 1000 on a weapon, and 500 on armor.
    Cool! Thanks for the inspiration! How does 400 plus Intelligence (saw around 800 with 2 Mental Focus charms which was experienced during testing. I think there is only 1 available normally in game). And 2,500-25,000 on an instant death large area effect weapon sound? The "Rain of Fire Sword" for my GODMODE weapon has killed about 20 enemies at once over a fairly large area and only needs to target any enemy in sight range to kill all enemies in a circle around you that extends beyond sight. Watch your world map (shift-d showmeall) to see the little red lights go out! (Enemies around corners, not line of sight and friendlies not affected.) Then go pick up the loot. I kept armor in the 250 plus range. Anything with over 100% protection is no more or less effective than 1000%. Still invulnerable. Some stats if changed too much will go negative on you. I kept adjusting various stats till New Game stats or Final Scene stats stayed balanced.

    Check it out... And thanks again for your input and ideas!
  19. Well, I've been promising. Now it's GODMODE time!


    Check out new addition to GF4 Editor:


    GF4 GODMODE items. Entry point: Sign on right of Rebel docks. Once items equipped you are totally invulnerable. Have very high health, Spell and Essence energy. A "Rain of Fire Sword" that kills every enemy instantly with devastating fire. Just choose the enemy closest to you and all enemies in a large area around you die. No harm to you or any "friendlies" in range. Action Armor gives you 32 Action Points instead of 8! 50 plus to hit chance, 15 to stun resistance. Radically adds to various skills and effects. Custom charms include "Brain Boulder", "Mechanical Marvel" and "God Bod" which increase several stats. Brain Boulder combined with Mental Focus can total over 400 Intelligence points! It increases intelligence by 50 luck 50 and 30 to intelligence of creations. Mechanical Marvel increases 50 to Mechanical Skills, 20 Dexterity and 30 to intelligence of creations. God Bod increases Strength 50, Endurance 50 and 30 to intelligence of creations. This gives creations 90 plus! Also has some custom pods and gourds called Essence Energy Gourd and Essence Energy Pod (effect: 2600-7800) and Health Pod (effect: heal group 2600-15600) that when used sparingly will max out your new Health, Energy, and Essence levels. (Don't panic when Health, Energy and Essence seem to bottom out. You've lost NOTHING but GAINED an amazing higher limit to those stats. Use Pods/Gourds to balance out and fill.) They need to be experimented with for optimum results to accommodate different character levels you may add these abilities to. Just save your game first and have fun. Once maxed out the only stat that might change is Essence depending on how many creations you may or may not have or add. Overall Protection: 250% plus. Overall resistances: 125-400 plus.


    You have to try this to believe it! Tested with all levels, creatures, charms, etc. CLEAN!


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