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Everything posted by Major

  1. This on the road going up to the testing grounds: text1 = "Greta looks around, slightly in a daze. _I had never thought I would ever travel along the road to the Testing Grounds. When I was still in the school, I had nightmares about it._"; text2 = "Alwan says, _You don't deserve to go to the Testing Grounds. Scary or not, it is a secret place. Shapers only._"; text3 = "Greta frowns. _This is a time of crisis. I may prove to be a Shaper yet. I was not thrown out for lack of skill, but because of my principles. Remember that._"; This is at the testing grounds: text5 = "Alwan looks troubled. _I wish we had come here with the blessing of a Master. Every Shaper can choose for him or herself when to come. But I wish we were not so alone._"; text6 = "Greta says, _I truly never thought I would come here. But I will subject myself to the ordeal if I can. I wish to fight against the monsters, whether the Shapers approve or not._"; text7 = "Alwan snorts. _The Shapers threw you out. You should not be here at all._ Greta ignores him."; Inner mines: text5 = "What you are seeing is unthinkable. It is a creation making a creation. Giving a creation the ability to shape is one of the worst and most irresponsible acts a Shaper can do. It is a crime against the balance of the natural world."; text6 = "Alwan looks shocked. _Shaper, a rogue like this, with the ability to spread and make new rogues, it must be destroyed! Can we kill it now? Please?_"; text7 = "Greta turns to you. She has a strange look on her face, as if she places part of the blame for this horror on you, or at least on the Shapers. Then she places her hand on her blade and watches the creature carefully, looking for a weak spot."; This is where you pick up Diwaniya’s creations, And the entrance to the twin minds. I think. text3 = "Greta says, _This isn't right. These lands aren't right. Even I can feel it, Shaper or not. This place is diseased. It should be cleaned. By us, or the Shapers, or the rebels. By someone._"; text4 = "Alwan doesn't say anything nasty about Greta's remarks, for once. The two seem united in their discomfort. _She is right. This swamp must be cleansed. And, it seems, the job is falling to us._"; But this is what I like about Alwan: text1 = "Alwan looks ill at ease. It is unusual, considering how confident he usually acts. _I just wanted to ... I didn't want you to think ... I ..._ He takes a deep breath."; text2 = "_I feel that I have been giving the impression that I am a mindless slave of the Shapers. That I never question anything our kind does. This is not true. I know that our rules and ways have to change, to evolve._"; text3 = "_I am not like her,_ he nods at Greta. _I am loyal. But I can still think._"; text4 = "_However, this is a time of crisis, of war. There are times to reevaluate our ways, but this isn't one of them. Now is the time to be strong, and sure._"; And this: question = "That is wise. Shapers should try to only change our laws in tranquil times, when we can ponder what we are doing carefully."; text1 = "_It reassures me to hear you say that. Though, as a Guardian, I should think more on enforcing than judging the law, I still have to make decisions. I have to judge what is right._"; text2 = "_And that is especially true now, when nobody is watching or guiding us._"; Then this: question = "But times of crisis are the times when we should most be looking for ways to change, to adapt."; text1 = "_I was afraid that you would say that. Perhaps you are calmer, stronger than me. But I am scared. I am not afraid of admitting it._"; text2 = "_It is taking all my strength and concentration to fight our enemies and try to find out what is happening. I do not have the energy to weigh my moral code at the same time._"; text3 = "_Guardians do not make laws. We enforce them. I wish I had a commander telling me what to do. But, this position is where I ended up. I will deal with it as best I can._"; Wow, what a long post. I’ll shorten my sig to make it shorter. I would have quoted Magma but you know… Thankyou radix malorum est cupiditas -------- “Wham! Hehe.”-Person behind.
  2. Alwan is woth it. *cough* Just change "creature 5" with this: begindefinecreature 5; cr_name = "Alwan"; cr_base_level = 4; cr_graphic_coloradj = 256; cr_regen_rate = 3; cr_abil_num 1 = -1; cr_abil_level 0 = 5; cr_abil_num 1 = 50; // thorns cr_abil_level 1 = 4; Nice isn't it? (Did anyone noticed I was gone?) -------------- "I did! I couldn't post anything. So I'll post this, ha!"-The person behind him.
  3. Quote: Everything a Guardian can do an Agent or a Shaper can do better. Be careful saying that... How about my melee squad leader?
  4. Quote: Really, the most sensible thing for most civilians to do when a fight breaks out in the middle of town is to leg it. They do. The courage of townspeople is set to 0. In G3. EDIT: I've posted a hundred times now!
  5. Quote: How can you be truly the most effective you can be if you don't use canisters? You can't. But, that's the fun of it it's more challenging! (Yes, I know your talking torment.)
  6. Quote: Remote areas are the easiest to make, cuts back on the amount of detail/dialogue you need to put in. Also, makes the whole monster plague concept pretty easy (just don't make so much sense in a highly urban setting). Yes, but This is war towns are destroyed. So a lot would be ruins. With a few people wondering around. Remote isolated places are fun, but now it's war. Battles in the streets, saving refuges, and of course, diplomacy.
  7. Quote: They're criminals? *scratches head* Well, it says this: text3 = "The people down here must be hiding from something. This makes you very suspicious. It might be a bandit lair. Or it might be rebels who have gotten in trouble with the Shapers. You will have to be careful."; And this: text4 = "This makes sense. Humans who distrust and fear the Shapers live in places they call Refuges, places hidden from the Shapers. They are not necessarily criminals or rebels, though. Just paranoids who don't like you."; The first was when you go into the caves. The second was when you talk to Aiglos.
  8. Quote: I think it's safe to assume that Servant Minds require far more skill, effort, and resources to create than Spawners do. You know... that whole "mind" part. And yet, if the rebels were really trying to save the world from shaper tyrranny, wouldn't they go out of their way to prtect the people who are innocent?
  9. Quote: No, thanks, it was just a question. Wise choice.
  10. Quote: They cannot. Sure they can. Well... If you edit scripts. Side note: If you want me to I'll show you how to make ornks into Battle Gammas. (So you can create them.)
  11. You don't have to say it twice. Yes, it is alot harder in geneforge 3, but not enough to change my tactics. D4 to D8, that is half.
  12. Playing a solo guardian in gf2 was easy. It's... just... that... it's... trickier? In gf3. But, I still had no problem with it. I managed to beat the demo playing solo melee guardian, dying only twice. Once while fighting the warped creator. The other time a vlish hit me by suprise. Yes! I'm a mercenary! (So pay 500 bucks and I'll kill this part.)
  13. I have a better idea buy me A2. But, yes, A2 would be a better one to buy.
  14. Are you saying this should be in Geneforge 4? Because Geneforge 4 will be having different classes! (We could do that with the classes we have there.)
  15. Quote: Do the shapers have the ability to shape plants? I mean beyond the turrets. Yes, it says that they do in Geneforge 2. In mebab I think it talks about their plants were made to produce too fast. Here it is: text2 = "These crops look like they have been made by the Shapers here to grow very very quickly. Shapers should know better ... it was discovered long ago that making crops that grow too quickly destroys the soil and causes great harm in the long run.";
  16. Quote: Don't worry. All GF3 traders have bottomless pockets. Does this mean all their money falls out of their pockets? MagmaDragoon I guess you'll be even poorer in geneforge 3.
  17. "The main problem with making it is that it'd have to be a very large scenario, and my free time is limited. I'd rather work on something smaller in scope than start something massive and maybe never finish it. Besides, I've already got one BoA scenario in the works." I don't think it would have to be massive. Just have most of it flooded and maybe add a new cave? Oh, and whats your new BoA scenario?
  18. "Are those slight variations the corruption of language over time? Are the vahnatai the carnister-twisted, super-mutated, crystallinised remnants of humans from the archaic shaper civillisation in which we are some young apprentices?" Many people have thought of this before. (look at the Avenum 4 forum) Personaly I think they did not want to take canisters so they developed some sort of christal thing that would change them. (It might be wearing off with time, the A4 vahnatai seemed to be gaining weight.) "drake - drayk dragon - drakon gazer - gazer eyebeast - eyebeast vahnatai shaper - shaper" Yes, this is true (probably because the same person made them up)but, look there are others out there.
  19. I agree with you. that gets annoying quick, I understand having only 7 creations. But if Jeff would make it so were you could have 7 different creations that would be awsome. Just think you could have your starting fyora and a cryoa.... well.... you get the point. (I hope)
  20. I'll assume your talking about guardians. You could put enough ingreidiants to make wands more useful. But, personaly I use a melee-diplomat-mechanechs guardian and I never had much trouble dying. Yes I do die, some. On a side note however, Delicious Vlish must enjoy his new size of post count. The other side note is that I have great hopes for the new addition to the geneforge series.
  21. I don't think that he meant that the serviles would be the shaper class (such as that they are high on shaping) but, that they will be able to shape, some, like a agent. Able to but not good at it. Still it's just a thought.
  22. As for batons having 2 to 3 shots is a great idea. You could have fast batons and speed batons which hit either 2 or 3 different targets. And making creations more powerful. Then, whalla, you got approx. the same strength in combat.
  23. How would getting the first shot help if daze, dominate, and other mental spells wouldn't work on high level things. for example: I walk up to a high level monster I shoot, then he blows me to kingdom come. next example: I walk up to a low level monster I shoot, then he's dead. the last example: I walk up to medium level monster I shoot, then we have a long drawn out battle in which I win, but, it was a very close battle and I only won because I shot first. But, I could do the same with a shaper or a guardian. for example2: I walk up to a high level monster he shoots, and I'm blown to kingdom come. next example2: I walk up to a low level monster he shoots, and misses then I do and he's dead. the last example: I walk up to medium level monster he shoots, then we have a long drawn out battle in which he wins, but, it was a very close battle and he only won because he shot first. But, the same would happen with a shaper or a guardian. Just a thought.
  24. What I was trying to say was: Just make the agents weaker. Not magic in genaral. Such as giving them less hitpoints and a few less energy points..... Also giving guardians and creations more power.
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