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Posts posted by -=microphage=-

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Borquimbly:
    Even with all the reasonable causes of order change, melee weapons do seem to go before polearms. And when all else is equal, the character who comes first in party order goes first.

    —Alorael, who is assuming along with everyone else that your problem is combat order and not actual rearrangement of your party. The comment about items makes it sound a little bit like equipment is moving characters around!
    I actually have experienced equipment and maybe skills changing my initial party combat turn order. When traveling around the order is as it appears in left of screen. Then when combat initiates it can change so another character who may be farther back in line is the one who has first turn. I've done equipment changes to get my main character (1st in line) to have first turn in combat and it worked, then later the order changed again. Just the combat turn order, not the line up order itself. (sorry if I didn't explain it better at first.)

    I've even changed the characters appearance and swapped what they had in pack to keep 2 things in place. 1. Who had the most combat strength when combat started. And 2. That character received whatever was in caches or rewards.

    There are ways to work around this. Just couldn't figure out why it was happening without me actually making a change of some sort.
    I also should mention that I have several Save Games with different parties from various places of progress in game. In this case I just rearranged my party order to match the combat order and shifted pack items around.
    I did notice that the member who took 1st combat turn had 3 bow and 2 hardiness points above the original character and I think this started after some training. Armor, weaps stayed same.
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Small Fry:
    Of course, every room has a pupose. I don't think Jeff put rooms around avernum just for show. And no I havn't found a way in. You might not even gain entrance from X.
    The 3rd door in SE couldn't be opened (by me) till after I did the test egg quest and subsequent training. I tried all 3 doors before doing the quest. After completing the test he trained my party as promised. I tried all the doors again and was able to open the one in the SE with the 2 crystals and ruby and girdle but not the other 2 till later when the Mage Spell unlock door had higher skill points and tool use had higher points. If you click for the description of unlock door it explains that. Try to come back later in the game and with the Unlock Door spell trained up, you will be able to open them. They are empty. I've found many rooms like that in game. Sometimes you just have to see what's there and use a piercing crystal for a barrier, or wait for higher skill levels only to find nothing! Or sometimes something less valuable than what it cost to get in. But hey, inquiring minds want to know! (grin)

    I seem to recall playing the Geneforge 3 Demo and using 4 Living Tools to open a door only to find one living tool and some cheap stuff. It adds to realism of the fantasy world you are playing. Life is like that sometimes...
  3. Not so. Anyhow, this happens well into game after hundreds of battles. I HAVE seen it change by items, weapons, armor, etc. I have a human soldier, sorcerer, an archer, and a Slith Rebel.


    It put the sorcerer in front without me changing line up. I had to change line up to put sorcerer as lead and soldier as 2nd because of this unexplained automatic change.


  4. I've had my lineup change for no apparent reason from time to time. Sometimes it was caused by armor or weapon changes. I could then move equipment around and get the order back to my choice. I've had it happen that I can't account for. I like having a certain party member at point any time combat starts. It's weird trying to use a weapon or spell and it does't work because your lead character is now farther back in line up. Did someone get a level raise or SP or something? I have my line up memorized for storing specific items (example, lead character always gets the cache items and has over all the best skills, weapons, etc. Any ideas? I've swapped items around to get the leads pack in place as first in line, then later, the order can change again for no reason I can see.


  5. Quote:
    Quoting Small Fry:
    There's a radiance girdle in one room. {no special ability, 8 damge blocking percent.
    I believe that would be the third room. Could you open the other 2? The 3rd one was unlocked after a quest or something. Maybe it was after he trained me for doing the egg test quest and my skill increased. The SE room has 2 lovely crystals, a ruby, and the belt.
  6. Ooops. Just learned something. BoA is more Blades of Avernum than what I was using BoA for. Book of Answers is the title of the "Hint Book" for A4.

    As I find them I'll edit them. Meanwhile I won't initial Book of Answers as BoA.


    I have d/l'd the demos for A1-3. Need to try Blades of Avernum also.


    Much of this reminds me of how a remake of a movie I liked doesn't seem as good as the earlier one. I just have to sit back and watch it for itself. Not in the shadow of the earlier one.


    I guess I'm so happy with A4 is because I played it first. I wonder how I'll feel about these earlier versions having played A4 before them.

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Lancer:
    Avernum 4 was definitely heavier on the hack and slash side than the previous games. This along with the clunky interface (too much reliance on both the mouse and keyboard), removal of skills/stats/spells,inability to rest outdoors, and the insipid storyline clearly makes this the worst in the series.

    The graphical improvements do not outweigh all the above negatives... Although it would have been nice not to have relied on Geneforge-esque graphics.
    Wow. I voted OK and really like the game. After reading all these comments maybe going back and trying earlier versions in more depth will be fun while awaiting A5!
  8. I've noticed that trying to use ANY offense spells in A4 on a friendly or neutral NPC doesn't work and puts you in combat mode and even if you selected spell first then "attack" it will use whatever weapon is in hand and not the spell, killing the NPC and make anyone in sight hostile (if not the whole town).


    Also, you can't use any heal type spells on anything hostile. Such as heal or unshackle mind to try and revive a dazed hostile, or even heal a foe to make the battle last longer.


    What about the ability to use Mage/Priest spells on friendly/neutral characters without going in to combat/attack mode? Maybe even some more spells to do just that?


    It would be kind of cool to Daze or temporarily Blind a character if you want to do something in front of them without them going hostile and not resorting to cheat codes?


    Another thing possible would be able to use healing spells on sick, injured NPC's and actually have them recover? A4 allows you to "heal your party and near by friendly characters" but if you are in a slum or refugee camp text says they were healed but they really aren't. They don't leave and move on.


    Then you could run into them later and have an instant ally who "owed you one" or something. This does happen to a degree in A4 but is usually quest based. (freed prisoners, etc.) The poor guy Kasas in Fort Saffron is still sick after you complete the quest to heal/cure him with 3 Elixirs. He's still in the same place sick later in the game. (Man, eternal nausea and diarrhea. Bummer!)

  9. Quote:
    Originally written by Garrison:
    Though that text was cleary added for atmosphere and flavor, if you want to take it literally then you must at least consider all possibilities.

    You want it to be that dazing people could allow you to steal things in front of them without them becoming hostile. However, you can use it to steal things and escape a fight. To me, that is why every thief should have it. It is not a way to conceal you crime, just a way to escape from its repercussions.
    I've noticed that trying to use ANY offense spells on a friendly or neutral NPC doesn't work and puts you in combat mode and even if you selected spell first then "attack" it will use whatever weapon is in hand (not the spell) killing the NPC and make anyone in sight hostile (or the whole town).

    Closing doors is helpful, or a brief use of cheat "showmeall" would let you know if anyone was in sight range, then you could turn it off with "dontshowmeall". And steal without anyone seeing you. Also many NPC's will walk out of sight if you move around a bit then steal with no one watching.

    The way I deal with this usually is do the stealing in no more than say 2 NY items (always save game first as some NPC's are more touchy) use "forgiveme" or "pleaselikeme" and walk off a bit to make sure they don't go hostile, then take a few more NY items and repeat process. In effect this is the ultimate "spell" if you can remove the memory of the whole thing from the NPC's mind and not go into combat mode.

    I also would like to see the ability to use Mage/Priest spells on "friendlies" and avoid killing, town going hostile, and resorting to cheat codes. A lot of people don't like codes but they ARE built in to the game, published and documented. The last item on last page of Book of Answers is all about cheats. Used in moderation the "guilt level" is much lower than killing an innocent NPC and, not to mention, risking a whole town going hostile. As far as I recall the only way to make a town friendly again is to use a code and return later.

    I too would like to be able to "Daze" as well as other spells on friendly, neutral characters. I think I'll check the A5 ideas and suggest it...
  10. Ouch!

    I had noticed it but probably never clicked on it or didn't associate it with the Journal.


    Thanks! What a handy feature! I assumed that it was a "Record" of my coin count as that was displayed beside it many times.


    Feeling a little dumb but happy to get that answered! I just tried it and it's great!


    Double ouch! I found it in the main menu Instructions screen under "Talk".



    Thanks again!

  11. I've done some changes to the editor that give you a range of choices on how much (or little) you can increase your party's Stats, Experience, Levels and such. Added missing Priest Spell (Enduring Shield). If you use #2 once you get Level 12 (Slith 10). Your stats/strength increase per each use by 6. After 5 uses you are Level 36 (Slith 32) and your skills are maxed at 30. You can actually use this 19 times to reach Levels 55/52 (not recommended as you become invulnerable). 3 to 5 uses is about right.


    You can see all the Mage and Priest spells but may not be able to use them because of members current stats. You can get training, read spell books, get blessed, etc to add usability. (or use #2 again to raise stats) Much more flexable than just maxing everything in 1 use.


    I've not seen much response so far but web site indicates about 12 visits other than my own. Hopefully someones getting some use of it. Also, hopefully, with greater flexability on how much or little to boost party it may appeal to more people... Have fun! I am!

  12. I've done some changes to the editor that give you a range of choices on how much (or little) you can increase your party's Stats, Experience, Levels and such. Added missing Priest Spell (Enduring Shield). If you use #2 once you get Level 12 (Slith 10). Your stats/strength increase per each use by 6. After 5 uses you are Level 36 (Slith 32) and your skills are maxed at 30. You can actually use this 19 times to reach Levels 55/52 (not recommended as you become invulnerable). 3 to 5 uses is about right.


    You can see all the Mage and Priest spells but may not be able to use them because of members current stats. You can get training, read spell books, get blessed, etc to add usability. (or use #2 again to raise stats) Much more flexable than just maxing everything in 1 use.


    I've not seen much response so far but web site indicates about 12 visits other than my own. Hopefully someones getting some use of it. Also, hopefully, with greater flexability on how much or little to boost party it may appeal to more people... Have fun! I am!

  13. Quote:
    Originally written by steve080:
    Does anyone know how to get inside the two locked doors in X's upstairs room in the Tower Colony? Or where to find the key. I've tried about everything.

    Originally written by Orgone Man:
    You can't get into those rooms.

    —Alorael, who is also reasonably sure that there's nothing in those rooms. Just accept it and move on.
    Yes you can. And yes, empty.

    Originally written by Randomizer:
    i think someone did get inside those rooms and found nothing. It was a test of what levels you needed to have to use unlock doors on impossible doors.
    And yes, got in. If tool skills (pick lock) and Mage Skills (unlock spell) are up there it can be done. Once you've been through game at least once it's really fun to defang Rentar's Keep prior to the kill, and go back, keep playing with game and glean these toughies.. Not sure why it's still/was/is there if it's not supposed to be. I have gotten in them. Not sure about possible test reasons, but if there's an opportunity... beta testing A5 would be really nice...
  14. Quote:
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    By the way, what version of the game are you playing? Older versions had a bug which allowed you to skip the part of the plot that made Almaria friendly, by getting the Crystal Box before receiving permission to pass through Fort Emerald. If you triggered this bug, you can still finish the game, but Almaria will remain hostile forever.
    Hmmm. I could be wrong, but it seems like I found another route North of Fort Emerald (after I patched to v1.0.1) and got the box BEFORE meeting Houghton at The Castle and when I got there he was killed off before some quest dealing with Almaria. Does anyone else remember another route North of Ft. E. with v 1.0.1? I remember just traveling around where ever my sword led and found myself up there somehow. This wasn't a bug, I just hadn't talked to Houghton before wandering.
  15. Quote:
    Originally written by RebelK418:
    And the Items will stay there and not dissapper over time?
    No they won't vanish and (heh) no one steals them either...

    EDIT: It seems as though some items I was storing on ground, (specifically items that I "won" in the Tests/Trials and wanted to save as trophies) in room across from Dining Hall in Fort Monastery, did vanish with time. Not 100% sure. However, items placed in jars, barrels, boxes and such have never gone away.

    I like to use jars, barrels, and boxes. They don't leave any "ground clutter" and there are some handy ones in Appelo's store in Fort Monastery and A table looking thing (across from book) and a jar just inside the gate) in NW Fort Avernum Portal/Transport area.

    If you do max out your coins (30000) it's real handy to store stuff at Appelo's (jar and barrel) cause if you run low on coins (like with the trainer in Bargha, he takes up to maybe 110000 coins if you wanted to train your whole party!) you can pull items from stash and sell them to her and zip right back to see him. Very handy.
  16. On the topic of shades. I rarely use them. They've been helpful in some situations though. I have had them get in the way and block party's exit and had to kill them. (is there a way to un-summon? I may have missed it)


    Anyhow, if nothing else it's something to spend coins training on later in game when you have lots of loot and coins.

  17. I really liked it. I've tried the demos for Geneforge 1, 2, 3, and dabbled with Avernums earlier renditions demos as well. By the time I got to Avernum 4 I loved it! Instant addiction. I like the way the game controls and play were better.

    I have to admit that it could be more open ended. But hey, I've played it through 2 times and am nearly finished with a third and about 1/3 through a 4th. (And yes, I am using an editor on later replays. I want to get all completable quests done, all 6 tests (the Book of Answers calls them "Trials".) So basically it's my favorite and am looking forward to A5.

  18. Quote:
    Originally written by Aldin:

    After fighting the two demons at the bridge (same map) and finishing the fight on the far side, the two vahnati fighters planted themselves right on the bridge and would not move away. Anyone else had this experience, or were they both trying to get to the other side and it just happened to be my misfortune that they stopped in the middle?

    I've had this kind of thing happen with summoned shades or other NPC's getting in the way. Usually if I move far enough away they move.

    Using "backtostart" and transport back to Bargha may solve. You've probably killed them by now.

    Maybe if you go south to Erika's they'll be gone when you get back. They are supposed to run off ahead to wait for you I believe.
  19. Not a problem. Will send to you via private mail. I'm hoping for more input and questions and to do a revamp of what is available now.


    Beta Testers Wanted! (Consider it a note on a Job Board with potential in-game rewards as payment!) (grin)



  20. Not a problem. Will send to you via private mail. I'm hoping for more input and questions and to do a revamp of what is available now.


    Beta Testers Wanted! (Consider it a note on a Job Board with potential in-game rewards as payment!) (grin)



  21. Quote:
    Quoting ByMyBlade
    Yes been through both Spire and Bargha. Both Mayor's want me to kill of the other Mayor of the city. Found the giant area, and already went to that area (east of Bargha.)
    I ran into this bigtime. Reading the thread "Dorikas" I started 3 weeks ago should answer this question. If that doesn't, let me know and I'll send you a private message to avoid major public spoilers.

    http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=20;t=0 00585#000000

    Just a quick hint. Fort Saffron Bandits and Levitt at the Castle. If you haven't found what you needed at FS then Levitt won't give you the quest telling you where to look for Dorikas, and nothing will open. Especially if you aren't in the right place.
  22. Quote:
    Quoting crossmr:
    I ask because I have a situation where I have a belt. 2% armor +1 dex. i also have another belt which is 6% armor, but I have no idea which one is really better as far as protection goes.
    On the right of your screen are buttons for maps, help, combat/peace, etc. The 4th down (3rd up) is "Edit Your Party". Check the characters stats (upper right) with one equipted, then the other and note changes to the over all, and individual stats. This should help with this decision. Maybe pass one along to another party member who is less armed.

    As for the other questions hit the "?" for instructions. Usually waiting till your strong/armed well enough is the way to deal with early 'uber' bad guys.
  23. Quote:
    Quoting crossmr:
    I ask because I have a situation where I have a belt. 2% armor +1 dex. i also have another belt which is 6% armor, but I have no idea which one is really better as far as protection goes.
    On the right of your screen are buttons for maps, help, combat/peace, etc. The 4th down (3rd up) is "Edit Your Party". Check the characters stats (upper right) with one equipted, then the other and note changes to the over all, and individual stats. This should help with this decision. Maybe pass one along to another party member who is less armed.

    As for the other questions hit the "?" for instructions. Usually waiting till your strong/armed well enough is the way to deal with early 'uber' bad guys.
  24. Quote:
    Quoting adndgamer:
    Where can I get more piercing crystals?

    I've bought one from Jen in Grindstone, then found her other two in the basement.

    Is there any particular quest that I can get it on? Or anybody else in particular? I've come across maybe 5-6 this whole time and have used them all. I'm trying to finish the Mertis Spiral but need ONE more to get to where I presume the ending is.

    Is there any other quest I can do to get either the Dispel Barrier or piercing crystals?
    Corrin is in the inn in Mertis and wants you to tell her the location of the Honeycomb bandits. (they are in SW of Honeycomb) Doing so gets you 3 emeralds, 2 rubies, and a piercing crystal.

    While in the Honeycomb, to the SW has burning bushes. There are some icy shades nearby the SW corner who are guarding a piercing crystal, other crystals, and an icy geode.

    After you find Sleater the hermit mage go to clear his way to the Dragons Lair. (NE,N) After completing, go back and tell Sleater of your success. Xandros the rogue, a mage-bandit is nearby. Kill him and his clan. Blind skunkworms are northeast of Xandros, and have a number of crystals nearby. Kill them and take their stuff to get one more piercing crystal.

    Just some alternative places to get piercing crystals west of Mertis. Getting the spell is the best.
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